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  • Update : 2018-11-18
  • Size : 335kb
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  • Author :Virtu******
  • About : Nobody
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Windows software package protection tool source code, is the virtual machine shell source. At present, it is relatively stable and can be tried.
Packet file list
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1_main.cpp 7327 2015-11-17
AddressTable.hpp 7969 2018-07-29
algorithms.hpp 493 2015-11-17
Analysis.cpp 24144 2018-07-29
analysis.hpp 4221 2015-11-17
AsmJit 0 2018-07-29
AsmJit\ApiBegin.h 577 2015-11-17
AsmJit\ApiEnd.h 99 2015-11-17
AsmJit\AsmJit.h 12828 2015-11-17
AsmJit\AsmJitEnlarge.cpp 242 2015-11-17
AsmJit\AsmJitEnlarge.h 805 2015-11-17
AsmJit\Assembl.cpp 52284 2015-11-17
AsmJit\assembl.h 2065 2015-11-17
AsmJit\Assembler.h 274 2015-11-17
AsmJit\AssemblerX86X64.cpp 88667 2015-11-17
AsmJit\AssemblerX86X64.h 254975 2015-11-17
AsmJit\Build.h 7010 2018-07-29
AsmJit\CodeGenerator.cpp 2410 2015-11-17
AsmJit\CodeGenerator.h 4241 2015-11-17
AsmJit\Compiler.cpp 5572 2015-11-17
AsmJit\Compiler.h 26328 2015-11-17
AsmJit\CompilerX86X64.cpp 217631 2015-11-17
AsmJit\CompilerX86X64.h 307946 2015-11-17
AsmJit\Config.h 1859 2015-11-17
AsmJit\CpuInfo.cpp 10282 2015-11-17
AsmJit\CpuInfo.h 6976 2015-11-17
AsmJit\Defs.cpp 871 2015-11-17
AsmJit\Defs.h 14381 2015-11-17
AsmJit\DefsX86X64.cpp 119213 2015-11-17
AsmJit\DefsX86X64.h 61463 2015-11-17
AsmJit\Logger.cpp 1868 2015-11-17
AsmJit\Logger.h 5679 2015-11-17
AsmJit\MemoryManager.cpp 31487 2015-11-17
AsmJit\MemoryManager.h 6114 2015-11-17
AsmJit\MemoryMarker.cpp 262 2015-11-17
AsmJit\MemoryMarker.h 490 2015-11-17
AsmJit\opcode_table.cpp 17758 2015-11-17
AsmJit\opcode_table.h 176 2015-11-17
AsmJit\Operand.h 692 2015-11-17
AsmJit\OperandX86X64.cpp 12688 2015-11-17
AsmJit\OperandX86X64.h 96056 2015-11-17
AsmJit\Platform.cpp 5217 2015-11-17
AsmJit\Platform.h 5538 2015-11-17
AsmJit\Util.cpp 4754 2015-11-17
AsmJit\Util.h 27959 2015-11-17
AsmJit\Util_p.h 2621 2015-11-17
BuildCode.hpp 880 2015-11-17
BuildVMByteCode.cpp 99019 2018-07-29
BuildVMByteCode.hpp 3817 2015-11-17
CombosVMCode.cpp 23139 2015-11-17
combosvmcode.hpp 4681 2018-07-29
Libudis86 0 2018-07-29
Libudis86\decode.c 27432 2015-11-17
Libudis86\decode.h 5403 2015-11-17
Libudis86\extern.h 3625 2015-11-17
Libudis86\itab.c 316845 2015-11-17
Libudis86\itab.h 10738 2015-11-17
Libudis86\stdint.h 5865 2018-07-29
Libudis86\syn-att.c 5900 2015-11-17
Libudis86\syn-intel.c 6364 2015-11-17
Libudis86\syn.c 6298 2015-11-17
Libudis86\syn.h 2085 2015-11-17
Libudis86\types.h 7364 2015-11-17
Libudis86\udint.h 2695 2015-11-17
Libudis86\udis86.c 12788 2015-11-17
Libudis86\udis86.h 1556 2015-11-17
movzx_test.exe 3353 2015-11-17
OutDetailedInformation.cpp 3092 2015-11-17
OutDetailedInformation.hpp 690 2015-11-17
PCode.cpp 31865 2018-07-29
PCode.hpp 5962 2015-11-17
PE 0 2015-11-17
PE\PEExport.cpp 2257 2015-11-17
PE\PEFile.cpp 5976 2015-11-17
PE\PEFile.h 3471 2015-11-17
PE\PEImport.cpp 2223 2015-11-17
PE\PEReloc.cpp 823 2015-11-17
PE\PESection.cpp 6005 2015-11-17
SeniorVMHandle.cpp 40384 2018-11-13
seniorvmhandle.hpp 5503 2015-11-17
VirtualMachine.cpp 19020 2018-07-29
virtualmachine.h 1612 2015-11-17
VirtualMachineManage.cpp 1162 2015-11-17
VirtualMachineManage.hpp 643 2015-11-17
VMAddressTable.hpp 5993 2018-07-29
vmcodebuffer.hpp 1826 2015-11-17
VMHandle.cpp 68948 2015-11-17
VMHandle.h 5721 2015-11-17
voperand.hpp 10923 2015-11-17
WProtect.sln 1297 2018-07-29
WProtect.vcproj 9469 2015-11-17
WProtect.vcxproj 10314 2018-09-18
WProtect.vcxproj.filters 5072 2018-07-29
WProtect.vcxproj.user 165 2018-09-18
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