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  • Update : 2018-04-08
  • Size : 929kb
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  • Author :3*****
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
PHP automatic card issuing platform personal edition is developed by php+mysql automatically issuing card payment platform. Server environment: More than PHP5.2 version Mysql5.1 or above Installation instructions: Install http://, your domain name /install.php to install. Background path http:// your domain name /admin background account: admin background password: Need to modify the user name, you can enter the database to modify the faka_users to change the admin to other support to Chinese, English, modify the password can be modified in the background.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
360safe\360webscan.php 10289 2014-08-26
360safe\webscan_cache.php 1068 2014-09-29
admin\change_pwd.php 2352 2014-05-03
admin\check.php 170 2014-05-03
admin\command-bak.php 3796 2014-05-07
admin\command.php 5000 2014-07-22
admin\goods.php 4618 2014-10-11
admin\goods_details.php 1618 2014-05-04
admin\goods_stock.php 3400 2014-07-26
admin\index.php 370 2014-05-01
admin\login.php 1876 2014-07-26
admin\order.php 5070 2014-05-09
admin\payment.php 12240 2017-02-27
admin\public\footer.php 560 2016-08-14
admin\public\header.php 1134 2015-01-25
admin\public\menu.php 2176 2016-08-24
admin\rate.php 3606 2014-05-04
admin\smtp.php 4061 2014-07-26
common\class.phpmailer.php 93707 2014-07-22
common\class.smtp.php 32065 2014-07-22
common\db.php 476 2017-01-16
common\footer.php 0 2014-05-03
common\header.php 0 2014-05-03
conf\db.php 592 2016-09-02
conf\mail_send_error.txt 973 2016-10-23
conf\smtp.php 219 2017-02-28
css\1.jpg 911 2014-07-21
css\bootstrap-theme.css 14716 2013-12-05
css\bootstrap-theme.min.css 13135 2013-12-05
css\bootstrap.css 129975 2014-07-26
css\bootstrap.min.css 101595 2014-03-07
css\bpHS.min.css 3655 2017-02-27
css\DT_bootstrap.css 3962 2014-05-03
css\font-awesome.min.css 23739 2017-02-27
css\fonts\20140726164657.jpg 753 2014-07-26
css\fonts\glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf 41236 2013-12-05
css\jquery.dataTables_themeroller.css 4559 2014-03-10
css\quchu.css 122485 2014-06-11
css\signin.css 830 2014-05-01
css\wap1.css 13624 2016-10-10
img\01.jpg 87832 2017-02-27
img\02.jpg 64959 2017-02-27
img\03.jpg 66580 2017-02-27
img\04.jpg 86038 2017-02-27
img\20141001084325.jpg 658 2014-10-01
img\58pic_522607624fb80.png 131290 2014-07-26
img\ajaxLoader.gif 4659 2014-05-09
img\ALIPAY.gif 3403 2014-06-24
img\TENPAY.gif 3803 2014-06-24
img\Thumbs.db 11776 2014-10-01
img\wangzhi.png 4522 2016-10-11
img\weixin.jpg 27937 2016-10-11
js\Blue.js 27828 2015-01-25
js\bootstrap.js 18864 2015-01-25
js\bootstrap.min.js 41470 2015-01-25
js\bpHS.min.js 2866 2017-02-27
js\custom.js 387 2017-02-27
js\html5shiv.min.js 2439 2015-01-28
js\ 95821 2017-02-27
js\jquery.dataTables.min.js 71379 2015-01-25
js\jquery.js 93104 2015-01-25
js\jquery.min.js 93104 2015-01-25
js\jquery.touchSwipe.min.js 11507 2017-02-27
js\parsley\parsley.min.js 44405 2014-04-19
js\popwin.js 5618 2014-07-26
js\respond.min.js 4051 2015-01-25
pay\a8tg\c0a4l5l6ba7c0k.php 1534 2013-04-09
pay\a8tg\HttpClient.class.php 12485 2012-12-20
pay\a8tg\inc.php 2071 2016-04-23
pay\a8tg\index.html 0 2012-12-20
pay\a8tg\merchantProperties.php 243 2012-12-20
pay\a8tg\NotifyUrl.php 3320 2016-09-19
pay\a8tg\NotifyUrl.txt 4902 2017-02-28
pay\a8tg\send.php 2977 2016-08-24
pay\a8tg\yeepayCommon.php 4451 2016-03-16
pay\a8tg\YeePay_HTML.log 1115 2012-12-20
pay\a8tg_bank\HttpClient.class.php 12485 2016-08-24
pay\a8tg_bank\inc.php 2071 2016-08-24
pay\a8tg_bank\index.html 0 2016-08-24
pay\a8tg_bank\merchantProperties.php 243 2016-08-24
pay\a8tg_bank\NotifyUrl.php 2724 2016-09-19
pay\a8tg_bank\NotifyUrl.txt 4730 2016-08-24
pay\a8tg_bank\send.php 2706 2016-08-24
pay\a8tg_bank\yeepayCommon.php 4218 2016-08-24
pay\a8tg_bank\YeePay_HTML.log 1115 2016-08-24
pay\ 2763 2014-09-28
pay\ebao\bank\callback.php 2575 2014-05-09
pay\ebao\bank\css\support.css 1541 2014-03-17
pay\ebao\bank\css\yeepaytest.css 467 2014-03-17
pay\ebao\bank\HttpClient.class.php 12485 2014-03-17
pay\ebao\bank\index.html 0 2016-08-14
pay\ebao\bank\merchantProperties.php 625 2016-08-14
pay\ebao\bank\pay.html 3521 2014-03-17
pay\ebao\bank\queryOrd.html 2060 2014-03-17
pay\ebao\bank\queryOrd.php 4599 2016-08-14
pay\ebao\bank\refundOrd.html 2506 2014-03-17
pay\ebao\bank\refundOrd.php 3506 2016-08-14
pay\ebao\bank\send.php 2671 2016-08-23
pay\ebao\bank\yeepayCommon.php 4026 2016-08-14
pay\ebao\bank\YeePay_CARD.log 8858 2016-08-19
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