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  • Update : 2018-05-10
  • Size : 404kb
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  • Author :安****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Realized the combination of OSG and QT, and can develop OSG through QT.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
holedialog.cpp 151 2010-04-24
holedialog.h 276 2010-04-24
holedialog.ui 565 2010-04-24
main.cpp 964 2010-05-08
MainForm.h 4544 2010-05-10
Makefile 5751 2010-04-24
Makefile.Debug 7623 2010-04-24
Makefile.Release 7648 2010-04-24
mythesis.cpp 14711 2010-05-22
mythesis.h 17947 2010-05-15 1209 2010-04-24
mythesis.qrc 1466 2010-05-08
MyThesis.suo 13824 2011-03-03
mythesis.ui 1459 2010-04-24
MyThesis.vcproj 64677 2010-05-08
MyThesis.vcproj.THTFCOMPUTER13.Administrator.user 1431 2010-05-02
MyThesis.vcproj.vspscc 2206 2011-03-03
MyThesis.vcproj.WWW-80BC21B684F.Administrator.user 1433 2010-05-22
mythesis_zh.ts 336 2010-04-24
PickHandler.cpp 1292 2010-05-08
PickHandler.h 2384 2010-05-08
querydialog.cpp 264 2010-04-26
querydialog.h 518 2010-05-22
querydialog.ui 3959 2010-05-08
screensnaper.cpp 2439 2010-05-08
screensnaper.h 740 2010-05-08
screensnaper.ui 573 2010-05-08
swichdialog.cpp 226 2010-05-08
swichdialog.h 358 2010-05-22
swichdialog.ui 1857 2010-05-08
tragdialog.cpp 1427 2010-05-08
tragdialog.h 752 2010-05-22
tragdialog.ui 565 2010-05-08
txt_dat_grd_dialog.cpp 4143 2010-04-29
txt_dat_grd_dialog.h 822 2010-05-22
txt_dat_grd_dialog.ui 6070 2010-04-29
Resources\0.bmp 4150 2010-03-08
Resources\1.bmp 4150 2010-03-08
Resources\2.bmp 4150 2010-03-08
Resources\3.bmp 4150 2010-03-08
Resources\4.bmp 4150 2010-03-08
Resources\5.bmp 4150 2010-03-08
Resources\anyclip.png 14781 2006-06-01
Resources\backcolor.png 15296 2005-11-29
Resources\bizer.bmp 4150 2010-04-20
Resources\box.png 9356 2006-07-05
Resources\clip.png 8662 2005-02-21
Resources\conv.BMP 13578 2009-04-26
Resources\copy.png 1338 2009-11-25
Resources\core.bmp 13578 2009-04-26
Resources\cut.png 1323 2009-11-25
Resources\excel.png 11104 2010-03-03
Resources\exit.BMP 13578 2009-04-26
Resources\grid.png 20089 2006-07-13
Resources\hole.png 14184 2005-11-29
Resources\input.BMP 13578 2009-04-26
Resources\link.jpg 5762 2002-11-25
Resources\new.png 852 2009-11-25
Resources\notepad.ico 3774 2001-06-13
Resources\nurbs.bmp 4150 2010-04-21
Resources\open.png 2073 2009-11-25
Resources\osg.BMP 13578 2009-04-26
Resources\osgdem.BMP 13578 2009-04-26
Resources\paste.png 1645 2009-11-25
Resources\pick.png 14154 2005-06-08
Resources\save.BMP 13302 2009-04-26
Resources\save.png 1187 2009-11-25
Resources\showscene.ico 766 2010-03-09
Resources\swich.png 11699 2005-09-17
Resources\swichdone.png 16220 2003-03-29
Resources\Thumbs.db 161280 2010-04-27
Resources\trag.png 25408 2005-06-08
Resources\value.png 16792 2006-04-03
Resources 0 2011-02-18
access_read.cpp 8785 2010-05-12
access_read.h 1091 2010-05-22
access_read.ui 9699 2010-04-26
anyclipplane.cpp 5911 2010-05-08
anyclipplane.h 917 2010-05-22
anyclipplane.ui 573 2010-05-08
clip.cpp 7831 2010-05-08
clip.h 801 2010-05-22
clip.ui 541 2010-05-08
excel_delaunay.cpp 10491 2010-05-12
excel_delaunay.h 1080 2010-05-22
excel_delaunay.ui 9561 2010-04-29
GlobalVal.cpp 97 2010-04-25
GlobalVal.h 897 2010-05-09
GraphicsWindowQt.cpp 10559 2010-05-15
GraphicsWindowQt.h 3102 2010-05-05
HeaderFile.h 2830 2010-05-15
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