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  • Update : 2018-04-04
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  • Author :3g3****
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The standard version of the mobile computer station system is an enterprise website system developed with asp+access, which contains the function of generating static pages. It is exquisite, simple and practical, and will be used in typing.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
About\Business\index.html 10046 2017-12-29
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About\Enviro\index.html 11117 2017-12-29
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css\MyCMSGreen\Mstyle.css 8823 2017-12-29
css\MyCMSGreen\style.css 12336 2017-12-29
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English\About\Business\index.html 9537 2017-12-29
English\About\Culture\index.html 9613 2017-12-29
English\About\Environment\index.html 9086 2017-12-29
English\About\index.html 7983 2017-12-29
English\About\Team\index.html 9688 2017-12-29
English\ADs\11.js 144 2017-12-29
English\ADs\5.js 150 2017-12-29
English\ADs\6.js 144 2017-12-29
English\ADs\7.js 144 2017-12-29
English\ADs\8.js 144 2017-12-29
English\ADs\9.js 144 2017-12-29
English\Case\0953744357.html 11125 2017-12-29
English\Case\1598032830.html 17395 2017-12-29
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English\Case\903428256.html 13214 2017-12-29
English\Case\Case1\index.html 8636 2017-12-29
English\Case\Case2\index.html 7167 2017-12-29
English\Case\index.html 9491 2017-12-29
English\Contact\index.html 6337 2017-12-29
English\FeedBack\index.html 7899 2017-12-29
English\Honor\2011\index.html 7179 2017-12-29
English\Honor\2012\index.html 6781 2017-12-29
English\Honor\2013\index.html 7207 2017-12-29
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
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