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  • Update : 2018-04-14
  • Size : 1.58mb
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  • Author :y243****
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
XPTable is a very good use of data form controls, can be highly customizable ListView controls, allowing columns to check boxes, icons, drop-down boxes, digital boxes, progress bars and so on, and can be very easy to sort and other operations, powerful, rigorous code. It's suitable for learning and communicating, and can download and see if you are interested.
Packet file list
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AssemblyInfo.cs 2687 2015-02-26
bin 0 2015-02-26
bin\Debug 0 2015-02-26
bin\Debug\XPTable.dll 319488 2015-02-26
bin\Debug\XPTable.pdb 986624 2015-02-26
bin\Debug\XPTable.xml 689737 2015-02-26
bin\Release 0 2005-09-26
bin\Release\XPTable.dll 299008 2005-09-26
bin\Release\XPTable.xml 689743 2005-09-26
doc 0 2005-09-26
Editors 0 2015-02-26
Editors\CellEditor.cs 12008 2005-09-26
Editors\ColorCellEditor.cs 168685 2015-02-26
Editors\ComboBoxCellEditor.cs 13737 2005-09-26
Editors\DateTimeCellEditor.cs 6676 2005-09-26
Editors\DropDownCellEditor.cs 19053 2005-09-26
Editors\DropDownContainer.cs 5460 2005-09-26
Editors\DropDownContainer.resx 6444 2005-09-26
Editors\DropDownStyle.cs 1932 2005-09-26
Editors\EditStartAction.cs 1921 2005-09-26
Editors\ICellEditor.cs 2725 2005-09-26
Editors\IEditorUsesRendererButtons.cs 2306 2005-09-26
Editors\IKeyMessageFilterClient.cs 2421 2005-09-26
Editors\IMouseMessageFilterClient.cs 2429 2005-09-26
Editors\KeyMessageFilter.cs 3508 2005-09-26
Editors\MouseMessageFilter.cs 3574 2005-09-26
Editors\NumberCellEditor.cs 19880 2005-09-26
Editors\TextCellEditor.cs 5187 2005-09-26
Events 0 2005-09-26
Events\CellButtonEventArgs.cs 2462 2005-09-26
Events\CellCheckBoxEventArgs.cs 2470 2005-09-26
Events\CellEditEventArgs.cs 4968 2005-09-26
Events\CellEventArgs.cs 3752 2005-09-26
Events\CellEventArgsBase.cs 3806 2005-09-26
Events\CellEventType.cs 3415 2005-09-26
Events\CellFocusEventArgs.cs 3395 2005-09-26
Events\CellKeyEventArgs.cs 5160 2005-09-26
Events\CellMouseEventArgs.cs 6966 2005-09-26
Events\ColumnEventArgs.cs 4701 2005-09-26
Events\ColumnEventType.cs 4068 2005-09-26
Events\ColumnModelEventArgs.cs 3960 2005-09-26
Events\HeaderMouseEventArgs.cs 5015 2005-09-26
Events\PaintCellEventArgs.cs 8917 2005-09-26
Events\PaintHeaderEventArgs.cs 6401 2005-09-26
Events\RowEventArgs.cs 5834 2005-09-26
Events\RowEventType.cs 2627 2005-09-26
Events\SelectionEventArgs.cs 5055 2005-09-26
Events\TableModelEventArgs.cs 4753 2005-09-26
Models 0 2005-09-26
Models\ButtonColumn.cs 8315 2005-09-26
Models\Cell.cs 29930 2005-09-26
Models\CellCheckStyle.cs 3362 2005-09-26
Models\CellCollection.cs 7193 2005-09-26
Models\CellImageStyle.cs 2955 2005-09-26
Models\CellPadding.cs 15449 2005-09-26
Models\CellPos.cs 6216 2005-09-26
Models\CellStyle.cs 3848 2005-09-26
Models\CheckBoxColumn.cs 8697 2005-09-26
Models\CheckBoxColumnStyle.cs 1848 2005-09-26
Models\ColorColumn.cs 7434 2005-09-26
Models\Column.cs 24223 2005-09-26
Models\ColumnAlignment.cs 1893 2005-09-26
Models\ColumnCollection.cs 8499 2005-09-26
Models\ColumnModel.bmp 1328 2005-09-26
Models\ColumnModel.cs 22381 2005-09-26
Models\ColumnState.cs 1828 2005-09-26
Models\ComboBoxColumn.cs 5795 2005-09-26
Models\DateTimeColumn.cs 9383 2005-09-26
Models\Design 0 2005-09-26
Models\Design\CellCollectionEditor.cs 4412 2005-09-26
Models\Design\CellConverter.cs 3616 2005-09-26
Models\Design\ColumnCollectionEditor.cs 10666 2005-09-26
Models\Design\HelpfulCollectionEditor.cs 2719 2005-09-26
Models\Design\RowCollectionEditor.cs 4421 2005-09-26
Models\Design\RowComparer.cs 2211 2005-09-26
Models\Design\RowConverter.cs 3612 2005-09-26
Models\DropDownColumn.cs 5381 2005-09-26
Models\GridLines.cs 1990 2005-09-26
Models\GridLineStyle.cs 2138 2005-09-26
Models\HeaderContextMenu.cs 18257 2005-09-26
Models\ImageColumn.cs 7182 2005-09-26
Models\ImageSizeMode.cs 1906 2005-09-26
Models\NumberColumn.cs 11165 2005-09-26
Models\ProgressBarColumn.cs 7364 2005-09-26
Models\Row.cs 23337 2005-09-26
Models\RowAlignment.cs 1878 2005-09-26
Models\RowCollection.cs 7824 2005-09-26
Models\RowStyle.cs 3853 2005-09-26
Models\SelectionStyle.cs 1824 2005-09-26
Models\Table.bmp 1280 2005-09-26
Models\Table.cs 193526 2005-09-26
Models\Table.resx 1733 2005-09-26
Models\TableModel.bmp 1196 2005-09-26
Models\TableModel.cs 32885 2005-09-26
Models\TableModel.resx 1733 2005-09-26
Models\TableRegion.cs 1983 2005-09-26
Models\TableState.cs 2143 2005-09-26
Models\TextColumn.cs 5708 2005-09-26
obj 0 2015-02-26
obj\Debug 0 2015-02-26
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