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  • Update : 2018-04-08
  • Size : 75.83mb
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  • Author :wyr***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
ZhiCms is a professional worth buying system, the program supports the home worth buying sea Amoy worth buying, procedures built in gold, and hundreds of millions of gold chain, multi - wheat gold chain and other functions. It supports domestic shopping mall Hai Tao mall. The program PHP+MYSQL is compact and convenient, SEO is strong, and the front stage template is simple to make.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
.htaccess 345 2016-08-08
app 0 2016-12-21
app\.htaccess 13 2015-04-09
app\api 0 2016-12-14
app\api\controller 0 2017-03-03
app\api\model 0 2017-03-01
app\api\model\ApiDataModel.php 2710 2016-10-17
app\api\model\ApiModel.php 3487 2017-02-26
app\base 0 2016-12-14
app\base\controller 0 2017-03-01
app\base\controller\BaseController.php 776 2016-10-05
app\base\controller\ErrorController.php 958 2016-12-21
app\base\hook 0 2017-03-01
app\base\hook\AppHook.php 1190 2015-04-09
app\base\hook\DbHook.php 960 2015-04-09
app\base\hook\TempalteHook.php 3455 2015-10-18
app\base\model 0 2017-03-01
app\base\model\BaseModel.php 1380 2016-09-25
app\base\view 0 2017-03-01
app\base\view\base_showupload.html 545 2015-09-05
app\base\view\base_upload.html 196 2015-09-05
app\base\view\error_development.html 1522 2015-04-09
app\base\view\error_production.html 1316 2015-04-09
app\index 0 2016-12-14
app\index\controller 0 2017-03-01
app\index\controller\Filecontroller.php 1506 2016-09-16
app\index\controller\Indexcontroller.php 12603 2017-02-24
app\index\controller\Mcontroller.php 13972 2017-03-03
app\index\controller\accountcontroller.php 10558 2016-10-16
app\index\controller\appcontroller.php 31392 2017-01-20
app\index\controller\bossController.php 1085 2016-08-16
app\index\controller\crxcontroller.php 3259 2016-08-29
app\index\controller\errorcontroller.php 185 2016-12-21
app\index\controller\goController.php 677 2016-08-15
app\index\controller\itemslistcontroller.php 1570 2016-12-21
app\index\controller\jfmallcontroller.php 3125 2017-03-01
app\index\controller\pagecontroller.php 364 2016-09-20
app\index\controller\quancontroller.php 4285 2017-02-28
app\index\controller\ucenterController.php 13529 2017-03-01
app\index\view 0 2017-02-27
app\index\view\account 0 2017-03-01
app\index\view\account\callback.html 11825 2016-10-24
app\index\view\account\reg.html 8357 2017-02-24
app\index\view\account\restpassword.html 11680 2016-10-16
app\index\view\app 0 2017-03-01
app\index\view\app\info.html 1342 2017-01-17
app\index\view\app\jifen.html 2409 2016-12-20
app\index\view\app\mall.html 771 2017-01-20
app\index\view\app\shengji.html 835 2017-01-05
app\index\view\app\shouhuo.html 2916 2017-01-19
app\index\view\app\xieyi.html 553 2017-01-05
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app\index\view\boss\index.html 4025 2016-08-24
app\index\view\error 0 2017-03-01
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app\index\view\go 0 2017-03-01
app\index\view\go\index.html 567 2016-08-16
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app\index\view\index\dresser.html 1501 2016-09-26
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app\index\view\index\header.html 3150 2017-03-02
app\index\view\index\index.html 13167 2017-03-01
app\index\view\index\js.html 741 2017-03-01
app\index\view\index\right.html 2617 2017-03-02
app\index\view\index\search.html 4516 2016-09-30
app\index\view\index\top.html 1812 2017-03-03
app\index\view\itemslist 0 2017-03-01
app\index\view\itemslist\detail.html 3964 2016-11-01
app\index\view\itemslist\q_index.html 2933 2016-11-01
app\index\view\jfmall 0 2017-03-01
app\index\view\jfmall\jfjfmalldetal.html 9029 2017-03-01
app\index\view\jfmall\jfmalllist.html 3006 2017-02-28
app\index\view\m 0 2017-03-03
app\index\view\m\detail.html 3219 2016-11-15
app\index\view\m\haohuo.html 2920 2016-11-15
app\index\view\m\index.html 10446 2016-11-15
app\index\view\m\quan.html 3623 2016-12-09
app\index\view\m\taokouling.html 2187 2017-03-03
app\index\view\page 0 2017-03-01
app\index\view\page\index.html 5185 2016-09-20
app\index\view\quan 0 2017-03-01
app\index\view\quan\q_index.html 6647 2016-12-09
app\index\view\quan\quan_detail.html 5614 2016-12-14
app\index\view\ucenter 0 2017-03-01
app\index\view\ucenter\baoliao.html 11017 2017-02-26
app\index\view\ucenter\index.html 4213 2017-03-01
app\index\view\ucenter\jfdetail.html 2527 2016-09-20
app\index\view\ucenter\left.html 2571 2017-03-01
app\index\view\ucenter\myinfo.html 13838 2017-02-27
app\index\view\ucenter\myorder.html 2748 2017-03-01
app\install 0 2017-03-03
app\install\controller 0 2017-03-01
app\install\controller\Indexcontroller.php 4905 2016-11-02
app\install\view 0 2016-12-21
app\install\view\index 0 2017-03-01
app\install\view\index\config.html 5225 2016-10-23
app\install\view\index\detect.html 2750 2016-11-02
app\install\view\index\index.html 2982 2016-10-23
app\install\view\index\install.html 2545 2016-10-23
Related instructions
  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
  • Please use Winrar for decompression tools
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  • If downloaded content did not match the introduction, Feedback to us,Confirm and will be refund.
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