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  • Update : 2018-11-18
  • Size : 224kb
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  • Author :fxy****
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ultrasound elastography program by matlab, included a series of methods and results picture
Packet file list
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stain2d-\AxialSmooth.m 943 2018-11-05
stain2d-\BadPointFind.m 398 2018-11-05
stain2d-\BalanceFind.m 586 2014-04-23
stain2d-\BandPass.m 365 2014-04-23
stain2d-\BandPassFilter.m 250 2014-04-23
stain2d-\BaseOnIQ.m 761 2014-04-23
stain2d-\BaseOnPriorEstimate.asv 9255 2018-11-16
stain2d-\BaseOnPriorEstimate.m 9257 2018-11-16
stain2d-\CombinedAutoCorrelation.m 13187 2014-04-23
stain2d-\CombinedAutoCorrelation2.m 13224 2014-05-10
stain2d-\dis2strain.m 2853 2014-05-07
stain2d-\dis_aim_filter.m 634 2014-04-23
stain2d-\essay_Simulation.m 1 2014-04-23
stain2d-\EstimateBaseOnBadPoint.m 966 2014-04-23
stain2d-\Execute.m 5898 2014-04-23
stain2d-\find_Good_point.m 912 2014-04-23
stain2d-\GetGoodPoint.m 976 2014-04-23
stain2d-\GetHist.m 939 2014-04-23
stain2d-\Get_BMode.m 178 2014-05-08
stain2d-\Get__GoodPoint.m 767 2014-04-26
stain2d-\HistBalance.m 280 2014-04-23
stain2d-\Initial_paramenter.m 834 2014-04-23
stain2d-\int2txt.m 902 2014-04-23
stain2d-\Interpolation.m 1165 2014-04-23
stain2d-\InterX5.m 710 2014-04-23
stain2d-\LateralSmooth.m 943 2014-04-23
stain2d-\LeastSquareStrainEst.m 865 2014-05-08
stain2d-\LimitDisplace.m 711 2014-04-27
stain2d-\LowPass.m 1 2014-04-23
stain2d-\LP_dis.m 280 2014-04-23
stain2d-\Main_Graduate.m 6155 2014-04-23
stain2d-\Make_shift_On_RF.m 786 2014-04-23
stain2d-\meadfilter.m 634 2014-04-23
stain2d-\MedianFilter1D.m 479 2014-04-23
stain2d-\MedianFilter2D.m 488 2014-04-23
stain2d-\mid_filter1_max_erro.m 849 2014-04-23
stain2d-\mid_filter2.m 830 2014-04-23
stain2d-\mid_filter2_Judge.m 641 2014-04-23
stain2d-\mix_picture.m 1540 2014-04-23
stain2d-\move_flat.m 322 2014-04-23
stain2d-\MyRoipoly.m 9659 2014-05-08
stain2d-\NCC2D.m 1035 2014-04-23
stain2d-\NCC2D_Core.m 678 2014-04-24
stain2d-\NCC2D_Core_Fake.m 1140 2014-04-24
stain2d-\NCC2D_half.m 1100 2014-04-23
stain2d-\NCC2D_half_Inter.m 1414 2014-04-23
stain2d-\NCC2D_half_Inter_complex.m 1744 2014-04-23
stain2d-\NCC2D_half_Inter_IQ.m 1309 2014-04-23
stain2d-\NCC2D_half_IQ.m 1113 2014-04-23
stain2d-\NCC2D_small_strain.m 1104 2014-04-23
stain2d-\NewStrategy.m 1464 2014-04-23
stain2d-\Operator.m 1701 2014-05-06
stain2d-\Paper_10_MyAlgoritm11.m 5710 2014-05-10
stain2d-\Paper_10_MyAlgoritm22.m 4755 2014-05-10
stain2d-\Paper_10_MyAlgoritm33.m 7319 2014-05-10
stain2d-\Paper_11_Compare.m 7814 2014-05-10
stain2d-\Paper_1_Classic.m 5825 2014-04-24
stain2d-\Paper_1_Prioir.m 5813 2014-04-25
stain2d-\Paper_1_Show.m 259 2014-04-25
stain2d-\Paper_2_Classic.m 7103 2014-04-25
stain2d-\Paper_2_Prioir.m 7502 2014-04-25
stain2d-\Paper_3_BadPoint.m 6426 2014-04-27
stain2d-\Paper_3_Prioir.m 7511 2014-05-06
stain2d-\Paper_4_StrainLimit.m 778 2014-04-27
stain2d-\Paper_5_MyAlgoritm11.m 5967 2014-04-28
stain2d-\Paper_5_MyAlgoritm22.m 4743 2014-04-28
stain2d-\Paper_5_MyAlgoritm33.m 7225 2014-04-28
stain2d-\Paper_5_My_Algorithm_Better.m 9784 2014-04-28
stain2d-\Paper_5_Operator.m 6369 2014-05-06
stain2d-\Paper_6_NewData.m 4787 2014-05-08
stain2d-\Paper_7_Cheack_Strain.m 5125 2014-05-08
stain2d-\Paper_7_Strain.m 5012 2014-05-07
stain2d-\Paper_8_Quality.m 5244 2014-05-08
stain2d-\Paper_BaseOnMyAlgorithm.m 9532 2014-05-07
stain2d-\Paper_CombinedAutoCorrelation.m 13193 2014-04-28
stain2d-\Paper_Compare.m 7608 2014-04-28
stain2d-\Paper_Quadrature_ZeroPhaseIterative.m 6568 2014-04-28
stain2d-\PhaseDelayEstimation.m 907 2014-04-23
stain2d-\Quadrature_ZeroPhaseIterative.m 6567 2014-04-23
stain2d-\Quality.m 457 2014-05-08
stain2d-\ReadRFdata.m 4625 2014-04-23
stain2d-\RSD.m 84 2014-05-07
stain2d-\select_erro.m 464 2014-04-23
stain2d-\show_hist.m 331 2014-04-23
stain2d-\smooth_filter.m 240 2014-04-23
stain2d-\sort_num.m 395 2014-04-23
stain2d-\ssd2D.m 1111 2014-04-23
stain2d-\strain2D_hist.m 8971 2014-04-23
stain2d-\strain2D_New_fft.m 1867 2014-04-23
stain2d-\strain2D_small_strain.m 7487 2014-04-23
stain2d-\strain2D_strategy.m 14288 2014-04-24
stain2d-\strain2D_strategy2.m 9310 2014-05-07
stain2d-\strain2D_strategy_fft_direct.m 13051 2014-04-23
stain2d-\strain2D_strategy_fft_phase.m 12408 2014-04-23
stain2d-\strain2D_strategy_IQ.m 10061 2014-04-23
stain2d-\strain_BaseOnFrontPoint.m 7485 2014-04-23
stain2d-\untitled.jpg 40309 2014-04-23
stain2d-\中值处理位移图.jpg 24165 2014-04-23
stain2d-\应变图1.jpg 33868 2014-05-07
stain2d-\应变图2.jpg 26130 2014-05-07
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