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  • Category : Other
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  • Update : 2018-04-27
  • Size : 240kb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :scbg****
  • About : Nobody
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Packet file list
(Preview for download)
ReadMe.txt 3996 2001-11-29
ColourPicker.h 3098 2001-11-18
ColourPopup.h 3743 2001-11-18
eAboutDlg.h 1240 2001-12-06
FlyBox.h 1374 2001-12-04
FlyBoxDoc.h 1475 2001-11-29
FlyBoxView.h 2997 2001-12-07
FolderAttDlg.h 1280 2001-12-06
Funs.h 1096 2001-12-07
GfxGroupEdit.h 1699 2001-12-01
GfxOutBarCtrl.h 8634 2001-12-06
hyperlink.h 3156 2001-12-06
ItemAttDlg.h 1599 2001-12-06
ItemDlg.h 1571 2001-12-06
MainDlg.h 1435 2001-12-03
MainFrm.h 2290 2001-12-07
OptionDlg.h 1783 2001-12-04
PopupMenu.h 2128 2001-12-02
rAddFolderDlg.h 1260 2001-11-30
resource.h 3438 2001-12-06
ShellIcon.h 890 2001-11-18
ShellLink.h 1409 2001-12-04
ShellPidl.h 1538 2001-12-06
ShellTree.h 2992 2001-12-06
SHFileInfo.h 4157 2001-12-06
SkillDlg.h 1247 2001-12-04
Splash.h 1159 2001-12-04
StackDialog.h 4075 2001-11-01
StdAfx.h 1187 2001-12-06
struct.h 406 2001-11-30
zCJSearchEdit.h 3831 2001-12-06
9ColourPicker.cpp 9895 2001-12-04
cCJSearchEdit.cpp 6820 2001-12-06
ColourPopup.cpp 29928 2001-10-28
FlyBox.cpp 3377 2001-12-07
FlyBoxDoc.cpp 1742 2001-11-29
FlyBoxView.cpp 18254 2001-12-07
FolderAttDlg.cpp 1164 2001-12-06
Funs.cpp 5750 2001-12-07
GfxGroupEdit.cpp 3373 2001-12-02
GfxOutBarCtrl.cpp 70961 2001-12-07
hyperlink.cpp 13136 1999-03-11
ItemAttDlg.cpp 3173 2001-12-07
ItemDlg.cpp 3321 2001-12-07
L5AboutDlg.cpp 1152 2001-12-03
LAddFolderDlg.cpp 1053 2001-11-30
MainDlg.cpp 2307 2001-12-04
MainFrm.cpp 7227 2001-12-07
OptionDlg.cpp 3610 2001-12-04
PopupMenu.cpp 19829 2001-12-02
ShellIcon.cpp 1675 2001-11-18
ShellLink.cpp 6277 2001-12-04
ShellPidl.cpp 9865 1999-03-11
ShellTree.cpp 28003 1999-03-11
SHFileInfo.cpp 12187 1999-03-10
SkillDlg.cpp 1480 2001-12-04
Splash.cpp 3201 2001-12-04
StackDialog.cpp 13857 2001-11-01
StdAfx.cpp 208 2001-11-29
res\btn_arro.bmp 254 2001-12-06
res\Image2.bmp 198054 2001-12-04
outbarres\imageList.bmp 3702 2001-11-24
res\splsh16.BMP 67078 2001-12-04
res\toolba2.bmp 1438 2001-12-04
res\toolbar.bmp 4854 2001-12-03
res\toolbar1.bmp 1438 2001-12-04
outbarres\treeImageList.bmp 1654 2001-11-24
res\folder.wav 9156 2001-07-20
res\pagemove.wav 6282 2001-08-07
FlyBox.clw 6812 2001-12-09
outbarres\cur1040.cur 326 1998-07-06
outbarres\cur1320.cur 326 1998-07-06
outbarres\cur268.cur 326 1998-07-06
outbarres\dragging.cur 326 2001-12-04
outbarres\icr_hand.cur 326 2001-12-04
FlyBox.dsp 8540 2001-12-06
FlyBox.dsw 537 2001-11-29
res\Addfolder.ico 766 2001-12-06
res\Addfolder1.ico 766 2001-12-06
res\additem.ico 766 2001-12-06
res\additem1.ico 766 2001-12-06
res\FlyBox.ico 1078 2001-11-29
res\FlyBoxDoc.ico 1078 2001-11-29
res\Niarc2 060.ico 4710 2001-12-04
res\Toolbox.ico 766 2001-11-30
res\1.pal 162 2001-12-06
FlyBox.plg 4060 2001-12-09
FlyBox.rc 17190 2001-12-06
res\FlyBox.rc2 478 2001-11-30
outbarres 0 2017-10-25
res 0 2017-10-25
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