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  • Update : 2018-03-13
  • Size : 4.11mb
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  • Author :yu***
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A simple accounting system for financial appropriations
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
lycz\00137.BMP 822 2007-01-29
lycz\00258.BMP 822 2007-01-29
lycz\00439.BMP 822 2007-01-29
lycz\00473.BMP 822 2007-01-29
lycz\00511.BMP 822 2007-01-29
lycz\02309.BMP 822 2007-01-29
lycz\05740.BMP 822 2007-01-29
lycz\09641.BMP 822 2007-01-29
lycz\1.JPG 947 2007-01-29
lycz\119.swf 17106 2007-03-14
lycz\1190.swf 18547 2007-03-17
lycz\1FEB.JPG 8915 2007-01-29
lycz\367.swf 22452 2006-06-15
lycz\376.swf 80007 2006-06-15
lycz\ABOUT.SCT 3738 2012-10-31
lycz\ABOUT.SCX 2232 2012-10-31
lycz\backup\201803041642\birday.dbf 593 2007-07-12
lycz\backup\201803041642\bkdw.dbf 4196 2009-09-10
lycz\backup\201803041642\bkjl.cdx 4608 2013-10-17
lycz\backup\201803041642\bkjl.dbf 936 2013-10-17
lycz\backup\201803041642\czy.dbf 454 2013-10-17
lycz\backup\201803041642\dwmc.dbf 514 2007-12-31
lycz\backup\201803041642\dwxx.dbf 603 2013-10-17
lycz\backup\201803041642\gs.dbf 510 2006-07-10
lycz\backup\201803041642\gsmc.dbf 560 2009-12-18
lycz\backup\201803041642\kmb.cdx 3072 2009-05-27
lycz\backup\201803041642\kmb.dbf 4265 2009-05-27
lycz\backup\201803041642\rkjl.cdx 3072 2013-10-17
lycz\backup\201803041642\rkjl.dbf 680 2013-10-17
lycz\backup\201803041642\sfxm.dbf 20072 2009-06-21
lycz\backup\201803041642\sjjl.bak 411037 2009-08-01
lycz\backup\201803041642\sjjl.cdx 4608 2013-10-17
lycz\backup\201803041642\sjjl.dbf 616 2013-10-17
lycz\backup\201803041642\skdw.cdx 3072 2013-10-17
lycz\backup\201803041642\skdw.dbf 552 2013-10-17
lycz\backup\201803041642\txl.dbf 520 2006-11-23
lycz\backup\201803041642\txl.fpt 512 2006-11-23
lycz\backup\201803041642\txl.tbk 512 2006-11-23
lycz\backup\201803041642\yehao.dbf 828 2007-07-04
lycz\backup\201803041642\yt.dbf 411 2007-06-04
lycz\backup\201803041646\birday.dbf 593 2007-07-12
lycz\backup\201803041646\bkdw.dbf 4196 2009-09-10
lycz\backup\201803041646\bkjl.cdx 4608 2013-10-17
lycz\backup\201803041646\bkjl.dbf 936 2013-10-17
lycz\backup\201803041646\czy.dbf 454 2013-10-17
lycz\backup\201803041646\dwmc.dbf 514 2007-12-31
lycz\backup\201803041646\dwxx.dbf 603 2013-10-17
lycz\backup\201803041646\gs.dbf 510 2006-07-10
lycz\backup\201803041646\gsmc.dbf 560 2009-12-18
lycz\backup\201803041646\kmb.cdx 3072 2009-05-27
lycz\backup\201803041646\kmb.dbf 4265 2009-05-27
lycz\backup\201803041646\rkjl.cdx 3072 2013-10-17
lycz\backup\201803041646\rkjl.dbf 680 2013-10-17
lycz\backup\201803041646\sfxm.dbf 20072 2009-06-21
lycz\backup\201803041646\sjjl.bak 411037 2009-08-01
lycz\backup\201803041646\sjjl.cdx 4608 2013-10-17
lycz\backup\201803041646\sjjl.dbf 616 2013-10-17
lycz\backup\201803041646\skdw.cdx 3072 2013-10-17
lycz\backup\201803041646\skdw.dbf 552 2013-10-17
lycz\backup\201803041646\txl.dbf 520 2006-11-23
lycz\backup\201803041646\txl.fpt 512 2006-11-23
lycz\backup\201803041646\txl.tbk 512 2006-11-23
lycz\backup\201803041646\yehao.dbf 828 2007-07-04
lycz\backup\201803041646\yt.dbf 411 2007-06-04
lycz\BARTOOL.SCT 6625 2012-10-31
lycz\BARTOOL.SCX 1578 2012-10-31
lycz\BCBKHZ.FRT 1254 2009-03-10
lycz\BCBKHZ.FRX 5445 2009-03-10
lycz\BF.FXP 299 2007-03-22
lycz\bf.prg 171 2007-03-18
lycz\BIRDAY.SCT 7768 2012-10-31
lycz\BIRDAY.SCX 3322 2012-10-31
lycz\BKDW.FRT 3267 2009-03-10
lycz\BKDW.FRX 11170 2009-03-10
lycz\bkpz1.SCT 51960 2012-10-31
lycz\bkpz1.scx 11497 2012-10-31
lycz\CARDFILE.BMP 822 2007-01-29
lycz\cg.SCT 23327 2012-10-31
lycz\cg.scx 6701 2012-10-31
lycz\CHAXUN1.SCT 16942 2012-10-31
lycz\CHAXUN1.SCX 5502 2012-10-31
lycz\CLOSE.BMP 238 2007-01-29
lycz\COMDLG32.OCX 140488 2000-05-22
lycz\CONFIG.FPW 42 2007-01-29
lycz\cprint.vct 235487 2006-08-21
lycz\cprint.vcx 19235 2006-08-21
lycz\CSH.SCT 6541 2012-10-31
lycz\CSH.SCX 2995 2012-10-31
lycz\csye.SCT 7075 2007-03-18
lycz\csye.scx 3213 2007-03-18
lycz\ctTree.ocx 253952 2002-07-04
lycz\CX.SCT 14889 2012-10-31
lycz\CX.SCX 5175 2012-10-31
lycz\CXREPORT.FRT 3234 2009-03-10
lycz\CXREPORT.FRX 22162 2009-03-10
lycz\CXREPORT1.FRT 4191 2009-03-10
lycz\CXREPORT1.FRX 19185 2009-03-10
lycz\DAND.SCT 3164 2012-10-31
lycz\DAND.SCX 2014 2012-10-31
lycz\data\birday.dbf 593 2007-07-12
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