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  • Category : Windows Develop
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  • Update : 2018-06-06
  • Size : 48kb
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  • Author :s*****
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Using Socket to realize the communication between a socket server and multiple socket clients In a distributed scheduling system, if we want to realize the communication between a scheduling server and a number of computing node servers, the implementation of socket is an implementation. Of course, we can also accomplish the task by data storage tasks and sub nodes, but the use of data as a task storage needs to be customized and developed. Protect the status of the task record in the database and so on. There are still a lot of things to develop, and not flexible enough. Therefore, I personally prefer to use socket to achieve task scheduling. Reason: using socket to implement scheduling is more flexible and expansibility is better.
Packet file list
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SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient\App.config 77 2017-09-04
SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient\bin\Debug\SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient.exe 7680 2017-09-04
SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient\bin\Debug\SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient.exe.config 77 2017-09-04
SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient\bin\Debug\SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient.pdb 13824 2017-09-04
SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient\obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 5794 2017-09-04
SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient\obj\Debug\SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 537 2017-09-04
SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient\obj\Debug\SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient.exe 7680 2017-09-04
SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient\obj\Debug\SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient.pdb 13824 2017-09-04
SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1406 2017-09-04
SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient\SocketServer.cs 6234 2017-09-04
SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient\SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient.csproj 2482 2017-09-04
PokerGame.sln 6030 2017-09-04
SocketClient\app.config 144 2017-09-04
SocketClient\bin\Debug\SocketClient.exe 9216 2017-09-04
SocketClient\bin\Debug\SocketClient.exe.config 144 2017-09-04
SocketClient\bin\Debug\SocketClient.pdb 17920 2017-09-04
SocketClient\bin\Debug\SocketClient.vshost.exe 11600 2017-09-04
SocketClient\bin\Debug\SocketClient.vshost.exe.config 144 2017-09-04
SocketClient\bin\Debug\SocketClient.vshost.exe.manifest 490 2015-10-22
SocketClient\Main.cs 5003 2017-09-04
SocketClient\Main.Designer.cs 3886 2017-09-04
SocketClient\Main.resx 5817 2017-09-04
SocketClient\obj\x86\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 5957 2017-09-04
SocketClient\obj\x86\Debug\SocketClient.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 522 2017-09-04
SocketClient\obj\x86\Debug\SocketClient.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 901 2017-09-04
SocketClient\obj\x86\Debug\SocketClient.exe 9216 2017-09-04
SocketClient\obj\x86\Debug\SocketClient.Main.resources 180 2017-09-04
SocketClient\obj\x86\Debug\SocketClient.pdb 17920 2017-09-04
SocketClient\Program.cs 583 2017-09-04
SocketClient\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1366 2017-09-04
SocketClient\SocketClient.csproj 3000 2017-09-04
SocketClient\obj\x86\Debug\TempPE 0 2017-09-04
SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient\obj\Debug\TempPE 0 2017-09-04
SocketClient\obj\x86\Debug 0 2017-09-04
SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient\bin\Debug 0 2017-09-04
SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient\bin\Release 0 2017-09-04
SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient\obj\Debug 0 2017-09-04
SocketClient\bin\Debug 0 2017-09-04
SocketClient\obj\x86 0 2017-09-04
SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient\bin 0 2017-09-04
SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient\obj 0 2017-09-04
SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient\Properties 0 2017-09-04
SocketClient\bin 0 2017-09-04
SocketClient\obj 0 2017-09-04
SocketClient\Properties 0 2017-09-04
SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient 0 2017-09-04
SocketClient 0 2017-09-04
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