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  • Category : Windows Develop
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  • Update : 2018-05-27
  • Size : 3.41mb
  • Downloaded :15次
  • Author :Mill*****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
CATIA assistant 7 update note Pre update version: CATIA assistant 7.0.0 Updated version: CATIA assistant 7.1.0 Main updates: 1, the engineering drawing custom table supports cell size can be adjusted according to the size of the drawings. 2, add new macro management tools, you can add custom macros to assistant management and execution. 3, formula calculation adds custom algorithm. Custom algorithm supports VBScript script language, written in FunLibrary.txt file. 4, modify the bevel gear creation algorithm (because the results in some R20 versions are biased). 5. The problem of CATIA collapse when creating the "Bush / bushing" in the quick feature creation function.
Packet file list
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CATIA助手7(PC)\catia助手7.1.4.exe 4907008 2018-04-26
CATIA助手7(PC)\TblData 4169 2017-11-01
CATIA助手7(PC)\FunLibrary.txt 2630 2017-11-01
CATIA助手7(PC)\CATSetting 616 2017-05-28
CATIA助手7(PC)\LicensesManager\LicV5R26 110567 2017-05-25
CATIA助手7(PC)\LicensesManager\CATLicencesManager.exe 25600 2017-05-25
CATIA助手7(PC)\ParameterEditor--.exe 154624 2017-05-24
CATIA助手7(PC)\Macros.txt 0 2017-05-14
CATIA助手7(PC)\PramEditorSetting 209 2016-03-01
CATIA助手7(PC)\CATIA助手7产品说明.txt 1569 2017-04-08
CATIA助手7(PC)\AEC.dll 96776 2017-04-05
CATIA助手7(PC)\JTOS.dll 435459 2017-04-07
CATIA助手7(PC)\SPM.dll 428042 2017-04-08
CATIA助手7(PC)\HEC.dll 82392 2017-04-07
CATIA助手7(PC)\LSSY.LS 26 2017-02-13
CATIA助手7(PC)\MBIF 1352 2017-02-13
CATIA助手7(PC) 0 2017-02-10
CATIA助手7(PC)\BGPic 294966 2016-05-16
CATIA助手7(PC)\BGsk 804870 2013-03-31
CATIA助手7(PC)\ColrFl 25715 2009-02-22
CATIA助手7(PC)\CrrMat 1878 2017-01-16
CATIA助手7(PC)\CwwReg.dll 31998 2016-09-20
CATIA助手7(PC)\ISO.xml 361683 2016-05-12
CATIA助手7(PC)\LicensesManager 0 2016-08-31
CATIA助手7(PC)\LicensesManager\Interop.INFITF.dll 176128 2016-08-12
CATIA助手7(PC)\LicensesManager\LicV5R18 105672 2016-08-12
CATIA助手7(PC)\LicensesManager\LicV5R20 110651 2016-08-12
CATIA助手7(PC)\LicensesManager\LicV5R21 110776 2016-08-11
CATIA助手7(PC)\MSCOMCTL.OCX 1070352 2012-02-14
CATIA助手7(PC)\MSFLXGRD.OCX 244024 1998-06-24
CATIA助手7(PC)\Matlog 7134241 2016-05-15
CATIA助手7(PC)\ParaBom.txt 1461 2013-07-15
CATIA助手7(PC)\Prm.Params 200 2017-01-10
CATIA助手7(PC)\RS.dll 129396 2014-06-03
CATIA助手7(PC)\RectSplDms 416 2014-04-03
CATIA助手7(PC)\SysSk 19770 2009-07-12
CATIA助手7(PC)\TchRqs.txt 9669 2015-04-18
CATIA助手7(PC)\UUGBM 5311 2014-03-05
CATIA助手7(PC)\comdlg32.ocx 140488 2000-05-22
CATIA助手7(PC)\cwwpf.dll 99251 2010-01-05
CATIA助手7(PC)\产品使用必读.txt 1704 2016-09-10
CATIA助手7(PC)\多轴段零件参考数据.txt 135 2015-04-11
CATIA助手7(PC)\注册控件.bat 67 2016-08-31
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