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  • Update : 2018-04-11
  • Size : 1.34mb
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  • Author :qy4***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The system can automatically generate foreground navigation bar and information bar according to the background classification, so that it is convenient for users to use. Delete files and pictures when categories and articles are deleted, reduce the existence of junk files. You can add custom menu to facilitate users to add other menu links. Online backup and compression database The column has switch function and display sorting function. It can make a category information not displayed on page, and arrange function to adjust menu display sequence.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
23\admin\admin_Css.css 2548 2013-11-16
23\admin\AritcleAddSave.asp 2682 2013-12-05
23\admin\AritcleModifySave.asp 3580 2013-12-05
23\admin\ArticleAdd.asp 6337 2013-12-06
23\admin\ArticleAddSelClass.asp 1093 2013-11-16
23\admin\ArticleDel.asp 2020 2013-11-20
23\admin\ArticleModify.asp 9453 2013-12-06
23\admin\ArticleModifylist.asp 7110 2013-11-20
23\admin\ArticleModSelClass.asp 1089 2013-11-20
23\admin\artplDel.asp 2041 2013-11-20
23\admin\caidan.asp 2433 2013-11-20
23\admin\caidanedit.asp 5850 2013-11-17
23\admin\checklogin.asp 1682 2013-11-17
23\admin\ClassEdit.asp 5967 2013-11-19
23\admin\ClassManage.asp 3685 2013-11-19
23\admin\classshow.asp 745 2013-11-19
23\admin\Datamanage.asp 5802 2013-11-21
23\admin\dir.asp 1651 2013-11-21
23\admin\ 2733 2017-07-30
23\admin\feedback2.asp 1677 2013-11-19
23\admin\feedback2save.asp 633 2013-11-19
23\admin\feedback3.asp 641 2013-11-19
23\admin\feedbackgl.asp 5445 2013-11-21
23\admin\feedbackpldel.asp 1338 2013-11-19
23\admin\feedbacksh.asp 688 2013-11-19
23\admin\guanggao.asp 4303 2013-11-21
23\admin\guanggaoEdit.asp 5293 2013-11-17
23\admin\hdModify.asp 4247 2013-12-05
23\admin\hdModifyzn.asp 3629 2013-11-19
23\admin\hdModifyznid.asp 1582 2013-11-19
23\admin\hdModifyznsave.asp 1165 2013-11-19
23\admin\images\admin_left_1.gif 2038 2008-08-31
23\admin\images\admin_left_2.gif 1131 2008-08-31
23\admin\images\admin_left_3.gif 1998 2008-08-31
23\admin\images\admin_left_4.gif 2012 2008-08-31
23\admin\images\admin_left_5.gif 2023 2008-08-31
23\admin\images\admin_left_6.gif 1218 2008-08-31
23\admin\images\admin_left_7.gif 1147 2008-08-31
23\admin\images\admin_left_8.gif 1212 2008-08-31
23\admin\images\admin_left_9.gif 2038 2008-08-31
23\admin\images\admin_title.gif 2872 2008-08-31
23\admin\images\bar.gif 84 2008-08-31
23\admin\images\bullet.gif 179 2008-08-31
23\admin\images\class_big.gif 863 2009-12-25
23\admin\images\class_big1.gif 85 2008-08-31
23\admin\images\class_small.gif 82 2008-08-31
23\admin\images\help.gif 1211 2008-08-31
23\admin\images\link.gif 41 2008-08-31
23\admin\images\linkbom.gif 41 2008-08-31
23\admin\images\Thumbs.db 47104 2009-12-25
23\admin\images\title.gif 2872 2008-08-31
23\admin\images\title_bg_hide.gif 1999 2008-08-31
23\admin\images\title_bg_quit.gif 1995 2008-08-31
23\admin\images\title_bg_show.gif 2038 2008-08-31
23\admin\images\topbg.gif 2352 2008-08-31
23\admin\images\vertline.gif 103 2008-08-31
23\admin\images\xpbg.gif 2400 2009-02-20
23\admin\index.asp 3931 2013-11-16
23\admin\islogin.asp 435 2013-11-16
23\admin\list.asp 2879 2017-07-30
23\admin\loginout.asp 210 2013-11-17
23\admin\manage.asp 2021 2013-12-05
23\admin\md5.asp 9724 2013-11-16
23\admin\newhdpic.asp 2237 2013-12-06
23\admin\SearchArticle.asp 3668 2013-11-20
23\admin\session_keep.asp 194 2013-11-21
23\admin\sftj.asp 1347 2013-11-20
23\admin\spacesize.asp 4498 2013-12-06
23\admin\Startup.asp 2715 2013-11-16
23\admin\Style.css 2203 2013-11-16
23\admin\SuperUser.asp 4732 2013-11-20
23\admin\SuperUserModify.asp 2592 2013-11-17
23\admin\SysSet.asp 7650 2013-11-19
23\admin\TjArticle.asp 3978 2013-11-25
23\admin\youqing.asp 1996 2013-11-20
23\admin\youqingedit.asp 5801 2013-11-17
23\article.asp 7065 2013-11-22
23\Conn.asp 273 2013-11-21
23\Conncs.asp 20 2013-11-07
23\feedback.asp 7932 2013-11-22
23\FeedbackSave.asp 1568 2013-11-20
23\footer.asp 701 2013-11-22
23\header.asp 2138 2017-07-30
23\images\adtop.jpg 9898 2017-07-30
23\images\arrow2.gif 78 2008-08-31
23\images\bg.gif 64 2009-11-24
23\images\bg_1.gif 60 2008-08-31
23\images\dotline.gif 44 2005-11-23
23\images\huolei.gif 2925 2013-11-22
23\images\icon1.gif 87 2009-11-25
23\images\inputso.gif 1629 2009-01-14
23\images\left.gif 44 2008-08-31
23\images\leftad.gif 4088 2013-11-22
23\images\line_top_01.gif 60 2005-11-23
23\images\more.gif 104 2008-08-31
23\images\m_bg.gif 232 2008-07-31
23\images\navbar.gif 260 2010-01-19
23\images\navbar_l.gif 1160 2010-01-19
23\images\navbar_r.gif 1202 2010-01-19
23\images\navbar_separator.gif 266 2010-01-19
Related instructions
  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
  • Please use Winrar for decompression tools
  • If download fail, Try it againg or Feedback to us.
  • If downloaded content did not match the introduction, Feedback to us,Confirm and will be refund.
  • Before downloading, you can inquire through the uploaded person information


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