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CNN 11 tezhengtiqu

  • Category : Other
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  • Update : 2018-05-01
  • Size : 38.55mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :乳****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Convolution neural network is used for fault diagnosis and achieves good recognition results.
Packet file list
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CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\allcomb.m 2618 2015-12-01
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\bishedata_jiang.mat 24907516 2018-04-12
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\cnnapplygrads.m 904 2018-04-11
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\cnnbp.m 4317 2018-04-11
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\cnnff.m 3421 2018-04-16
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\cnnnumgradcheck.m 3430 2015-12-01
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\cnnsetup.m 3087 2018-04-16
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\cnntest.m 257 2018-04-18
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\cnntrain.m 2599 2018-04-29
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\data_curve.m 778 2018-04-25
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\divide_TrainTest.m 609 2018-04-19
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\envelope_spectrum.m 818 2018-04-16
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\expand.m 1958 2015-12-01
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\feature_envelope_extraction.m 888 2018-04-16
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\feature_extraction.m 897 2018-04-19
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\feature_frequency_extraction.m 904 2018-04-16
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\feature_main.m 1680 2018-04-17
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\feature_process_CNN.m 2564 2018-04-27
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\feature_time_extraction.m 2490 2018-04-15
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\flicker.m 208 2015-12-01
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\flipall.m 93 2018-04-11
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\fliplrf.m 543 2015-12-01
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\flipudf.m 576 2015-12-01
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\frequency_spectrum.m 421 2018-04-16
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\gear_fault_featuredata.mat 448941 2018-04-30
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\gear_fault_featuredata_jiang.mat 298975 2018-04-30
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\im2patches.m 313 2015-12-01
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\isOctave.m 108 2015-12-01
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\makeLMfilters.m 1895 2015-12-01
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\mnist_uint8.mat 14735220 2015-12-01
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\myOctaveVersion.m 169 2015-12-01
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\normalize.m 97 2015-12-01
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\patches2im.m 242 2015-12-01
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\randcorr.m 283 2015-12-01
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\randp.m 2083 2015-12-01
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\rnd.m 49 2015-12-01
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\sigm.m 48 2015-12-01
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\sigmrnd.m 126 2015-12-01
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\softmax.m 256 2015-12-01
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\tanh_opt.m 54 2015-12-01
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\testing_accuracy.tif 51533 2018-04-30
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\testing_error.tif 49093 2018-04-30
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\training_accuracy.tif 51347 2018-04-30
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\training_error.tif 48795 2018-04-30
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\visualize.m 1072 2015-12-01
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\whiten.m 183 2015-12-01
CNN 11 tezhengtiqu\zscore.m 137 2015-12-01
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