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  • Update : 2018-05-14
  • Size : 422kb
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  • Author :莲*****
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The wireless charging program code is all designed, including PWM, AD collection and so on.
Packet file list
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源码\A2DP_HFP_CODE (2).h 1626 2013-01-21
源码\A2DP_HFP_CODE.h 1626 2013-01-21
源码\AD.h 942 2012-11-19
源码\BT&REMOTE_CONTROL.h 7313 2013-01-21
源码\BT_Control.h 5844 2013-02-04
源码\charge.dep 4663 2013-03-22
源码\charge.pdb 897 2013-03-22
源码\charge.stp 15801 2013-01-21
源码\charge_Programmer\charge_STVP.stp 488 2012-12-20
源码\charge_Programmer\charge_STVP_OPTION BYTE.hex 103 2012-12-20
源码\checkres.spy 292 2013-01-14
源码\C_Wireless_Charge.stw 201 2013-03-22
源码\C_Wireless_Charge.wdb 47913 2013-03-22
源码\ 53302 2013-03-22
源码\Debug\charge.elf 25098 2013-03-22
源码\Debug\charge.lkf 2407 2012-10-16
源码\Debug\ 41212 2012-12-20
源码\Debug\charge.s19 15980 2013-03-22
源码\Debug\charge.sm8 113161 2013-03-22
源码\Debug\ 189034 2013-03-22
源码\Debug\main.o 69639 2013-03-22
源码\Debug\ 38742 2013-03-22
源码\Debug\stm8s_clk.o 19447 2013-03-22
源码\Debug\ 10053 2013-03-22
源码\Debug\stm8s_exti.o 4461 2013-03-22
源码\Debug\ 10155 2013-03-22
源码\Debug\stm8s_gpio.o 6835 2013-03-22
源码\Debug\ 6181 2013-03-22
源码\Debug\stm8s_it.o 6948 2013-03-22
源码\Debug\ 111266 2013-03-22
源码\Debug\stm8s_tim1.o 57495 2013-03-22
源码\Debug\ 61220 2013-03-22
源码\Debug\stm8s_tim2.o 32360 2013-03-22
源码\Debug\ 13247 2013-03-22
源码\Debug\stm8s_tim4.o 10369 2013-03-22
源码\Debug\ 4444 2013-03-22
源码\Debug\stm8_interrupt_vector.o 2582 2013-03-22
源码\four file\stm8s_conf.h 7878 2011-04-26
源码\four file\stm8s_it.c 16121 2011-12-28
源码\four file\stm8s_it.h 4629 2009-03-02
源码\four file\stm8_interrupt_vector.c 5358 2011-04-26
源码\library\library\inc\checkres.spy 321 2011-12-28
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s.h 96840 2012-10-15
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s_adc1.h 13654 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s_adc2.h 11029 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s_awu.h 4873 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s_beep.h 3474 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s_can.h 24992 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s_clk.h 17672 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s_exti.h 4566 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s_flash.h 12201 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s_gpio.h 6289 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s_i2c.h 15333 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s_itc.h 5008 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s_iwdg.h 4580 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s_rst.h 2809 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s_spi.h 12769 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s_tim1.h 24970 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s_tim2.h 13568 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s_tim3.h 12475 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s_tim4.h 5133 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s_tim5.h 18985 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s_tim6.h 9165 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s_type.h 3453 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s_uart1.h 15112 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s_uart2.h 17364 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s_uart3.h 13606 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\inc\stm8s_wwdg.h 2386 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\inc\type.h 736 2012-01-04
源码\library\library\src\stm8s_adc1.c 22405 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\src\stm8s_adc2.c 13581 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\src\stm8s_awu.c 6567 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\src\stm8s_beep.c 4835 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\src\stm8s_can.c 44660 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\src\stm8s_clk.c 22340 2012-09-06
源码\library\library\src\stm8s_exti.c 5816 2012-09-06
源码\library\library\src\stm8s_flash.c 19095 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\src\stm8s_gpio.c 8611 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\src\stm8s_i2c.c 22086 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\src\stm8s_itc.c 9015 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\src\stm8s_iwdg.c 4922 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\src\stm8s_rst.c 2784 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\src\stm8s_spi.c 13998 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\src\stm8s_tim1.c 84780 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\src\stm8s_tim2.c 46289 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\src\stm8s_tim3.c 37467 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\src\stm8s_tim4.c 12769 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\src\stm8s_tim5.c 51196 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\src\stm8s_tim6.c 15842 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\src\stm8s_uart1.c 28336 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\src\stm8s_uart2.c 34198 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\src\stm8s_uart3.c 23822 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\src\stm8s_wwdg.c 4235 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\stm8s_conf.h 7878 2011-04-26
源码\library\library\stm8s_it.c 16121 2011-12-28
源码\library\library\stm8s_it.h 4629 2009-03-02
源码\library\library\stm8_interrupt_vector.c 5358 2011-04-26
源码\main.c 25014 2013-03-22
源码\PWM.h 3887 2013-02-04
源码\Release\charge.lkf 2443 2012-10-16
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