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  • Category : Other
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  • Update : 2018-04-21
  • Size : 23.04mb
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  • Author :heheh*****
  • About : Nobody
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Automatic collection of major film and television network resources suitable for maintenance free operation
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
.env 593 2018-01-22
.env.example 542 2018-01-22
.gitattributes 123 2018-01-22
.gitignore 146 2018-01-22
.htaccess 597 2018-01-22
app 0 2018-03-31
app\Console 0 2018-03-31
app\Console\Kernel.php 848 2018-01-22
app\Exceptions 0 2018-03-31
app\Exceptions\Handler.php 1137 2018-01-22
app\Http 0 2018-03-31
app\Http\Controllers 0 2018-03-31
app\Http\Controllers\Admin 0 2018-03-31
app\Http\Controllers\Admin\IndexController.php 5686 2018-01-22
app\Http\Controllers\Admin\WeiXinController.php 3507 2018-01-22
app\Http\Controllers\Admin\WeiXinController.php.bak 3471 2018-01-16
app\Http\Controllers\Admin\YzController.php 1250 2018-01-22
app\Http\Controllers\Admin\actionController.php 14054 2018-01-22
app\Http\Controllers\Admin\adminLoginController.php 2139 2018-01-22
app\Http\Controllers\Auth 0 2018-03-31
app\Http\Controllers\Auth\ForgotPasswordController.php 834 2018-01-22
app\Http\Controllers\Auth\LoginController.php 944 2018-01-22
app\Http\Controllers\Auth\RegisterController.php 1817 2018-01-22
app\Http\Controllers\Auth\ResetPasswordController.php 952 2018-01-22
app\Http\Controllers\Common 0 2018-03-31
app\Http\Controllers\Common\CommonController.php 10450 2018-01-22
app\Http\Controllers\Common\SystemCotroller.php 1166 2018-01-22
app\Http\Controllers\Common\WriteConfigController.php 3226 2018-01-22
app\Http\Controllers\Controller.php 361 2018-01-22
app\Http\Controllers\Core 0 2018-03-31
app\Http\Controllers\Core\CoreController.php 11258 2018-01-22
app\Http\Controllers\HomeController.php 464 2018-01-22
app\Http\Controllers\Index 0 2018-03-31
app\Http\Controllers\Index\IndexController.php 12157 2018-01-22
app\Http\Controllers\Index\TestController.php 470 2018-01-22
app\Http\Kernel.php 2156 2018-01-22
app\Http\Middleware 0 2018-03-31
app\Http\Middleware\CcDefense.php 2220 2018-01-22
app\Http\Middleware\CheckLogin.php 502 2018-01-22
app\Http\Middleware\CopyVerify.php 954 2018-01-01
app\Http\Middleware\EncryptCookies.php 294 2018-01-22
app\Http\Middleware\RedirectIfAuthenticated.php 523 2018-01-22
app\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php 340 2018-01-22
app\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php 697 2018-01-22
app\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken.php 311 2018-01-22
app\Providers 0 2018-03-31
app\Providers\AppServiceProvider.php 403 2018-01-22
app\Providers\AuthServiceProvider.php 575 2018-01-22
app\Providers\BroadcastServiceProvider.php 380 2018-01-22
app\Providers\EventServiceProvider.php 596 2018-01-22
app\Providers\RouteServiceProvider.php 1529 2018-01-22
app\User.php 511 2018-01-22
artisan 1686 2018-01-22
bootstrap 0 2018-03-31
bootstrap\app.php 1602 2018-01-22
bootstrap\cache 0 2018-03-31
bootstrap\cache\.gitignore 14 2018-01-22
bootstrap\cache\packages.php 291 2017-12-04
bootstrap\cache\services.php 12454 2017-12-04
composer.json 1415 2018-01-22
composer.lock 154381 2018-01-22
config 0 2018-03-31
config\adconfig.php 492 2018-02-07
config\app.php 9169 2018-01-22
config\appconfig.php 360 2018-02-07
config\auth.php 3251 2018-01-22
config\broadcasting.php 1530 2018-01-22
config\cache.php 2682 2018-01-22
config\cacheconfig.php 47 2018-02-13
config\ccset.php 148 2018-01-22
config\database.php 3951 2018-01-22
config\fenlei.php 2577 2018-01-22
config\filesystems.php 2091 2018-01-22
config\jkset.php 579 2018-03-31
config\logininfo.php 99 2018-02-14
config\m3u8config.php 246 2018-03-31
config\mail.php 4214 2018-01-22
config\playerconfig.php 99 2018-03-12
config\queue.php 2481 2018-01-22
config\services.php 980 2018-01-22
config\session.php 6875 2018-01-22
config\sourceconfig.php 240 2018-01-22
config\systeminfo.php 38 2018-01-22
config\view.php 1004 2018-01-22
config\webset.php 1736 2018-03-31
config\wxconfig.php 194 2018-02-07
crossdomain.xml 123 2014-05-18
database 0 2018-03-31
database\.gitignore 9 2018-01-22
database\factories 0 2018-03-31
database\factories\UserFactory.php 729 2018-01-22
database\migrations 0 2018-03-31
database\migrations\2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table.php 746 2018-01-22
database\migrations\2014_10_12_100000_create_password_resets_table.php 683 2018-01-22
database\seeds 0 2018-03-31
database\seeds\DatabaseSeeder.php 241 2018-01-22
favicon.ico 4286 2018-02-06
index.php 563 2018-01-22
js 0 2018-03-31
js\jquery-3.2.1.min.js 86659 2017-09-25
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