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  • Update : 2018-04-13
  • Size : 86.68mb
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  • Author :4y5****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The source of the shopping mall system is a complete set of electronic business city system, including order management, order inquiry, shopping cart, commodity management, member management, group purchase management, shopping and rebate, Merchants join and other functions.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
Agent 0 2016-08-15
Agent\Agent.csproj 21609 2012-05-15
Agent\Agent.csproj.user 1085 2012-05-15
Agent\Bank 0 2016-08-15
Agent\Bank\00003.gif 3636 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00004.gif 3546 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00005.gif 4165 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00006.gif 4288 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00007.gif 3560 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00008.gif 3622 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00009.gif 3535 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00013.gif 4073 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00016.gif 3772 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00017.gif 3556 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00021.gif 3901 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00023.gif 3836 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00032.gif 3174 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00041.gif 3380 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00042.gif 3246 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00043.gif 2921 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00044.gif 3630 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00045.gif 2829 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00046.gif 3187 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00047.gif 3541 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00048.gif 2963 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00050.gif 3912 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00051.gif 3431 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00052.gif 3895 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00054.gif 3454 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00057.gif 3507 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00081.gif 3819 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\00083.gif 3114 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\ningbo.gif 3407 2012-05-09
Agent\Bank\shundexin.gif 3374 2012-05-09
Agent\bin 0 2016-08-15
Agent\bin\Agent.dll 47104 2013-04-28
Agent\bin\Agent.pdb 148992 2013-04-28
Agent\bin\AspNetPager.dll 114688 2010-02-26
Agent\bin\COM.Excel.dll 15360 2012-04-13
Agent\bin\DeathWebControls.dll 52736 2009-11-20
Agent\bin\LTP.Accounts.dll 40960 2012-04-13
Agent\bin\LtpPageControl.dll 24576 2012-04-13
Agent\bin\LY.Shop.BLL.dll 184320 2013-04-26
Agent\bin\LY.Shop.BLL.pdb 570880 2013-04-26
Agent\bin\LY.Shop.Common.dll 90112 2013-04-26
Agent\bin\LY.Shop.Common.pdb 251392 2013-04-26
Agent\bin\LY.Shop.DALFactory.dll 24576 2013-04-26
Agent\bin\LY.Shop.DALFactory.pdb 44544 2013-04-26
Agent\bin\LY.Shop.DBUtility.dll 65536 2013-04-26
Agent\bin\LY.Shop.DBUtility.pdb 187904 2013-04-26
Agent\bin\LY.Shop.IDAL.dll 36864 2013-04-26
Agent\bin\LY.Shop.IDAL.pdb 7680 2013-04-26
Agent\bin\LY.Shop.Model.dll 98304 2013-04-26
Agent\bin\LY.Shop.Model.pdb 554496 2013-04-26
Agent\bin\LY.Shop.SQLServerDAL.dll 413696 2013-04-26
Agent\bin\LY.Shop.SQLServerDAL.pdb 701952 2013-04-26
Agent\bin\Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common.dll 151552 2012-04-13
Agent\bin\Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.dll 81920 2012-04-13
Agent\bin\Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.dll 186688 2012-04-13
Agent\bin\MySql.Data.dll 369152 2012-04-13
Agent\bin\OpenSmtp.dll 45056 2012-04-13
Agent\bin\OWC10Chart.dll 20480 2012-04-13
Agent\bin\System.Data.SQLite.dll 847872 2012-04-19
Agent\Bottom.aspx 1539 2012-05-15
Agent\Code 0 2016-08-15
Agent\Code\Encryption.cs 8642 2012-05-07
Agent\Code\GetIP.cs 484 2012-05-07
Agent\Code\MessageHelp.cs 562 2012-05-07
Agent\Common 0 2016-08-15
Agent\Common\Common 0 2016-08-15
Agent\Common\Common\AlipayConfig.cs 4964 2012-05-15
Agent\Common\Common\AlipayCore.cs 4967 2012-05-09
Agent\Common\Common\AlipayNotify.cs 6909 2012-05-09
Agent\Common\Common\AlipayService.cs 5392 2012-05-16
Agent\Common\Common\AlipaySubmit.cs 8186 2012-05-09
Agent\Default.aspx 866 2012-05-15
Agent\Images 0 2016-08-15
Agent\Images\0.gif 633 2012-05-10
Agent\Images\1.gif 634 2012-05-10
Agent\Images\12.gif 1249 2012-05-15
Agent\Images\13.gif 3140 2012-05-07
Agent\Images\1s.gif 1194 2012-05-15
Agent\Images\2s.gif 1130 2012-05-15
Agent\Images\3s.gif 1135 2012-05-15
Agent\Images\4s.gif 1497 2012-05-15
Agent\Images\5s.gif 1269 2012-05-15
Agent\Images\anniu.gif 2174 2012-05-07
Agent\Images\bj.gif 4544 2012-05-07
Agent\Images\boot.gif 85 2012-05-07
Agent\Images\dl.gif 522 2012-05-07
Agent\Images\groupOrder.jpg 7381 2012-05-10
Agent\Images\information.gif 1506 2012-05-15
Agent\Images\login_03.gif 21895 2012-05-15
Agent\Images\login_05.gif 7920 2012-05-07
Agent\Images\login_06.gif 5684 2012-05-07
Agent\Images\login_07.gif 4900 2012-05-07
Agent\Images\login_08.gif 3343 2012-05-15
Agent\Images\login_09.gif 4738 2012-05-07
Agent\Images\login_10.gif 6852 2012-05-07
Agent\Images\logo.gif 2887 2012-05-15
Related instructions
  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
  • Please use Winrar for decompression tools
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  • If downloaded content did not match the introduction, Feedback to us,Confirm and will be refund.
  • Before downloading, you can inquire through the uploaded person information


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