Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
128uu distribution hotel reservation system installation method
1 upload file: after decompression, all files and folders uploaded to the server.
2 program installation: please open the site installation program page: if the file is uploaded to the site root directory, you can open the installation interface directly to the domain name, if you file is uploaded to the two directory, the same way to visit your site s two directory is available.
3 start installation:
A) to promote the ID and interface Key configuration: this must be properly filled out, or you can not record your results. Directly click on the link to access, after landing on the left of the API[JSON] interface, you can query to your promotion ID and interface Key. After installation, you can modify this by the site background.
B) installation path: generally no configuration, the installation process will automatically get your path. If you can t get it automatically, you need to manually follow the