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  • Update : 2018-06-06
  • Size : 1.43mb
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  • Author :prio****
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The matlab program for calculating Li's index, GUI interface, for nonlinear judgement and fractal theory.
Packet file list
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matds\gui\about.fig 17528 2003-11-14
matds\gui\about.m 803 2003-11-14
matds\gui\calc_driver.fig 11664 2003-11-14
matds\gui\calc_driver.m 3660 2004-05-17
matds\gui\checksymb.m 347 2003-11-14
matds\gui\Check_And_Delete.m 934 2003-11-14
matds\gui\Check_And_Load.m 3787 2004-05-13
matds\gui\Check_And_Write.m 1211 2003-11-14
matds\gui\clear2Dtraj.m 174 2003-11-14
matds\gui\clear3Dtraj.m 174 2003-11-14
matds\gui\clear_all2D.m 217 2003-11-14
matds\gui\clear_all3D.m 438 2003-11-14
matds\gui\clear_buffer.m 79 2003-11-14
matds\gui\close_matds.m 821 2004-11-04
matds\gui\close_win.m 1469 2003-11-14
matds\gui\ColorPlot2Dtraj.m 150 2003-11-14
matds\gui\ColorPlot3Dtraj.m 220 2003-11-14
matds\gui\ColorPlotTraj.m 217 2003-11-14
matds\gui\Delete2D.m 1036 2003-11-14
matds\gui\Deletewin.m 1025 2003-11-14
matds\gui\delete_files.m 633 2003-11-14
matds\gui\EquilibriaPlot2D.m 396 2003-11-14
matds\gui\EquilibriaPlot3D.m 396 2003-11-14
matds\gui\expr_check.m 1544 2003-11-14
matds\gui\field2d.fig 16568 2003-11-14
matds\gui\field2d.m 4788 2004-11-03
matds\gui\field2draw.m 633 2004-11-03
matds\gui\field3d.fig 19024 2003-11-14
matds\gui\field3d.m 5309 2004-11-03
matds\gui\field3draw.m 719 2004-11-03
matds\gui\func_list.m 1007 2003-11-14
matds\gui\itegrdata.fig 28528 2003-11-14
matds\gui\itegrdata.m 6263 2004-07-01
matds\gui\Load_point.m 1435 2003-11-14
matds\gui\lyapunov_set.fig 17072 2004-05-13
matds\gui\lyapunov_set.m 7437 2004-05-13
matds\gui\mColorPlot2Dtraj.m 142 2003-11-14
matds\gui\mExit_Callback.m 442 2003-11-14
matds\gui\mOpen_Callback.m 824 2003-11-14
matds\gui\mRegionPlot2D.m 124 2003-11-14
matds\gui\mSave_Callback.m 826 2003-11-14
matds\gui\mTrajectoryPlot2D.m 186 2003-11-14
matds\gui\newtraj2D.m 585 2003-11-14
matds\gui\newtraj3D.m 675 2003-11-14
matds\gui\new_trajectories.m 796 2004-05-11
matds\gui\odeoutp.m 19334 2004-05-17
matds\gui\Open2DWin.m 2556 2003-11-14
matds\gui\Open3DWin.m 2334 2003-11-14
matds\gui\open_files.m 816 2003-12-24
matds\gui\param_set.fig 14912 2003-12-24
matds\gui\param_set.m 7280 2003-12-24
matds\gui\plot2D.fig 20136 2003-12-24
matds\gui\plot3D.fig 20528 2003-12-24
matds\gui\PoincarePlot2D.m 392 2003-11-14
matds\gui\PoincarePlot3D.m 354 2003-11-14
matds\gui\poincare_set.fig 27600 2004-05-12
matds\gui\poincare_set.m 13608 2003-12-24
matds\gui\PointSizeSet.m 549 2003-11-14
matds\gui\redraw2d.m 800 2004-05-18
matds\gui\redraw3d.m 1080 2003-12-24
matds\gui\RegionPlot2D.m 124 2003-11-14
matds\gui\RegionPlot3D.m 124 2003-11-14
matds\gui\Save_As.m 1243 2003-11-14
matds\gui\Save_point.m 543 2003-11-14
matds\gui\stream3draw.m 724 2004-11-04
matds\gui\streamtube_plot.fig 22544 2003-12-24
matds\gui\streamtube_plot.m 5559 2004-11-04
matds\gui\symbfind.m 174 2003-12-24
matds\gui\systemdef.fig 26304 2003-12-24
matds\gui\systemdef.m 10147 2004-07-01
matds\gui\systemedit.fig 22968 2003-12-24
matds\gui\systemedit.m 11302 2004-07-01
matds\gui\system_gen.m 2569 2004-04-26
matds\gui\TimeIndication.m 362 2003-11-14
matds\gui\TrjPlot2D.m 867 2003-11-14
matds\gui\TrjPlot3D.m 898 2003-11-14
matds\gui\update_ds.m 4423 2004-05-13
matds\gui\update_opt_last.m 357 2003-12-24
matds\gui\vars_set.fig 18312 2003-12-24
matds\gui\vars_set.m 9821 2003-12-24
matds\gui\var_set2D.fig 17416 2003-12-24
matds\gui\var_set2d.m 5248 2003-12-24
matds\gui\var_set3D.fig 21992 2003-12-24
matds\gui\var_set3d.m 6071 2003-12-24
matds\matds.fig 49432 2004-05-13
matds\matds.m 9833 2004-07-01
matds\maths\equilibria.m 1572 2004-03-31
matds\maths\equil_find.m 832 2004-03-31
matds\maths\integrator.m 894 2004-03-31
matds\maths\lyapunov.m 7521 2004-05-18
matds\maths\ode78.m 6195 2004-04-18
matds\maths\ode87.m 7400 2003-12-24
matds\maths\readme 61 2003-12-24
matds\systems\abc.mds 10208 2004-05-19
matds\systems\abc.w01 1674968 2004-05-19
matds\systems\abc.w02 599544 2004-05-19
matds\systems\abs.pnt 488 2003-06-12
matds\systems\chua.mds 9856 2004-05-19
matds\systems\chua.w01 60296 2004-05-19
matds\systems\chua.w02 127952 2004-05-19
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