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记一次通调用Github api各地块三游戏出租出售

  • Category : WEB Code
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  • Update : 2018-06-26
  • Size : 22kb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :快三源***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
1. the game room is initially in a stop state. When the player enters the room to point the start button on the top right corner, the system will send out an initial package of 1 gold coins, the number is the number of packets defined in the room, the person who gets the minimum gold value to carry the package, and then circulate all the time. For example, the number of red packets is 5, the expiration time is set to 30 seconds, time to less than 5 people who participate in the red packet robbing, the game stop, the initial packet amount is not included in the account, the player needs to reapply for the game development. 2. players dismantle red packets to participate in the game, the system will first freeze the size of the red packet size gold coins, and other red packet settlement and the value of the win and win return to the player, to avoid the escape package.
Packet file list
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记一次通过c#运用GraphQL调用Github api各地快三游戏出租出售.docx 25318 2018-06-26
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