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  • Category : WEB Code
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  • Update : 2018-04-13
  • Size : 3.41mb
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  • Author :小JJ***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Web site system is asp+access/mssql architecture, computer version, mobile version, flat plate seamless handoff, a backstage synchronization management, the whole station generation static search is included, Dreamweaver open visual modification.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
user\book.asp 7672 2018-03-17
user\default.asp 9198 2018-03-17
user\index.asp 151 2017-10-27
user\login.asp 3720 2018-03-17
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user\userq.asp 256 2017-10-27
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robots.txt 152 2016-11-10
show.asp 5966 2018-03-17
trsearch.asp 1914 2018-03-17
该程序为GB2312版,随时了解官网最新程序.url 109 2016-11-10
临时测试网站.exe 650419 2016-11-11
天人短文网站系统程序开发说明_必读!.txt 21651 2018-04-09
admin\admin.asp 10348 2017-10-27
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admin\cj\Inc\clsCache.asp 2279 2017-10-27
admin\cj\Inc\code.asp 1198 2017-10-27
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admin\cj\Inc\function.asp 70847 2017-10-27
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admin\cj\Inc\SK_Funcls.asp 29608 2017-10-27
admin\cj\Inc\ubbcode.asp 10973 2017-10-27
admin\cj\show.asp 3759 2017-10-27
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admin\cj\SK_Timing.asp 8326 2017-10-27
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admin\default.asp 319 2017-10-27
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admin\getapp.asp 10110 2017-10-27
admin\html.asp 8716 2017-10-27
admin\htmlinc.asp 38515 2018-03-05
admin\htmlsave.asp 4637 2017-10-27
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admin\js\ 2893 2016-05-26
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admin\js\PNG.js 7031 2017-10-27
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admin\left.asp 7877 2018-03-18
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admin\login_save.asp 937 2017-10-27
admin\logout.asp 823 2017-10-27
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admin\mhtmlinc.asp 33335 2017-10-27
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admin\opentem.asp 990 2017-10-27
admin\recache.asp 7696 2017-10-27
admin\serverinfo.asp 18163 2017-10-27
admin\share.asp 6247 2017-10-27
admin\site_set.asp 19124 2017-10-27
admin\skin\default\img\adlogo.png 3891 2017-05-06
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admin\skin\default\img\progress.jpg 836 2016-06-06
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admin\skin\default\img\topbg.jpg 706 2016-05-26
admin\skin\default\img\topbgline.jpg 403 2016-05-26
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