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  • Update : 2018-04-11
  • Size : 5.98mb
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  • Author :y5e****
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
IdeaCMS based on ASP+MSSQL/ACCESS technology development, IdeaCMS has a single page, news, picture, video, download, product and recruitment, which can meet the needs and development needs of many kinds of websites, especially the demand and development of enterprise website. At the same time, the system has its own message, member, comment, order, application, voting, payment and other plug-ins. The latest version 6 also supports articles, smart phones.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
date\#560B43AA.mdb 847872 2017-03-08
inc\AjaxFun.asp 3220 2014-02-24
inc\code.asp 3570 2014-01-13
inc\CommonFun.asp 49722 2017-03-08
inc\config.asp 322 2014-01-13
inc\DB_Class.asp 2295 2014-01-13
inc\expand.asp 211 2014-01-13
inc\File_Class.asp 5572 2014-01-13
inc\image\163css.js 2288 2014-01-13
inc\image\base.js 4754 2014-01-13
inc\image\bj.gif 72761 2014-01-13
inc\image\bnt_blue.gif 743 2014-01-13
inc\image\DatePicker\calendar.js 22044 2014-01-13
inc\image\DatePicker\lang\en.js 647 2014-01-13
inc\image\DatePicker\lang\zh-cn.js 1092 2014-01-13
inc\image\DatePicker\lang\zh-tw.js 1091 2014-01-13
inc\image\DatePicker\skin\datePicker.gif 1043 2014-01-13
inc\image\DatePicker\skin\default\datepicker.css 3748 2014-01-13
inc\image\DatePicker\skin\default\img.gif 1578 2014-01-13
inc\image\DatePicker\skin\WdatePicker.css 140 2014-01-13
inc\image\DatePicker\WdatePicker.js 9106 2014-01-13
inc\image\install_top.gif 206 2014-01-13
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inc\image\lib.js 15588 2014-01-13
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inc\image\photo\ico_none.gif 245 2014-01-13
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inc\image\pub.js 893 2014-02-24
inc\image\steptab.png 811 2014-01-13
inc\image\yes.gif 347 2014-01-13
inc\install.lock 55 2016-07-20
inc\lang.asp 590 2014-01-13
inc\Main.asp 1834 2015-10-09
inc\md5.asp 11307 2014-01-13
inc\online.asp 126 2014-01-13
inc\Template_Class.asp 52936 2017-03-08
inc\Xml_Class.asp 3260 2014-01-13
install\access.sql 7275 2016-10-09
install\index.asp 19593 2016-07-20
install\License.html 3074 2014-01-13
install\style.css 2445 2014-01-13
player\flvplayer.swf 32164 2014-01-13
plug\comment\index.asp 1823 2014-01-13
plug\guestbook\index.asp 1567 2014-01-13
plug\online\css\lrtk.css 1886 2014-01-13
plug\online\images\ico.png 4560 2014-01-13
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plug\online\js\fn.js 2339 2014-01-13
plug\pay\alipayapi.asp 3342 2014-01-13
plug\pay\class\alipay_config.asp 1730 2014-01-13
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plug\pay\class\alipay_md5.asp 11896 2014-01-13
plug\pay\class\alipay_notify.asp 5976 2014-01-13
plug\pay\class\alipay_submit.asp 7438 2014-01-13
plug\pay\notify_url.asp 4134 2014-01-13
plug\pay\return_url.asp 2863 2014-01-13
plug\search\index.asp 432 2014-01-13
plug\slide\loading.gif 2900 2014-01-13
plug\slide\mf-pattern\img\mF_51xflash\play.gif 1282 2014-01-13
plug\slide\mf-pattern\img\mF_51xflash\Thumbs.db 4608 2014-01-13
plug\slide\mf-pattern\img\mF_51xflash\tit-ar.gif 184 2014-01-13
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plug\slide\mf-pattern\img\mF_qiyi\loading.gif 7347 2014-01-13
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plug\slide\mf-pattern\img\mF_tbhuabao\btn-bg.gif 102 2014-01-13
plug\slide\mf-pattern\mF_51xflash.css 1012 2014-01-13
plug\slide\mf-pattern\mF_51xflash.js 1941 2014-01-13
plug\slide\mf-pattern\mF_classicHB.css 1491 2014-01-13
plug\slide\mf-pattern\mF_classicHB.js 1158 2014-01-13
plug\slide\mf-pattern\mF_classicHC.css 1466 2014-01-13
plug\slide\mf-pattern\mF_classicHC.js 1139 2014-01-13
plug\slide\mf-pattern\mF_dleung.css 803 2014-01-13
plug\slide\mf-pattern\mF_dleung.js 637 2014-01-13
plug\slide\mf-pattern\mF_expo2010.css 1146 2014-01-13
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
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