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  • Update : 2018-03-25
  • Size : 1.39mb
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  • Author :李木***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Competitive adaptive reweighted algorithm (CARS) is obtained by adaptive reweighted sampling (ARS) technique is selected in the PLS model regression coefficients with large absolute values of wavelength, remove the weight of small wavelength, using cross validation to select the RMSECV refers to the minimum subset, can effectively find out the optimal combination of variables.
Packet file list
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CARS_PLS\CARS-package\carspls.m 3383 2017-12-03
CARS_PLS\CARS-package\mcs.m 2983 2017-12-03
CARS_PLS\CARS-package\plotcars.m 835 2017-12-03
CARS_PLS\CARS-package\plotmcs.m 592 2017-12-03
CARS_PLS\CARS-package\pls.m 1953 2017-12-03
CARS_PLS\CARS-package\plscvfold.m 2639 2017-12-03
CARS_PLS\CARS-package\plsmccv.m 2977 2017-12-03
CARS_PLS\CARS-package\plsnipals.m 1734 2017-12-03
CARS_PLS\CARS-package\plsrdcv.m 2179 2017-12-03
CARS_PLS\CARS-package\plsval.m 342 2017-12-03
CARS_PLS\CARS-package\pretreat.m 739 2017-12-03
CARS_PLS\CARS-package\test_package_functions.m 1110 2017-12-03
CARS_PLS\CARS-package\tp.m 472 2017-12-03
CARS_PLS\Key wavelengths screening using competitive adaptive reweighted sampling.pdf 1186702 2012-06-20
CARS_PLS\license.txt 1332 2011-01-11
CARS_PLS\pls\carspls.m 3383 2010-06-02
CARS_PLS\pls\CARS_manual.pdf 49218 2011-01-11
CARS_PLS\pls\classplot2.m 920 2010-08-13
CARS_PLS\pls\corn_m51.mat 448880 2010-02-12
CARS_PLS\pls\csvd.m 278 2010-03-30
CARS_PLS\pls\dosc.M 1102 2000-10-12
CARS_PLS\pls\example_nir.m 506 2010-04-16
CARS_PLS\pls\expred1.m 465 2008-04-20
CARS_PLS\pls\expred2.m 736 2008-06-24
CARS_PLS\pls\ks.m 812 2009-05-08
CARS_PLS\pls\LOGO_CARS.JPG 46264 2010-04-10
CARS_PLS\pls\lsreg.m 966 2010-04-12
CARS_PLS\pls\Manne_bi.m 1132 2010-05-20
CARS_PLS\pls\mcs.m 2983 2010-03-08
CARS_PLS\pls\mcuvepls.m 1217 2010-04-12
CARS_PLS\pls\mwpls.m 976 2008-12-10
CARS_PLS\pls\oscplscv.m 3013 2009-04-14
CARS_PLS\pls\plotcars.m 835 2010-04-19
CARS_PLS\pls\plotmcs.m 592 2010-03-08
CARS_PLS\pls\pls.m 1953 2010-02-14
CARS_PLS\pls\plscvfold.m 2639 2011-01-08
CARS_PLS\pls\plsdcv.m 1955 2009-12-16
CARS_PLS\pls\plsmccv.m 2977 2010-04-16
CARS_PLS\pls\plsnipals.m 1734 2009-10-27
CARS_PLS\pls\plsrdcv.m 2179 2010-06-30
CARS_PLS\pls\plssim.m 4180 2009-10-20
CARS_PLS\pls\plsval.m 342 2010-02-14
CARS_PLS\pls\pls_nipals.m 1788 2010-09-07
CARS_PLS\pls\pretreat.m 739 2010-04-20
CARS_PLS\pls\scarspls.m 2944 2010-04-20
CARS_PLS\pls\simuin.m 483 2010-08-05
CARS_PLS\pls\test_package_functions.m 1110 2017-12-03
CARS_PLS\pls\test_script_rce.m 651 2010-08-13
CARS_PLS\pls\Thumbs.db 12800 2011-01-11
CARS_PLS\pls\tp.m 472 2010-02-19
CARS_PLS\pls\vipp.m 554 2010-03-31
CARS_PLS\pls\~$RS_manual.doc 162 2011-01-11
CARS_PLS\无信息变量消除.txt 855 2017-10-18
CARS_PLS\CARS-package 0 2017-12-03
CARS_PLS\pls 0 2015-09-23
CARS_PLS 0 2018-01-13
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