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  • Update : 2018-06-28
  • Size : 1.12mb
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Cooperative interval partial least squares (siPLS) algorithm is proposed by N rgaard et al. The improvements of the iPLS method are as follows: (1) the original spectrogram is performed. Preprocessing; (2) establishing a global partial least squares model in the full spectrum, that is, the upper part of the model. Model; (3) use iPLS to establish multiple equal window widths in the whole spectral interval. The interval is assumed to be n; (4) a partial least squares model is established on each sub interval. N local models can be obtained; (5) the root mean square error of cross validation is RMSE The values are the accuracy criteria of each model, and the comparison between the full spectral model and the local models is made. (6) the local interval with the highest combined precision is a new regression interval; and then new. The establishment of siPLS model in the regression interval
Packet file list
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itoolbox\bipls.m 6181 2004-07-23
itoolbox\biplsdemo.m 2232 2004-07-14
itoolbox\biplstable.m 949 2004-07-14
itoolbox\contents.m 2676 2004-07-23
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itoolbox\intervals.m 862 2004-07-11
itoolbox\ipca.m 2518 2004-07-16
itoolbox\ipcademo.m 1393 2004-07-20
itoolbox\ipcaloadplot.m 5803 2004-07-20
itoolbox\ipcascoplot.m 5645 2004-07-19
itoolbox\ipcascoplotall.m 1691 2004-07-22
itoolbox\ipcavarexp.m 2780 2004-07-14
itoolbox\ipls.m 3765 2004-07-20
itoolbox\iplsdemo.m 3748 2008-05-20
itoolbox\iplsplot.m 8088 2004-07-22
itoolbox\iToolbox\bipls.m 6181 2004-07-23
itoolbox\iToolbox\biplsdemo.m 2232 2004-07-14
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itoolbox\iToolbox\ipca.m 2518 2004-07-16
itoolbox\iToolbox\ipcademo.m 1393 2004-07-20
itoolbox\iToolbox\ipcaloadplot.m 5803 2004-07-20
itoolbox\iToolbox\ipcascoplot.m 5645 2004-07-19
itoolbox\iToolbox\ipcascoplotall.m 1691 2004-07-22
itoolbox\iToolbox\ipcavarexp.m 2780 2004-07-14
itoolbox\iToolbox\ipls.m 3765 2004-07-20
itoolbox\iToolbox\iplsdemo.m 3748 2004-07-20
itoolbox\iToolbox\iplsplot.m 8088 2004-07-22
itoolbox\iToolbox\makeClasses.m 197 2004-07-22
itoolbox\iToolbox\makeEntropyIntervals.m 861 2004-07-13
itoolbox\iToolbox\makeManualIntervals.m 122 2003-11-16
itoolbox\iToolbox\makeManualSegments.m 308 2004-07-16
itoolbox\iToolbox\makeSampleNames.m 29 2000-03-16
itoolbox\iToolbox\mwpls.m 3199 2004-07-23
itoolbox\iToolbox\mwplsdemo.m 1169 2004-07-20
itoolbox\iToolbox\mwplsplot.m 3322 2004-07-22
itoolbox\iToolbox\mwplsplot_comp.m 2893 2004-07-20
itoolbox\iToolbox\nirbeer.mat 447248 2004-06-27
itoolbox\iToolbox\plsmodel.m 3981 2004-07-23
itoolbox\iToolbox\plspredict.m 4354 2004-07-23
itoolbox\iToolbox\plspress.m 2789 2004-07-19
itoolbox\iToolbox\plspvsm.m 13048 2004-07-23
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itoolbox\iToolbox\private\bipls_limit.m 4395 2004-07-21
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itoolbox\iToolbox\private\bipls_vector_limit.m 1576 2004-07-22
itoolbox\iToolbox\private\horzline.m 598 2004-07-11
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itoolbox\iToolbox\private\pca.m 1916 2004-07-13
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itoolbox\iToolbox\sipls.m 6396 2004-07-23
itoolbox\iToolbox\siplsdemo.m 2696 2004-07-23
itoolbox\iToolbox\siplstable.m 1559 2004-07-20
itoolbox\iToolbox_Manual.pdf 431300 2004-07-23
itoolbox\makeClasses.m 197 2004-07-22
itoolbox\makeEntropyIntervals.m 861 2004-07-13
itoolbox\makeManualIntervals.m 122 2003-11-16
itoolbox\makeManualSegments.m 308 2004-07-16
itoolbox\makeSampleNames.m 29 2000-03-16
itoolbox\mwpls.m 3199 2004-07-23
itoolbox\mwplsdemo.m 1169 2004-07-20
itoolbox\mwplsplot.m 3322 2004-07-22
itoolbox\mwplsplot_comp.m 2893 2004-07-20
itoolbox\nirbeer.mat 447248 2004-06-27
itoolbox\plsmodel.m 3981 2004-07-23
itoolbox\plspredict.m 4354 2004-07-23
itoolbox\plspress.m 2789 2004-07-19
itoolbox\plspvsm.m 13048 2004-07-23
itoolbox\plsrmse.m 4879 2004-07-20
itoolbox\private\bipls_limit.m 4395 2004-07-21
itoolbox\private\bipls_vector.m 1366 2004-07-22
itoolbox\private\bipls_vector_limit.m 1576 2004-07-22
itoolbox\private\horzline.m 598 2004-07-11
itoolbox\private\iplsreverse.m 3637 2004-07-23
itoolbox\private\pca.m 1916 2004-07-13
itoolbox\private\pls.m 1847 2004-07-11
itoolbox\private\pls_pre.m 533 2004-07-14
itoolbox\private\pls_val.m 8322 2004-07-23
itoolbox\private\privatecontents.m 312 2004-07-22
itoolbox\sipls.m 6396 2004-07-23
itoolbox\siplsdemo.m 2696 2004-07-23
itoolbox\siplstable.m 1559 2004-07-20
itoolbox\iToolbox\private 0 2008-10-12
itoolbox\iToolbox 0 2008-10-12
itoolbox\private 0 2008-10-12
itoolbox 0 2008-10-12
218 2007-06-05
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