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  • Update : 2018-04-13
  • Size : 43.03mb
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  • Author :53y****
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
KESIONIMALL online business city system as a new generation of e-commerce platform, IMALL surpassed the functional limitations of the general network store system, is a set of CMS information + brand independent commercial city + WeChat mall + SNS user interactive community in one of the new e-commerce marketing solutions.
Packet file list
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安装说明.txt 2572 2016-03-17
KESION (NET版) 软件产品3.7 手工还原数据库说明.doc 1080320 2016-03-17
KESION (NET版) 软件产品3.7 在线安装图文说明.doc 2234368 2016-03-17
KESION 官方站.url 183 2014-10-14
KESION 技术交流.url 240 2014-10-14
KESION 用户许可协议.txt 2793 2016-02-18
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