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  • Category : Other
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  • Update : 2018-04-21
  • Size : 5.77mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :带卿长***
  • About : Nobody
  • PS : If download it fails, try it again. Download again for free!
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
bookUserDAO userDAO = (UserDAO)Global.getDAO("UserDAO"); List<?> list = userDAO.findByUsername(username);
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
App_Code 0 2014-04-21
App_Code\AssemblyInfo.cs 2115 2006-12-12
App_Code\CleanString.cs 1217 2006-12-12
App_Code\DBConn.cs 1702 2008-12-09
App_Code\Global.asax.cs 1371 2006-12-12
App_Code\Order.cs 1801 2006-12-12
App_Code\myOleDbPager.cs 2891 2007-05-17
C_SellSQL.sln 1510 2014-04-22
DB_51aspx 0 2014-04-22
DB_51aspx\C_net_Sell_Data.MDF 4194304 2014-04-22
DB_51aspx\C_net_Sell_Log.LDF 4325376 2014-04-22
Edit.aspx 2855 2008-12-07
Edit.aspx.cs 3469 2008-12-07
Global.asax 58 2006-12-12
LeaveWord.aspx 1435 2008-12-12
LeaveWord.aspx.cs 1360 2008-12-11
P_OderInfo.aspx 3188 2010-05-06
P_OderInfo.aspx.cs 1022 2008-12-11
Reg.aspx 3175 2008-12-07
Reg.aspx.cs 2868 2008-12-11
Select.aspx 11959 2010-05-06
Select.aspx.cs 3406 2010-05-06
ValidateCode.aspx 87 2006-12-12
ValidateCode.aspx.cs 2759 2008-12-11
Web.config 8272 2014-04-22
admin 0 2014-04-22
admin\Info_Bm.aspx 4367 2008-12-12
admin\Info_Bm.aspx.cs 3829 2008-12-09
admin\View_User.aspx 3310 2008-11-12
admin\View_User.aspx.cs 3643 2008-12-11
admin\adminAdd.aspx.cs 3732 2014-04-22
admin\adminDisplay.aspx.cs 1317 2014-04-22
admin\adminList.aspx.cs 3113 2008-12-09
admin\adminManage.aspx.cs 1254 2008-12-09
admin\adminOutlogin.aspx.cs 964 2007-05-17
admin\adminSelf.aspx.cs 3413 2008-12-09
admin\adminadd.aspx 2355 2008-11-10
admin\admindisplay.aspx 776 2008-12-24
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admin\adminmanage.aspx 812 2014-04-22
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admin\categoryadd.aspx 1583 2006-12-12
admin\categoryalter.aspx 1795 2008-11-11
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admin\images\Z3.gif 70 2006-02-09
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admin\images\bgtiao05.gif 148 2006-01-31
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
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