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  • Update : 2018-08-26
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Several programs written in C++ about GPS strapdown inertial integrated navigation, using Kalman filtering
Packet file list
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GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\ConfigDlg.cpp 2664 2002-11-06
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\ConfigDlg.h 1444 2002-11-06
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\datetime.cpp 1933 2002-11-07
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\datetime.h 325 2002-11-07
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\font.cpp 2098 2002-11-05
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\font.h 1461 2002-11-05
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\GPS.clw 4466 2002-11-07
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\GPS.clw.bak 4298 2002-11-06
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\GPS.cpp 4370 2002-11-06
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\GPS.dsp 6405 2002-11-07
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\GPS.dsw 619 2002-11-05
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\GPS.h 1344 2002-11-04
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\GPS.ncb 214016 2015-05-07
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\GPS.opt 354304 2015-05-07
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\GPS.plg 3210 2002-12-02
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\GPS.rc 35709 2002-11-06
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\GPSData.mdb 151552 2002-11-07
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\GPSDoc.cpp 1703 2002-11-03
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\GPSDoc.h 1483 2002-11-03
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\GPSSet.cpp 1566 2002-11-04
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\GPSSet.h 1344 2002-11-04
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\GPSView.cpp 4000 2002-11-07
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\GPSView.h 2148 2002-11-07
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\MainFrm.cpp 7757 2002-11-07
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\MainFrm.h 1884 2002-11-06
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\msdgridctrl.cpp 14224 2002-11-05
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\msdgridctrl.h 4837 2002-11-05
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\picture.cpp 1128 2002-11-05
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\picture.h 1295 2002-11-05
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\rdc.cpp 12292 2002-11-05
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\rdc.h 4032 2002-11-05
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\ReadMe.txt 4420 2002-11-03
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\res\GPS.ico 1078 2002-11-03
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\res\GPS.rc2 395 2002-11-03
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\res\GPSDoc.ico 1078 2002-11-03
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\res\Thumbs.db 5120 2002-11-04
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\res\Toolbar.bmp 1558 2002-11-03
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\Resource.h 1557 2002-11-06
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\SerialPort.cpp 20730 2002-11-05
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\SerialPort.h 3428 2002-11-05
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\StdAfx.cpp 205 2002-11-03
GPS\98688494GPS\第5秠 GPS数据郇闆程嶏\StdAfx.h 1105 2002-11-03
GPS\extended Kalman filter\Debug\cl.command.1.tlog 2124 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\Debug\ 3226 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\Debug\CL.write.1.tlog 1060 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\Debug\ekf.obj 40605 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\Debug\ekf_free.obj 6597 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\Debug\ekf_init.obj 17328 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\Debug\extended Kalman filter.exe 233596 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\Debug\extended Kalman filter.lastbuildstate 91 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\Debug\extended Kalman filter.log 1456 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\Debug\extended Kalman filter.pdb 525312 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\Debug\extended Kalman filter.unsuccessfulbuild 0 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\Debug\vc100.idb 19456 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\Debug\vc100.pdb 36864 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\Debug\vc60.idb 33792 2015-05-27
GPS\extended Kalman filter\Debug\vc60.pdb 53248 2015-05-27
GPS\extended Kalman filter\ekf.c 35566 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\ekf.h 9214 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\ekf_free.c 5256 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\ekf_init.c 13486 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\extended Kalman filter.dsp 4673 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\extended Kalman filter.dsw 569 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\extended Kalman filter.ncb 107520 2015-05-27
GPS\extended Kalman filter\extended Kalman filter.opt 48640 2015-05-27
GPS\extended Kalman filter\extended Kalman filter.plg 1869 2015-05-27
GPS\extended Kalman filter\extended Kalman filter.sdf 1921024 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\extended Kalman filter.sln 910 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\extended Kalman filter.suo 8704 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\extended Kalman filter.vcxproj 6391 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\extended Kalman filter.vcxproj.filters 1202 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\extended Kalman filter.vcxproj.user 143 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\gsl_matrix.h 0 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\resource.h 411 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\Script1.rc 1451 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\Script2.rc 1451 2013-05-04
GPS\extended Kalman filter\WinGsl.lib 926860 2013-05-04
GPS\捷联惯性组合导航\CommonUtility.cpp 4040 2006-12-28
GPS\捷联惯性组合导航\CommonUtility.h 7191 2006-12-20
GPS\捷联惯性组合导航\Debug\CommonUtility.obj 11110 2011-09-19
GPS\捷联惯性组合导航\Debug\HybridNavigation.exe 274526 2015-05-04
GPS\捷联惯性组合导航\Debug\HybridNavigation.ilk 256016 2015-05-04
GPS\捷联惯性组合导航\Debug\HybridNavigation.obj 15701 2015-05-04
GPS\捷联惯性组合导航\Debug\HybridNavigation.pch 203728 2011-09-19
GPS\捷联惯性组合导航\Debug\HybridNavigation.pdb 451584 2015-05-04
GPS\捷联惯性组合导航\Debug\KalmanFilter.obj 36838 2011-09-19
GPS\捷联惯性组合导航\Debug\out.dif 0 2012-05-04
GPS\捷联惯性组合导航\Debug\StationaryBasedAlignment.obj 8163 2011-09-19
GPS\捷联惯性组合导航\Debug\StdAfx.obj 2142 2011-09-19
GPS\捷联惯性组合导航\Debug\StrapdownSolution.obj 42807 2011-09-19
GPS\捷联惯性组合导航\Debug\vc60.idb 58368 2015-05-27
GPS\捷联惯性组合导航\Debug\vc60.pdb 53248 2015-05-04
GPS\捷联惯性组合导航\DrawOutcome.m 1357 2006-12-30
GPS\捷联惯性组合导航\HybridInterface.h 29502 2006-12-30
GPS\捷联惯性组合导航\HybridNavigation.cpp 9890 2011-09-19
GPS\捷联惯性组合导航\HybridNavigation.dsp 5300 2006-12-11
GPS\捷联惯性组合导航\HybridNavigation.dsw 555 2006-09-22
GPS\捷联惯性组合导航\HybridNavigation.ncb 123904 2015-05-27
GPS\捷联惯性组合导航\HybridNavigation.opt 50688 2015-05-27
GPS\捷联惯性组合导航\HybridNavigation.plg 266 2015-05-27
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