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  • Update : 2018-04-07
  • Size : 521kb
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  • Author :Aio***
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Packet file list
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constraints_out.txt 2526 2007-07-03
ddr_sdram_ddr_settings.txt 3302 2007-07-03
ddr_sdram_extraction_data.txt 21932 2007-07-03
ddr_sdram_extraction_log.txt 12324 2007-07-03
ddr_sdram_extraction_log2.txt 21220 2007-07-03
ddr_sdram_post_summary.txt 1702 2007-07-03
ddr_sdram_pre_compile_ddr_timing_summary.txt 165 2007-07-03
estimated_data.txt 742 2007-07-03
nios2e_2C35_log.txt 4544 2007-07-03
serv_req_info.txt 1704 2007-07-03
sopc_builder_debug_log.txt 0 2007-07-03
ddr_sdram.html 5525 2007-07-03
pll_waveforms.html 671 2007-04-19
nios2e_2C35.ptf.bak 97022 2007-07-03
nios2e_2C35_sim\dummy_file 0 2007-07-03
nios2e_2C35_generation_script 857 2007-07-03
delay_reset_block.bdf 7624 2007-04-19
SmallCore.bdf 23514 2007-07-03
ddr_pll_cycloneii.bsf 3946 2007-04-19
delay_reset_block.bsf 2545 2005-04-21
nios2e_2C35.bsf 5712 2007-07-03
pll.bsf 3679 2007-04-19
reset_counter.bsf 2606 2007-04-19
SmallCore.cdf 299 2007-07-03
ddr_sdram_estimated_data.dat 1316 2007-07-03
nios2e_2C35_sim\jtag_uart_input_mutex.dat 3 2007-07-03
nios2e_2C35_sim\jtag_uart_input_stream.dat 10 2007-07-03
nios2e_2C35_sim\jtag_uart_output_stream.dat 0 2007-07-03
testbench\modelsim\ 4119 2007-07-03
SmallCore.done 26 2007-07-03
SmallCore.dpf 239 2007-05-21
SmallCore.jdi 30399 2007-07-03
cpu_ociram_default_contents.mif 5878 2007-07-03
cpu_rf_ram.mif 600 2007-07-03
cpu.ocp 840 2007-07-03 78376 2007-07-03
nios2e_2C35_sim\ 4456 2007-07-03
SmallCore.pof 2097338 2007-07-03
ddr_pll_cycloneii.ppf 507 2007-04-19
ddr_sdram.ppf 12418 2007-07-03
pll.ppf 482 2007-04-19
nios2e_2C35.ptf 97022 2007-07-03
SmallCore.qpf 948 2005-12-20
SmallCore.qsf 61424 2007-07-03
SmallCore.qws 619 2007-07-03
SmallCore.asm.rpt 7849 2007-07-03 555604 2007-07-03
SmallCore.flow.rpt 7683 2007-07-03 802997 2007-07-03
SmallCore.merge.rpt 15359 2007-07-03
SmallCore.tan.rpt 888071 2007-07-03 75110 2007-07-03
SmallCore.sof 841138 2007-07-03 617 2007-07-03 610 2007-07-03
SmallCore.tan.summary 6362 2007-07-03
a5add_constraints_for_ddr_sdram.tcl 75707 2007-07-03
ddr_lib_path.tcl 221 2007-07-03
testbench\modelsim\ddr_sdram_ddr_sdram_vsim.tcl 14685 2007-07-03
iauto_add_ddr_constraints.tcl 373 2007-07-03
nios2e_2C35_setup_quartus.tcl 184 2007-07-03
remove_add_constraints_for_ddr_sdram.tcl 75995 2007-07-03
vauto_verify_ddr_timing.tcl 253 2007-07-03
verify_timing_for_ddr_sdram.tcl 2564 2007-07-03
cpu.v 193680 2007-07-03
cpu_jtag_debug_module.v 12266 2007-07-03
cpu_jtag_debug_module_wrapper.v 9808 2007-07-03
cpu_test_bench.v 38425 2007-07-03
ddr_pll_cycloneii.v 16815 2007-04-19
ddr_pll_cycloneii_bb.v 12800 2007-04-19
ddr_sdram.v 5494 2007-07-03
ddr_sdram_auk_ddr_clk_gen.v 3481 2007-07-03
ddr_sdram_auk_ddr_datapath.v 5964 2007-07-03
ddr_sdram_auk_ddr_dqs_group.v 30905 2007-07-03
ddr_sdram_auk_ddr_sdram.v 11439 2007-07-03
ddr_sdram_bb.v 2544 2007-07-03
testbench\ddr_sdram_debug_design_tb.v 21414 2007-07-03
ddr_sdram_example_driver.v 19848 2007-07-03
jtag_uart.v 22446 2007-07-03
led_pio.v 1898 2007-07-03
nios2e_2C35.v 271049 2007-07-03
pll.v 15857 2007-04-19
pll_bb.v 11879 2007-04-19
reset_counter.v 4680 2007-04-19
reset_counter_bb.v 3945 2007-04-19
sys_clk_timer.v 6898 2007-07-03
sysid.v 1336 2007-07-03
pll_wave0.jpg 74769 2007-04-19
testbench\modelsim 0 2017-12-24
nios2e_2C35_sim 0 2017-12-24
testbench 0 2017-12-24
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