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  • Update : 2018-03-20
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Packet file list
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Windows 2000 Desktop Application Specification.doc 670208 1999-09-01
15-AWE\AddrWindow.h 4976 1999-09-01
22-LastMsgBoxInfoLib\APIHook.h 2780 1999-09-01
CmnHdr.h 8178 1999-09-01
20-DelayLoadLib\DelayLoadLib.h 563 1999-09-01
22-DIPSLib\DIPSLib.h 569 1999-09-01
10-InterlockedType\Interlocked.h 7336 1999-09-01
G05-JobLab\Job.h 9307 1999-09-01
22-LastMsgBoxInfoLib\LastMsgBoxInfoLib.h 617 1999-09-01
10-Optex\Optex.h 2002 1999-09-01
10-Optex\Resource.h 454 1999-09-01
10-SWMRG\Resource.h 454 1999-09-01
22-DIPSLib\Resource.h 456 1999-09-01
23-SEHTerm\Resource.h 456 1999-09-01
15-MemReset\Resource.h 457 1999-09-01
11-TimedMsgBox\Resource.h 460 1999-09-01
20-DelayLoadApp\Resource.h 461 1999-09-01
10-InterlockedType\Resource.h 464 1999-09-01
14-VMStat\Resource.h 544 1999-09-01
17-AppInst\Resource.h 544 1999-09-01
22-LastMsgBoxInfo\Resource.h 554 1999-09-01
22-DIPS\Resource.h 587 1999-09-01
22-InjLib\Resource.h 588 1999-09-01
z09-Queue\Resource.h 589 1999-09-01
12-Counter\Resource.h 639 1999-09-01
609-Handshake\Resource.h 641 1999-09-01
w01-ErrorShow\Resource.h 641 1999-09-01
17-MMFShare\Resource.h 680 1999-09-01
26-CopyData\Resource.h 680 1999-09-01
15-AWE\resource.h 681 1999-09-01
17-FileRev\Resource.h 682 1999-09-01
16-Summation\Resource.h 683 1999-09-01
14-VMMap\Resource.h 728 1999-09-01
a07-SchedLab\Resource.h 732 1999-09-01
10-WaitForMultExp\Resource.h 777 1999-09-01
27-LISWatch\Resource.h 777 1999-09-01
17-MMFSparse\Resource.h 818 1999-09-01
25-Spreadsheet\Resource.h 824 1999-09-01
f04-ProcessInfo\Resource.h 829 1999-09-01
15-VMAlloc\Resource.h 859 1999-09-01
14-SysInfo\Resource.h 949 1999-09-01
27-LISLab\Resource.h 1353 1999-09-01
G05-JobLab\Resource.h 1908 1999-09-01
17-MMFSparse\SparseStream.h 4520 1999-09-01
10-SWMRG\SWMRG.h 1291 1999-09-01
f04-ProcessInfo\Toolhelp.h 8423 1999-09-01
25-Spreadsheet\VMArray.h 7630 1999-09-01
14-VMMap\VMQuery.h 1048 1999-09-01
10-WaitForMultExp\WaitForMultExp.h 542 1999-09-01
22-LastMsgBoxInfoLib\APIHook.cpp 10463 1999-09-01
17-AppInst\AppInst.cpp 3006 1999-09-01
15-AWE\AWE.cpp 4895 1999-09-01
26-CopyData\CopyData.cpp 3656 1999-09-01
12-Counter\Counter.cpp 7327 1999-09-01
20-DelayLoadApp\DelayLoadApp.cpp 7247 1999-09-01
20-DelayLoadLib\DelayLoadLib.cpp 843 1999-09-01
22-DIPS\DIPS.cpp 3750 1999-09-01
22-DIPSLib\DIPSLib.cpp 8234 1999-09-01
w01-ErrorShow\ErrorShow.cpp 3973 1999-09-01
17-FileRev\FileRev.cpp 7439 1999-09-01
609-Handshake\Handshake.cpp 4962 1999-09-01
22-ImgWalk\ImgWalk.cpp 1752 1999-09-01
22-InjLib\InjLib.cpp 8206 1999-09-01
10-InterlockedType\IntLockTest.cpp 2901 1999-09-01
G05-JobLab\JobLab.cpp 17096 1999-09-01
22-LastMsgBoxInfo\LastMsgBoxInfo.cpp 2609 1999-09-01
22-LastMsgBoxInfoLib\LastMsgBoxInfoLib.cpp 5852 1999-09-01
27-LISLab\LISLab.cpp 12595 1999-09-01
27-LISWatch\LISWatch.cpp 6498 1999-09-01
15-MemReset\MemReset.cpp 2890 1999-09-01
17-MMFShare\MMFShare.cpp 4773 1999-09-01
17-MMFSparse\MMFSparse.cpp 8616 1999-09-01
10-Optex\Optex.cpp 6449 1999-09-01
10-Optex\OptexTest.cpp 3654 1999-09-01
f04-ProcessInfo\ProcessInfo.cpp 12815 1999-09-01
z09-Queue\Queue.cpp 8078 1999-09-01
a07-SchedLab\SchedLab.cpp 7077 1999-09-01
23-SEHTerm\SEHTerm.cpp 1143 1999-09-01
25-Spreadsheet\Spreadsheet.cpp 5825 1999-09-01
16-Summation\Summation.cpp 4864 1999-09-01
10-SWMRG\SWMRG.cpp 4686 1999-09-01
10-SWMRG\SWMRGTest.cpp 1951 1999-09-01
14-SysInfo\SysInfo.cpp 6016 1999-09-01
11-TimedMsgBox\TimedMsgBox.cpp 2502 1999-09-01
15-VMAlloc\VMAlloc.cpp 9497 1999-09-01
14-VMMap\VMMap.cpp 11015 1999-09-01
14-VMMap\VMQuery.cpp 8821 1999-09-01
14-VMStat\VMStat.cpp 2624 1999-09-01
10-WaitForMultExp\WaitForMultExp.cpp 6512 1999-09-01
10-WaitForMultExp\WfMETest.cpp 7119 1999-09-01
License Agreement.rtf 11693 1999-09-01
27-LISWatch\Eyes.cur 326 1999-09-01
w01-ErrorShow\01 ErrorShow.dsp 6992 1999-09-01
f04-ProcessInfo\04 ProcessInfo.dsp 7108 1999-09-01
G05-JobLab\05 JobLab.dsp 7005 1999-09-01
a07-SchedLab\07 SchedLab.dsp 7030 1999-09-01
609-Handshake\09 Handshake.dsp 6992 1999-09-01
z09-Queue\09 Queue.dsp 6884 1999-09-01
10-InterlockedType\10 InterlockedType.dsp 7216 1999-09-01
10-Optex\10 Optex.dsp 7235 1999-09-01
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