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  • Update : 2018-04-12
  • Size : 27.33mb
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  • Author :24y***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The website system of the Millennium school is a complete set of school website application solutions based on the actual application needs of the customers in the education industry. The whole Div+Css architecture is different from the common school website system.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
Common\big5.js 11421 2017-08-04
Common\checkjob.js 3523 2017-08-04
Common\formcheck.js 805 2017-08-04
Common\main.js 4281 2017-08-04
Common\player.swf 10816 2017-08-04
Common\pngfix.js 1429 2017-08-04
Common\tablelist.js 2313 2017-08-04
Common\time.js 6864 2017-08-04
Common\year.js 115 2017-08-04
DatePicker\calendar.js 20399 2017-08-04
DatePicker\config.js 124 2017-08-04
DatePicker\DatePicker.htm 1377 2017-08-04
DatePicker\lang\zh-cn.js 653 2017-08-04
DatePicker\skin\blueFresh\datepicker.css 4754 2017-08-04
DatePicker\skin\blueFresh\img.gif 1380 2017-08-04
DatePicker\WdatePicker.js 8183 2017-08-04
Images\ajax_loading.gif 310 2017-08-04
Images\calendar.jpg 1089 2017-08-04
Images\cnext.gif 827 2017-08-04
Images\cprev.gif 827 2017-08-04
Images\downloadnopic.jpg 5476 2017-08-04
Images\downloadnopic.png 59313 2017-08-04
Images\First.gif 57 2017-08-04
Images\icon\doc.gif 1043 2017-08-04
Images\icon\img.gif 583 2017-08-04
Images\icon\new.gif 177 2017-08-04
Images\icon\pdf.gif 626 2017-08-04
Images\icon\pps.gif 1054 2017-08-04
Images\icon\ppt.gif 630 2017-08-04
Images\icon\rar.gif 603 2017-08-04
Images\icon\video.gif 1074 2017-08-04
Images\icon\xls.gif 1040 2017-08-04
Images\Last.gif 58 2017-08-04
Images\loader.gif 4176 2017-08-04
Images\minus.gif 866 2017-08-04
Images\new.gif 177 2017-08-04
Images\Next.gif 56 2017-08-04
Images\nopic.jpg 4819 2017-08-04
Images\plus.gif 869 2017-08-04
Images\Previous.gif 55 2017-08-04
Images\rank_gray.gif 44 2017-08-04
Images\rank_green.gif 44 2017-08-04
Images\vote.css 1196 2017-08-04
Images\zoom.gif 1008 2017-08-04
Inc\ConfigSkin.Aspx 135 2017-08-04
Inc\GetCode\body1.fix 17282 2017-08-04
Inc\GetCode\body10.fix 17282 2017-08-04
Inc\GetCode\body11.fix 17282 2017-08-04
Inc\GetCode\body12.fix 17282 2017-08-04
Inc\GetCode\body13.fix 17282 2017-08-04
Inc\GetCode\body14.fix 17282 2017-08-04
Inc\GetCode\body15.fix 17282 2017-08-04
Inc\GetCode\body16.fix 17282 2017-08-04
Inc\GetCode\body17.fix 17282 2017-08-04
Inc\GetCode\body18.fix 17282 2017-08-04
Inc\GetCode\body2.fix 17282 2017-08-04
Inc\GetCode\body3.fix 17282 2017-08-04
Inc\GetCode\body4.fix 17282 2017-08-04
Inc\GetCode\body5.fix 17282 2017-08-04
Inc\GetCode\body6.fix 17282 2017-08-04
Inc\GetCode\body7.fix 17282 2017-08-04
Inc\GetCode\body8.fix 17282 2017-08-04
Inc\GetCode\body9.fix 17282 2017-08-04
Inc\GetCode\Head.Fix 54 2017-08-04
Inc\GetCode.Aspx 129 2017-08-04
Inc\PublicJS.js 1376 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\100_m.gif 1254 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\101_m.gif 1013 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\102_m.gif 612 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\103_m.gif 405 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\104_m.gif 378 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\105_m.gif 311 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\106_m.gif 311 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\107_m.gif 425 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\108_m.gif 401 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\109_m.gif 363 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\10_m.gif 1164 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\110_m.gif 84 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\111_m.gif 250 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\112_m.gif 414 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\11_m.gif 1224 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\12_m.gif 1249 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\13_m.gif 1212 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\14_m.gif 1201 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\15_m.gif 1209 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\16_m.gif 1211 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\17_m.gif 1187 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\18_m.gif 1202 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\19_m.gif 1192 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\1_m.gif 1196 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\20_m.gif 1254 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\21_m.gif 1199 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\22_m.gif 1231 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\23_m.gif 1197 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\24_m.gif 1222 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\25_m.gif 1235 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\26_m.gif 1231 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\27_m.gif 1190 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\28_m.gif 1175 2017-08-04
Kefu\faceicon\29_m.gif 1264 2017-08-04
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
  • Please use Winrar for decompression tools
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