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  • Update : 2018-08-07
  • Size : 453kb
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  • Author :5626****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Demo of OA material management system The OA office material management system is a more practical collar material or the management system of the amount of occurrence, which can be recorded in the record of the material, the amount of the occurrence, the amount of annual, monthly, day, and the average, monthly and daily average amount.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
password_edit.asp 4457 2011-06-27
zhenghe.asp 1457 2011-04-02
readme.txt 817 2011-07-01
db\money_db.mdb 266240 2011-07-01
demo\day.JPG 57203 2011-07-01
demo\day2.JPG 63606 2011-07-01
demo\month1.JPG 110218 2011-07-01
demo\tongji.JPG 126671 2011-07-01
demo\tongji2.JPG 67934 2011-07-01
demo\user.JPG 45893 2011-07-01
images\back.gif 1723 2009-08-25
images\banner.gif 2176 2010-10-19
images\bg.gif 11279 2011-07-01
images\d_a_bg.gif 674 2009-02-13
images\d_h_bg.gif 101 2009-02-12
images\d_t_bg.gif 453 2009-02-13
images\fonts.css 931 2009-09-02
images\Goin.gif 256 2007-03-06
images\goout.gif 256 2007-03-06
images\guanbi.gif 1187 2009-08-31
images\help.gif 1094 2006-05-24
images\houtui.gif 652 2006-05-24
images\input.gif 1217 2010-11-01
images\input2.gif 1898 2010-11-01
images\jg.gif 1004 2008-06-13
images\login.gif 426 2007-12-12
images\login_out.gif 1353 2010-12-13
images\man_top.gif 85 2010-11-01
images\qianjin.gif 655 2006-05-24
images\shuaxin.gif 1082 2006-05-24
images\Thumbs.db 40960 2011-04-08
images\title_bg_hide.gif 1999 2005-08-05
images\title_bg_show.gif 1973 2011-03-29
images\top.gif 5529 2011-03-28
images\topbg.jpg 7744 2009-08-31
images\top_bg.gif 587 2010-11-01
images\top_bg.psd 23520 2010-11-01
images\top_right.gif 773 2010-11-01
images\trans.gif 49 2007-12-12
images\web.css 69 2010-10-25
images\zhuye.gif 721 2006-05-24
include\Cls_ShowoPage.asp 10395 2011-05-26
include\div.css 1315 2010-07-15
include\frame.js 674 2010-08-29
include\jquery-1.3.2.min.js 57252 2010-08-28
include\jquery.js 1717 2010-07-11
include\jquery.min.js 57148 2010-07-11
include\lhgcalendar.css 2357 2010-07-12
include\lhgcalendar.js 8243 2010-07-12
include\lhgcore.js 10404 2010-07-12
include\master.css 426 2010-05-25
include\md5.asp 11469 2010-08-30
include\pageAC.asp 3442 2011-02-28
include\showo_page.js 4822 2011-03-18
include\td.js 862 2011-03-28
include\td2.js 859 2010-11-15
include\time.js 695 2011-04-01
include\web.css 2156 2011-03-30
admin_blog.asp 3047 2011-04-01
class_list.asp 11142 2011-04-01
conn.asp 198 2011-03-29
function.asp 19201 2011-07-01
index.asp 4554 2011-07-01
left.asp 2903 2011-07-01
login.asp 5588 2011-07-01
right.asp 1121 2011-03-28
search.asp 6229 2011-07-01
suggest.asp 613 2011-04-01
tongji_list.asp 14935 2011-03-31
user_list.asp 3249 2011-07-01
xiaofei_day.asp 1858 2011-07-01
xiaofei_list.asp 5809 2011-06-27
xiaofei_month.asp 1855 2011-07-01
db 0 2011-07-01
demo 0 2011-07-01
images 0 2011-07-01
include 0 2011-07-01 406 2008-07-08
说明.htm 3249 2008-12-17
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
  • Please use Winrar for decompression tools
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