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  • Category : Other
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  • Update : 2018-03-25
  • Size : 372kb
  • Downloaded :1次
  • Author :伯***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
V3.0 1. increase the binding QQ 2. increase the shortcut QQ login 3. add a part of the function 4. change the backstage login interface 5. repair the known BUG V2.0 1. increase the effect of the homepage mouse 2. increase the function of obtaining password 3. increase the function of operation record 4. increase the upload source function 5. authorized open secret 6. increase the emptying operation record 7. increase the clearance order record 8. optimize web site settings 9. repair the function of piracy 10. repair online update function 11. repair other known BUG V1.0 1. increase the function of template switching 2. increase the online authorization function 3. order quick clear 4. repair other known BUG 5. optimize a part of the function
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
admin\set.php 15543 2018-03-04
360safe 0 2018-02-23
360safe\360webscan.php 11934 2018-02-14
360safe\webscan_cache.php 996 2018-02-14
admin 0 2018-02-22
admin\add.php 2920 2018-02-20
admin\addkm.php 4196 2018-02-22
admin\addsite.php 2690 2018-02-20
admin\addurl.php 3695 2018-02-20
admin\adduser.php 5326 2018-02-20
admin\base64.php 2803 2018-02-20
admin\binding.php 2561 2018-02-20
admin\downfile.php 2599 2018-02-20
admin\download.php 1320 2018-02-20
admin\edit.php 3917 2018-02-20
admin\fangho.php 1801 2018-02-20
admin\getpwd.php 3333 2018-02-20
admin\head.php 4413 2018-02-20
admin\index.php 5712 2018-02-22
admin\list.php 3921 2018-02-20
admin\log.php 3125 2018-02-20
admin\login.php 3458 2018-02-20
admin\order.php 4884 2018-02-20
admin\pass.php 2075 2018-02-20
admin\pirate.php 2854 2018-02-20
admin\search.php 1222 2018-02-20
admin\siteedit.php 3952 2018-02-20
admin\sitelist.php 3029 2018-02-20
admin\social.php 3423 2018-02-20
admin\useredit.php 7436 2018-02-20
admin\userlist.php 3143 2018-02-20 4456 2018-03-03
api 0 2018-02-14
api\index.php 1606 2018-02-14
apicheck.php 293 2018-02-14
assets 0 2018-02-23
assets\css 0 2018-02-23
assets\css\alert.css 22879 2018-02-14
assets\css\xiaofu.css 19262 2018-02-14
assets\cur 0 2018-02-21
assets\cur\default.cur 4286 2018-02-21
assets\cur\pointer.cur 4286 2018-02-21
assets\icon 0 2018-02-23
assets\icon\alipay.ico 1150 2018-02-14
assets\icon\index.php 738 2018-02-23
assets\icon\qqpay.ico 1150 2018-02-14
assets\icon\tenpay.ico 1150 2018-02-14
assets\icon\wechat.ico 1150 2018-02-14
assets\img 0 2018-02-14
assets\img\aiwrap.png 3032 2018-02-14
assets\img\gfrz.png 2931 2018-02-14
assets\img\ico_success.png 2153 2018-02-14
assets\img\ico_tip.png 2177 2018-02-14
assets\img\ 41567 2018-02-14
assets\js 0 2018-02-14
assets\js\alert.js 16977 2018-02-14
assets\js\dlgg.js 796 2018-02-14
assets\js\jquery.min.js 144781 2018-02-14
assets\js\qrlogin.js 2190 2018-02-14
block.php 972 2018-02-14
cache.class.php 1414 2018-02-14
cache 0 2018-02-22
check.php 1342 2018-02-14
code.php 2320 2018-02-14
config.php 322 2018-02-22
db.class.php 4444 2018-02-14
dlcx.php 275 2018-02-14
download.php 1557 2018-02-14
download 0 2018-02-14
download\authcode.php 35 2018-02-14
download\release 0 2018-02-14
download\update 0 2018-02-14
download_get.php 1708 2018-02-14
ewm.jpg 125346 2018-03-04
function.php 11304 2018-02-20
get 0 2018-02-21
get\index.php 288 2018-02-14
get\login.php 5346 2018-01-06
get\qrlogin.js 2494 2018-02-21
index.php 277 2018-02-14
install 0 2018-02-22
install\db.class.php 2540 2018-02-14
install\index.php 12779 2018-02-14
install\xiaofu.sql 5741 2018-02-14
jiance.php 5132 2018-02-14
jump.php 246 2018-02-14
kmsq.php 275 2018-02-14
other 0 2018-03-04
other\inc.php 1208 2018-03-04
other\pay 0 2018-02-14
other\pay\lib 0 2018-02-14
other\pay\lib\pay_core.function.php 6507 2018-02-14
other\pay\lib\pay_md5.function.php 906 2018-02-14
other\pay\lib\pay_notify.class.php 4013 2018-02-14
other\pay\lib\pay_submit.class.php 3153 2018-02-14
other\pay\pay.config.php 789 2018-02-14
other\pay_notify.php 3088 2018-02-14
other\pay_return.php 3154 2018-02-14
other\ptsubmit.php 2416 2018-02-14
other\submit.php 2419 2018-02-14
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
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