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  • Update : 2018-08-26
  • Size : 885kb
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  • Author :B*****
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Through the custom Ethernet protocol and the S7-300 series PLC communication, the monitor and control function of the upper computer is realized
Packet file list
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c#上位机程序\Access.cs 5507 2015-06-25
c#上位机程序\app.config 1481 2016-03-01
c#上位机程序\AsyncTcpClient.cs 15018 2016-01-31
c#上位机程序\AsyncTcpServer.cs 12319 2015-12-17
c#上位机程序\bin\Debug\data.mdb 581632 2016-07-22
c#上位机程序\bin\Debug\MEStest\bin\MESdata.mdb 724992 2016-07-22
c#上位机程序\bin\Debug\MEStest\bin\MEStest.dll 8192 2016-05-12
c#上位机程序\bin\Debug\MEStest\bin\MEStest.pdb 24064 2016-05-12
c#上位机程序\bin\Debug\MEStest\Service1.asmx 89 2016-03-04
c#上位机程序\bin\Debug\MEStest\Web.config 7301 2016-03-04
c#上位机程序\bin\Debug\nova.exe 260096 2016-05-13
c#上位机程序\bin\Debug\nova.exe.config 1481 2016-03-01
c#上位机程序\bin\Debug\nova.pdb 206336 2016-05-13
c#上位机程序\bin\Debug\nova.vshost.exe 14328 2016-07-22
c#上位机程序\bin\Debug\nova.vshost.exe.config 1481 2016-03-01
c#上位机程序\bin\Debug\nova.vshost.exe.manifest 490 2009-06-11
c#上位机程序\bin\Debug\nova.XmlSerializers.dll 61440 2015-11-03
c#上位机程序\FrmLogin.cs 2145 2015-07-15
c#上位机程序\FrmLogin.Designer.cs 5951 2015-06-26
c#上位机程序\FrmLogin.resx 5814 2016-02-28
c#上位机程序\FrmMain.cs 43085 2016-05-13
c#上位机程序\FrmMain.Designer.cs 51083 2016-05-03
c#上位机程序\FrmMain.resx 254579 2016-05-03
c#上位机程序\Helper.cs 3104 2016-05-06
c#上位机程序\IDebugMsg.cs 199 2015-12-16
c#上位机程序\ImajeLabelpoint.cs 5533 2016-03-23
c#上位机程序\LeibingerJet3.cs 8104 2016-03-01
c#上位机程序\nova.csproj 7733 2016-05-13
c#上位机程序\nova.sln 897 2015-04-16
c#上位机程序\nova.suo 86528 2016-07-22
c#上位机程序\obj\Debug\nova.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 6555 2016-07-22
c#上位机程序\obj\Debug\nova.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 910 2016-05-03
c#上位机程序\obj\Debug\nova.exe 260096 2016-05-13
c#上位机程序\obj\Debug\nova.FrmLogin.resources 180 2016-05-13
c#上位机程序\obj\Debug\nova.FrmMain.resources 163299 2016-05-13
c#上位机程序\obj\Debug\nova.pdb 206336 2016-05-13
c#上位机程序\obj\Debug\nova.Properties.Resources.resources 180 2016-05-13
c#上位机程序\obj\Debug\TempPE\Web References.Web300.Reference.cs.dll 12800 2016-03-01
c#上位机程序\obj\Debug\TempPE\Web References.Web302.Reference.cs.dll 13824 2016-03-01
c#上位机程序\obj\Debug\TempPE\Web References.WebRef300.Reference.cs.dll 12800 2015-10-27
c#上位机程序\obj\Debug\TempPE\Web References.WebRef302.Reference.cs.dll 24576 2015-10-27
c#上位机程序\OrderForm.cs 4458 2015-11-08
c#上位机程序\PlcCommunicationClient.cs 13256 2016-04-29
c#上位机程序\PRD_SI_300_WM_ProductionOrderQuery_Out.wsdl 8207 2016-03-01
c#上位机程序\PRD_SI_302_WM_MasterDataSync_Out.wsdl 12171 2016-03-01
c#上位机程序\ProductLineManager.cs 25623 2016-05-03
c#上位机程序\Program.cs 487 2015-06-24
c#上位机程序\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1350 2015-04-16
c#上位机程序\Properties\Resources.Designer.cs 2858 2015-04-16
c#上位机程序\Properties\Resources.resx 5612 2015-04-16
c#上位机程序\Properties\Settings.Designer.cs 2736 2016-03-01
c#上位机程序\Properties\Settings.settings 1105 2016-03-01
c#上位机程序\SAP.cs 4379 2016-03-01
c#上位机程序\SQLServer.cs 17747 2016-04-20
c#上位机程序\TcpClientServerState.cs 8600 2015-07-15
c#上位机程序\UserInfo.cs 1138 2015-06-25
c#上位机程序\Web References\Web300\DT_300_ERP_ProductionOrderQuery.datasource 658 2016-03-01
c#上位机程序\Web References\Web300\Reference.cs 16774 2016-03-01
c#上位机程序\Web References\Web300\ 462 2016-03-01
c#上位机程序\Web References\Web300\SI_300_WM_ProductionOrderQuery_Out.wsdl 11049 2016-03-01
c#上位机程序\Web References\Web302\DT_302_ERP_MasterDataSync.datasource 646 2016-03-01
c#上位机程序\Web References\Web302\Reference.cs 20783 2016-03-01
c#上位机程序\Web References\Web302\ 450 2016-03-01
c#上位机程序\Web References\Web302\SI_302_WM_MasterDataSync_Out.wsdl 18615 2016-03-01
c#上位机程序\WMS.cs 2117 2016-05-13
c#上位机程序\bin\Debug\MEStest\App_Data 0 2016-05-12
c#上位机程序\bin\Debug\MEStest\bin 0 2016-07-22
c#上位机程序\bin\Debug\MEStest 0 2016-05-12
c#上位机程序\obj\Debug\Refactor 0 2016-03-04
c#上位机程序\obj\Debug\TempPE 0 2016-03-07
c#上位机程序\bin\Debug 0 2016-07-22
c#上位机程序\obj\Debug 0 2016-05-13
c#上位机程序\Web References\Web300 0 2016-03-07
c#上位机程序\Web References\Web302 0 2016-03-07
c#上位机程序\bin 0 2016-03-07
c#上位机程序\obj 0 2016-03-07
c#上位机程序\Properties 0 2016-03-07
c#上位机程序\Service References 0 2016-03-04
c#上位机程序\Web References 0 2016-03-07
c#上位机程序 0 2016-05-13
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