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  • Update : 2018-04-28
  • Size : 433kb
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  • Author :eljih%******
  • About : Nobody
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Packet file list
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ReadMe.txt 4901 2003-07-12
hlp\78\MS.LOG 5555 2003-07-27
hlp\MS.LOG 6306 2003-08-02
MakeHelp.bat 1278 2003-07-12
bkdialogst.h 3712 2002-07-26
btcancel.h 234 2003-07-20
btdial.h 352 2003-07-20
btdown.h 246 2003-07-20
bteight.h 253 2003-07-20
btfive.h 251 2003-07-20
btfour.h 251 2003-07-20
bthang.h 258 2003-07-20
btleft.h 243 2003-07-25
btnine.h 251 2003-07-20
BtnST.h 10401 2003-03-03
btok.h 252 2003-07-20
btone.h 253 2003-07-20
btright.h 245 2003-07-25
btseven.h 254 2003-07-20
btsix.h 250 2003-07-20
btsquar.h 241 2003-07-20
btstar.h 237 2003-07-20
btthree.h 252 2003-07-20
bttwo.h 251 2003-07-20
btup.h 239 2003-07-20
btzero.h 252 2003-07-20
cexdib.h 2328 2001-12-04
DlgProxy.h 1595 2003-07-12
FirstDlg.h 1603 2003-07-18
hyperlink.h 3637 2000-03-23
ListBoxCH.h 2210 2003-07-18
ListBoxCHDemo.h 1401 2002-09-11
ListBoxCHDemoDlg.h 1656 2002-09-12
listst.h 10390 2003-07-13
MS.h 1280 2003-07-12
MSDlg.h 6403 2003-07-28
Pad.h 3690 2003-07-13
Resource.h 6012 2003-07-29
RoundButton.h 1241 2003-07-27
scr.h 46409 2003-07-29
shadebuttonst.h 1876 2003-07-27
Sock.h 1465 2002-04-14
StdAfx.h 1790 2003-07-12
tray.h 6026 2003-06-26
v0bcmenu.h 16478 2002-03-31
bkdialogst.cpp 14076 2003-04-24
BtnST.cpp 69988 2003-03-03
cexdib.cpp 8684 2001-12-03
DlgProxy.cpp 2875 2003-07-12
FirstDlg.cpp 5505 2003-07-20
hyperlink.cpp 14646 2000-03-31
ListBoxCH.cpp 5556 2003-07-18
ListBoxCHDemo.cpp 2161 2003-07-13
ListBoxCHDemoDlg.cpp 9365 2002-09-16
listst.cpp 69846 2003-07-13
mbcmenu.cpp 88816 2002-03-31
MS.cpp 2701 2003-07-12
MSDlg.cpp 32118 2003-07-29
Pad.cpp 13865 2003-07-13
RoundButton.cpp 8610 2003-07-27
salam.cpp 11503 2003-07-13
scr.cpp 11513 2003-07-24
shadebuttonst.cpp 7111 2002-11-24
Sock.cpp 1428 2003-07-15
StdAfx.cpp 204 2003-07-12
tray.cpp 32933 2001-08-29
hlp\1.rtf 10079 2003-07-27
hlp\AfxDlg.rtf 36647 2003-07-28
hlp\MS.HLP 12554 2003-08-02
hlp\78\MS1.HLP 5987 2003-07-27
hlp\MS2.HLP 6122 2003-07-27
res\move.bmp 1398 2003-07-26
res\welcomePic.BMP 15614 2003-07-28
res\1.wav 57464 2003-07-25
res\BUSY.WAV 3795 2003-07-24
res\click.wav 584 2003-07-14
res\Helper.wav 29390 2003-07-14
res\Hover.wav 5192 2003-07-14
res\incomingsms.wav 14840 2003-07-20
res\NoAnswer!.WAV 9986 2003-07-24
res\Notify.wav 12213 2003-07-20
res\PHON-OUT.WAV 22196 2003-07-24
res\phone.wav 12536 2003-07-20
res\Phone2.wav 7288 2003-07-20
res\RingIn.wav 9612 2003-07-20
res\TYPE.WAV 4636 2003-07-14
MS.APS 306628 2003-08-02
MS.clw 4788 2003-08-02
hlp\78\MS.cnt 111 2003-07-12
hlp\MS.cnt 111 2003-07-12
res\Hand.cur 326 2003-07-14
MS.dsp 14343 2003-07-29
MS.dsw 527 2003-07-12
hlp\78\MS.GID 10820 2003-07-27
hlp\MS.GID 10820 2003-07-27
hlp\ 776 2003-08-02
hlp\78\MS.hpj 2269 2003-07-12
hlp\MS.hpj 2269 2003-07-12
res\6.ico 766 2002-08-04
res\7.ico 766 2002-08-04
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