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  • Category : Other
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  • Update : 2018-05-10
  • Size : 23.69mb
  • Downloaded :1次
  • Author :ren****
  • About : Nobody
  • PS : If download it fails, try it again. Download again for free!
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
This program provides fog, dark video stream files such as AVI, MPG file for real-time fogging enhancement processing. There are 9 kinds of algorithms, dark original color, Retinex, MSR, msrcr, fast fogging, filter fogging, CLAHE and so on. At the same time, it gives the judgment scene is foggy scene or dark scene, the effect is very good!
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
Release\dehaze2.dll 60928 2018-01-01
Release\opencv_calib3d231.dll 751616 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_calib3d231d.dll 1526272 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_calib3d249.dll 786432 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_calib3d249d.dll 1543680 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_contrib231.dll 531968 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_contrib231d.dll 1329664 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_contrib249.dll 1150464 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_contrib249d.dll 2464768 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_core231.dll 1739776 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_core231d.dll 2829824 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_core249.dll 2099200 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_core249d.dll 3474432 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_createsamples.exe 146944 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_features2d231.dll 895488 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_features2d231d.dll 1778176 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_features2d249.dll 717824 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_features2d249d.dll 1461248 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_ffmpeg.dll 7417192 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_ffmpeg249.dll 10535057 2013-11-19
Release\opencv_flann231.dll 391680 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_flann231d.dll 945152 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_flann249.dll 488960 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_flann249d.dll 1133568 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_gpu231.dll 219648 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_gpu231d.dll 742912 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_gpu249.dll 421888 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_gpu249d.dll 940032 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_haartraining.exe 147968 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_highgui231.dll 909824 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_highgui231d.dll 1819136 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_highgui249.dll 2080768 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_highgui249d.dll 3590144 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_imgproc231.dll 1672192 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_imgproc231d.dll 2774528 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_imgproc249.dll 1914368 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_imgproc249d.dll 3130368 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_legacy231.dll 786432 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_legacy231d.dll 1577984 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_legacy249.dll 1217024 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_legacy249d.dll 2574848 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_ml231.dll 472576 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_ml231d.dll 984064 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_ml249.dll 508928 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_ml249d.dll 1023488 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_nonfree249.dll 547328 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_nonfree249d.dll 1149440 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_objdetect231.dll 540672 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_objdetect231d.dll 1230848 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_objdetect249.dll 657408 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_objdetect249d.dll 1529344 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_ocl249.dll 2058240 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_ocl249d.dll 3593216 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_performance.exe 12800 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_photo249.dll 191488 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_photo249d.dll 464384 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_stitching249.dll 998400 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_stitching249d.dll 2046464 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_superres249.dll 602112 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_superres249d.dll 1237504 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_traincascade.exe 230400 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_ts231.dll 568832 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_ts231d.dll 1123840 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_video231.dll 295936 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_video231d.dll 594944 2011-08-17
Release\opencv_video249.dll 366080 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_video249d.dll 706048 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_videostab249.dll 537600 2014-04-15
Release\opencv_videostab249d.dll 1168896 2014-04-15
Release\tbb.dll 152480 2014-05-05
Release\tbb_debug.dll 269216 2014-05-05
Release\Video-Dehaze.exe 139776 2018-01-27
Release\Video-Dehaze.pdb 5475328 2018-01-27
Release\说明.txt 408 2018-05-10
Release 0 2018-05-10
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
  • Please use Winrar for decompression tools
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