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  • Category : SQL Server
  • Tags :
  • Update : 2018-08-18
  • Size : 8.58mb
  • Downloaded :1次
  • Author :aj***
  • About : Nobody
  • PS : If download it fails, try it again. Download again for free!
Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Satrda remote data access component to enhance database access speed
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
pb 0 2018-08-17
pb\apptest 0 2018-08-17
pb\apptest\satrda.dll 967680 2018-05-31
pb\apptest\test.exe 32768 2018-08-17
pb\apptest\test.pbd 720384 2018-08-17
pb\log 0 2018-08-17
pb\log\20171208.txt 458 2017-12-08
pb\log\20180208.txt 126 2018-02-08
pb\log\20180817.txt 5798 2018-08-17
pb\plugin_for_pb125 0 2018-05-31
pb\plugin_for_pb125\plugin.pbd 10752 2016-11-05
pb\plugin_for_pb125\plugin.pbl 91136 2017-01-09
pb\plugin_for_pb125\plugin.pbt 161 2016-12-25
pb\plugin_for_pb125\plugin.usr.opt 80 2016-12-26
pb\plugin_for_pb125\plugin_mig.log 43764 2017-01-09
pb\plugin_for_pb125\pulbic.pbd 6144 2016-11-05
pb\plugin_for_pb125\pulbic.pbl 6656 2016-11-05
pb\plugin_for_pb125\test.exe 36352 2016-11-05
pb\plugin_for_pb125\test.pbw 174 2017-11-10
pb\plugin_rpc 0 2018-05-31
pb\plugin_rpc\plugin.pbd 10752 2016-11-05
pb\plugin_rpc\plugin.pbl 81920 2017-03-27
pb\plugin_rpc\plugin.pbt 161 2016-12-25
pb\plugin_rpc\pulbic.pbd 6144 2016-11-05
pb\plugin_rpc\pulbic.pbl 6656 2016-11-05
pb\plugin_rpc\test.exe 36352 2016-11-05
pb\plugin_rpc\test.pbw 174 2017-03-27
pb\plugin_workspace 0 2018-08-17
pb\plugin_workspace\copy.bat 60 2017-11-08
pb\plugin_workspace\log 0 2018-08-17
pb\plugin_workspace\log\20180817.txt 2145 2018-08-17
pb\plugin_workspace\plugin.exe 30208 2017-11-01
pb\plugin_workspace\plugin.pbd 10752 2016-11-05
pb\plugin_workspace\plugin.pbl 115200 2018-01-17
pb\plugin_workspace\plugin.pbt 161 2016-12-25
pb\plugin_workspace\pulbic.pbd 6144 2016-11-05
pb\plugin_workspace\pulbic.pbl 6656 2016-11-05
pb\plugin_workspace\test.exe 36352 2016-11-05
pb\plugin_workspace\test.pbw 174 2018-08-17
pb\SatJson.dll 353280 2016-08-27
pb\satrda.dll 967680 2018-05-31
pb\SatUpdate.exe 568832 2017-03-03
pb\test.exe 32768 2018-08-17
pb\test.pbd 720384 2018-08-17
pb\test.pbl 1395712 2018-08-17
pb\test.pbt 98 2015-07-10
pb\test.pbw 188 2018-08-17
pb\u_pushclient10.sru 8674 2016-05-19
server 0 2018-05-31
server\config 0 2018-05-31
server\config\alipay 0 2018-05-31
server\config\alipay\alipay.cfg 48 2016-09-01
server\config\alipay\alipaypub.key 276 2016-08-24
server\config\alipay\pri.key 900 2016-08-24
server\config\certs 0 2018-05-31
server\config\certs\server.crt 973 2016-11-25
server\config\certs\server.key 887 2016-11-25
server\config\config 84 2017-01-04
server\config\dbconfig 457 2018-08-17
server\config\qiniucfg 37 2016-07-21
server\log 0 2018-05-31
server\log\startlog.txt 1008 2018-08-17
server\myapp 0 2018-05-31
server\myapp\css 0 2018-05-31
server\myapp\css\mui.min.css 75624 2016-12-07
server\myapp\css\style.css 111 2016-12-07
server\myapp\edit.html 2629 2016-12-20
server\myapp\fonts 0 2018-05-31
server\myapp\fonts\mui.ttf 29884 2016-12-07
server\myapp\images 0 2018-05-31
server\myapp\images\iconfont-tianjia.png 1029 2016-12-07
server\myapp\images\qihoo.png 6850 2016-12-07
server\myapp\images\qq.png 62363 2016-12-07
server\myapp\images\sinaweibo.png 4513 2016-12-07
server\myapp\images\user-photo.png 5765 2016-12-07
server\myapp\images\weixin.png 2421 2016-12-07
server\myapp\index.html 5581 2016-12-20
server\myapp\js 0 2018-05-31
server\myapp\js\app.min.js 1618 2016-12-20
server\myapp\js\app.more.min.js 792 2016-12-20
server\myapp\js\mui.enterfocus.js 574 2016-12-07
server\myapp\js\mui.min.js 118182 2016-12-07
server\myapp\login.html 4891 2016-12-20
server\plugins 0 2018-05-31
server\plugins\config.cfg 929 2017-11-10
server\plugins\dnettest 0 2018-05-31
server\plugins\dnettest\DotNetDll.dll 5120 2017-01-09
server\plugins\dtest 0 2018-05-31
server\plugins\dtest\DPlugin.dll 92160 2017-01-09
server\plugins\java 0 2018-05-31
server\plugins\java\a.jar 3067 2017-01-09
server\plugins\netplugin.dll 25600 2017-01-09
server\plugins\pb125 0 2018-05-31
server\plugins\pb125\plugin.pbl 91136 2017-01-09
server\plugins\plugin.dll 161792 2018-03-03
server\plugins\test 0 2018-05-31
server\plugins\test\plugin.pbl 68096 2017-01-09
server\plugins\wxdemo 0 2018-05-31
server\plugins\wxdemo\plugin.pbl 114688 2017-11-08
server\public 0 2018-05-31
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
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