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  • Update : 2018-04-30
  • Size : 810kb
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Socket source code can be implemented on omnet, first build in run
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
sockets\.cproject 7246 2014-03-07
sockets\.nedfolders 2 2014-03-07
sockets\.oppbuildspec 236 2014-03-07
sockets\.project 2743 2014-03-07
sockets\.tkenvrc 103 2014-03-07
sockets\ 969 2014-03-07
sockets\Cloud.ned 500 2014-03-07
sockets\ 2619 2014-03-07
sockets\ExtHttpclient.ned 418 2014-03-07
sockets\ 2079 2014-03-07
sockets\ExtTelnetclient.ned 420 2014-03-07
sockets\htdocs\config.html 832 2014-03-07
sockets\htdocs\httpmodel.html 1157 2014-03-07
sockets\htdocs\hwintheloop.html 1983 2014-03-07
sockets\htdocs\implementation.html 4122 2014-03-07
sockets\htdocs\index.html 2458 2014-03-07
sockets\htdocs\realtime.html 1379 2014-03-07
sockets\htdocs\telnetmodel.html 1417 2014-03-07
sockets\ 1408 2014-03-07
sockets\HttpClient.ned 455 2014-03-07
sockets\HttpMsg.msg 735 2014-03-07
sockets\ 8155 2018-02-24
sockets\HttpMsg_m.h 1450 2018-02-24
sockets\HttpNet.ned 1258 2014-03-07
sockets\ 3248 2014-03-07
sockets\HttpServer.h 768 2014-03-07
sockets\HttpServer.ned 410 2014-03-07
sockets\Makefile 4517 2018-02-24
sockets\NetPkt.msg 351 2014-03-07
sockets\ 8739 2018-02-24
sockets\NetPkt_m.h 1498 2018-02-24
sockets\omnetpp.ini 533 2014-03-07
sockets\out\gcc-debug\.last-copts 149 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-debug\Cloud.o 93076 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-debug\ExtHttpClient.o 93911 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-debug\ExtTelnetClient.o 93695 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-debug\HttpClient.o 99556 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-debug\HttpMsg_m.o 84946 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-debug\HttpServer.o 222362 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-debug\NetPkt_m.o 78055 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-debug\QueueBase.o 65163 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-debug\SocketRTScheduler.o 102160 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-debug\sockets.exe 804259 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-debug\TelnetClient.o 99708 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-debug\TelnetPkt_m.o 85140 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-debug\TelnetServer.o 98915 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-release\.last-copts 155 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-release\Cloud.o 32290 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-release\ExtHttpClient.o 35207 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-release\ExtTelnetClient.o 35139 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-release\HttpClient.o 33620 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-release\HttpMsg_m.o 27126 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-release\HttpServer.o 50075 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-release\NetPkt_m.o 26958 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-release\QueueBase.o 17974 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-release\SocketRTScheduler.o 27038 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-release\sockets.exe 228348 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-release\TelnetClient.o 33698 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-release\TelnetPkt_m.o 27240 2018-02-24
sockets\out\gcc-release\TelnetServer.o 35119 2018-02-24
sockets\package.ned 64 2014-03-07
sockets\ 1255 2014-03-07
sockets\QueueBase.h 838 2014-03-07
sockets\README.txt 3477 2014-03-07
sockets\ 8106 2014-03-07
sockets\SocketRTScheduler.h 3162 2014-03-07
sockets\sockets.exe 804259 2018-02-24
sockets\ 1422 2014-03-07
sockets\TelnetClient.ned 457 2014-03-07
sockets\TelnetNet.ned 1299 2014-03-07
sockets\TelnetPkt.msg 561 2014-03-07
sockets\ 8255 2018-02-24
sockets\TelnetPkt_m.h 1488 2018-02-24
sockets\ 1211 2014-03-07
sockets\TelnetServer.h 575 2014-03-07
sockets\TelnetServer.ned 414 2014-03-07
sockets\out\gcc-debug 0 2018-04-30
sockets\out\gcc-release 0 2018-04-30
sockets\htdocs 0 2018-04-30
sockets\out 0 2018-04-30
sockets 0 2018-04-30
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