Filename | Size | Update |
templates\Proxies\Proxy.stt | 1104 | 2016-05-23
templates\Whole models\Broadleaf.stt | 18427 | 2016-05-23
templates\Whole models\Grass.stt | 4245 | 2016-05-23
templates\Whole models\Palm.stt | 12448 | 2016-05-23
templates\Whole models\Tall Pine.stt | 14755 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Fronds\Fan Palm (low poly).stt | 4054 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Fronds\Fan Palm.stt | 7927 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Fronds\Individual Leaves.stt | 4146 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Fronds\Mesh Frond.stt | 3506 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Fronds\Palm Droopy (low poly).stt | 3907 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Fronds\Palm Droopy.stt | 7345 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Fronds\Palm Rigid (low poly).stt | 4146 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Fronds\Palm Rigid.stt | 7547 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Fronds\Palm Standard (low poly).stt | 3906 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Fronds\Palm Standard (very low poly).stt | 3941 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Fronds\Palm Standard.stt | 7739 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Fronds\Stems With Leaves (low poly).stt | 4202 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Fronds\Stems With Leaves.stt | 4160 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Fronds\Twigs.stt | 4437 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Hand Drawn\Branch.stt | 3451 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Hand Drawn\Palm Frond.stt | 7727 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Hand Drawn\Trunk.stt | 3801 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Hand Drawn\_SubD Branch.stt | 2717 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Hand Drawn\__SubD Setup.stt | 3383 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Hand Drawn\__SubD Trunk.stt | 2712 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Roots\Aerial (low poly).stt | 3959 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Roots\Aerial.stt | 3957 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Roots\_Standard (low poly).stt | 3894 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Roots\_Standard.stt | 8211 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Subdivision\Branches.stt | 5193 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Subdivision\Cage.stt | 1225 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Subdivision\Trunk.stt | 2708 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Subdivision\_Cage and Trunk.stt | 3359 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Zones\Terrain.stt | 1408 | 2016-05-23
templates\_Zones\Zone.stt | 1473 | 2016-05-23
templates\__Leaves\Camera Facing\Cascading.stt | 1950 | 2016-05-23
templates\__Leaves\Camera Facing\Pendulous.stt | 1879 | 2016-05-23
templates\__Leaves\Camera Facing\Wide RT.stt | 1883 | 2016-05-23
templates\__Leaves\Camera Facing\_Standard.stt | 1860 | 2016-05-23
templates\__Leaves\_Individual Leaves.stt | 1740 | 2016-05-23
templates\__Leaves\_Single Leaf.stt | 1802 | 2016-05-23
templates\__Leaves\__Sky Sensitive | Individual Leaves.stt | 2150 | 2016-05-23
templates\___Branches\BroadLeaf Structure.stt | 12521 | 2016-05-23
templates\___Branches\Single Simple Branch.stt | 3764 | 2016-05-23
templates\___Branches\Thorns.stt | 3885 | 2016-05-23
templates\___Branches\Tube.stt | 3610 | 2016-05-23
templates\___Branches\_Knotholes (low poly).stt | 3784 | 2016-05-23
templates\___Branches\_Knotholes.stt | 3779 | 2016-05-23
templates\___Branches\_Pine (low poly).stt | 8176 | 2016-05-23
templates\___Branches\_Pine.stt | 8906 | 2016-05-23
templates\___Branches\_Standard Blades (low poly).stt | 7894 | 2016-05-23
templates\___Branches\_Twigs.stt | 4388 | 2016-05-23
templates\___Branches\__Spruce (low poly).stt | 4821 | 2016-05-23
templates\___Branches\__Spruce.stt | 4818 | 2016-05-23
templates\___Branches\___Standard (low poly).stt | 8576 | 2016-05-23
templates\___Branches\___Standard.stt | 8569 | 2016-05-23
templates\____Trunks\Simple Spike.stt | 3768 | 2016-05-23
templates\____Trunks\_Palm 1 (low poly).stt | 4140 | 2016-05-23
templates\____Trunks\_Palm 1.stt | 3995 | 2016-05-23
templates\____Trunks\_Palm 2 (low poly).stt | 3949 | 2016-05-23
templates\____Trunks\_Palm 2.stt | 3955 | 2016-05-23
templates\____Trunks\_Stalk (low poly).stt | 3945 | 2016-05-23
templates\____Trunks\_Stalk.stt | 3979 | 2016-05-23
templates\____Trunks\_Stalks (low poly).stt | 3807 | 2016-05-23
templates\____Trunks\_Tall Pine (low poly).stt | 4387 | 2016-05-23
templates\____Trunks\_Tall Pine.stt | 4386 | 2016-05-23
templates\____Trunks\_Variable (low poly).stt | 3886 | 2016-05-23
templates\____Trunks\_Variable.stt | 3912 | 2016-05-23
templates\____Trunks\__Standard (low poly).stt | 3874 | 2016-05-23
templates\____Trunks\__Standard.stt | 3893 | 2016-05-23
templates\__Leaves\Camera Facing | 0 | 2017-05-24
templates\Proxies | 0 | 2017-05-24
templates\Whole models | 0 | 2017-05-24
templates\_Fronds | 0 | 2017-05-24
templates\_Hand Drawn | 0 | 2017-05-24
templates\_Roots | 0 | 2017-05-24
templates\_Subdivision | 0 | 2017-05-24
templates\_Zones | 0 | 2017-05-24
templates\__Leaves | 0 | 2017-05-24
templates\___Branches | 0 | 2017-05-24
templates\____Trunks | 0 | 2017-05-24
templates | 0 | 2017-05-24 |