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  • Update : 2018-04-19
  • Size : 30.44mb
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  • Author :ank***
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
A simple Tetris game developed by C++ on Windows platform.
Packet file list
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1 0 2015-06-03
1\7_2 0 2017-12-23
1\7_2\8_1.aps 1545648 2017-12-23
1\7_2\8_1.clw 3830 2011-05-26
1\7_2\8_1.cpp 4298 2017-12-21
1\7_2\8_1.dsp 6302 2001-11-29
1\7_2\8_1.dsw 531 2001-11-16
1\7_2\8_1.h 1392 2017-12-21
1\7_2\8_1.ncb 246784 2011-05-26
1\7_2\8_1.opt 64000 2011-05-26
1\7_2\8_1.plg 2415 2011-02-11
1\7_2\8_1.rc 13341 2017-12-23
1\7_2\8_1.sln 951 2017-12-17
1\7_2\8_1.suo 7168 2011-02-12
1\7_2\8_1.v12.suo 41472 2017-12-23
1\7_2\8_1.vcxproj 8724 2017-12-21
1\7_2\8_1.vcxproj.filters 3959 2017-12-21
1\7_2\8_1Doc.cpp 1716 2001-11-16
1\7_2\8_1Doc.h 1456 2001-11-16
1\7_2\8_1View.cpp 12513 2017-12-23
1\7_2\8_1View.h 2721 2017-12-21
1\7_2\Backup 0 2017-12-17
1\7_2\Backup\8_1.v12.suo 7168 2011-02-12
1\7_2\Debug 0 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\8_1.Build.CppClean.log 981 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\8_1.exe 1943552 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\8_1.ilk 1665816 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\8_1.log 1134 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\8_1.obj 40527 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\8_1.pch 27656192 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\8_1.pdb 5712896 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\8_1.res 1529308 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\8_1.tlog 0 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\8_1.tlog\8_1.lastbuildstate 151 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\8_1.tlog\cl.command.1.tlog 4580 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\8_1.tlog\ 35610 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\8_1.tlog\CL.write.1.tlog 2202 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\8_1.tlog\link.command.1.tlog 1488 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\8_1.tlog\ 5212 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\8_1.tlog\link.write.1.tlog 758 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\8_1.tlog\rc.command.1.tlog 462 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\8_1.tlog\ 3364 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\8_1.tlog\rc.write.1.tlog 122 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\8_1Doc.obj 60810 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\8_1View.obj 52551 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\MainFrm.obj 27116 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\Russia.obj 38646 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\Russia0.obj 32366 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\StdAfx.obj 819896 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\vc120.idb 1420288 2017-12-23
1\7_2\Debug\vc120.pdb 3969024 2017-12-23
1\7_2\ipch 0 2017-12-17
1\7_2\ipch\8_1-597fb50b 0 2017-12-21
1\7_2\ipch\8_1-597fb50b\8_1-5702dd1e.ipch 75169792 2017-12-21
1\7_2\MainFrm.cpp 2530 2017-12-21
1\7_2\MainFrm.h 1443 2017-12-21
1\7_2\MFM1992 43088 2001-11-29
1\7_2\ReadMe.txt 4253 2001-11-16
1\7_2\res 0 2017-12-23
1\7_2\resource.h 1823 2001-11-29
1\7_2\res\8_1.ico 1078 2001-11-16
1\7_2\res\8_1.rc2 395 2001-11-16
1\7_2\res\8_1Doc.ico 1078 2001-11-16
1\7_2\res\bitmap1.bmp 804054 2017-12-23
1\7_2\res\bitmap10.bmp 14032 2017-12-23
1\7_2\res\bitmap11.bmp 151320 2017-12-23
1\7_2\res\bitmap12.bmp 151318 2001-11-29
1\7_2\res\bitmap2.bmp 301080 2017-12-23
1\7_2\res\bitmap3.bmp 1270 2001-11-28
1\7_2\res\bitmap4.bmp 598 2001-11-28
1\7_2\res\bitmap5.bmp 55320 2017-12-23
1\7_2\res\bitmap6.bmp 358 2001-11-28
1\7_2\res\bitmap7.bmp 14032 2017-12-23
1\7_2\res\bitmap8.bmp 14032 2017-12-23
1\7_2\res\bitmap9 - 副本.bmp 6778 2017-12-21
1\7_2\res\bitmap9.bmp 14032 2017-12-23
1\7_2\res\Toolbar.bmp 1078 2001-11-16
1\7_2\Russia.cpp 8562 2017-12-17
1\7_2\Russia.h 1204 2001-11-28
1\7_2\Russia0.cpp 6174 2017-12-17
1\7_2\Russia0.h 828 2010-11-14
1\7_2\StdAfx.cpp 205 2001-11-16
1\7_2\StdAfx.h 1102 2001-11-16
1\7_2\UpgradeLog.htm 34178 2017-12-17
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