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polar matlab

  • Category : Other
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  • Update : 2018-11-27
  • Size : 80kb
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  • Author :Guey****
  • About : Nobody
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polarencoder for cooperatve system
Packet file list
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polar matlab 0 2018-07-29
polar matlab\add_noise.m 322 2014-10-22
polar matlab\add_noise_on_y.m 227 2014-11-12
polar matlab\attachCRC24.m 391 2015-11-05
polar matlab\awgn.m 84 2018-05-09
polar matlab\awgncf.m 80 2018-05-09
polar matlab\BERperformance.m 528 2014-12-30
polar matlab\bitreversed.m 413 2018-02-18
polar matlab\blockFrames.m 704 2004-05-01
polar matlab\bpsk.m 139 2018-05-09
polar matlab\bpskcf.m 147 2018-05-09
polar matlab\BPSK_AWGN.m 331 2018-02-18
polar matlab\comparaison_1.asv 466 2018-05-08
polar matlab\comparaison_1.m 466 2018-05-08
polar matlab\comparaison_2.asv 466 2018-05-08
polar matlab\comparaison_2.m 492 2018-05-09
polar matlab\comparaison_3.m 436 2018-05-08
polar matlab\compress_and_forward.asv 4947 2018-05-09
polar matlab\compress_and_forward.m 4687 2018-05-09
polar matlab\conditionalEntropy.m 640 2018-04-29
polar matlab\crcCheck24a.m 554 2015-11-11
polar matlab\diary 25634 2018-02-18
polar matlab\encode.m 540 2018-04-26
polar matlab\EncoderA.m 719 2018-02-18
polar matlab\EncoderB.m 646 2018-02-18
polar matlab\EncoderC.m 518 2018-02-18
polar matlab\entropie.m 87 2018-04-29
polar matlab\FN_transform.m 576 2018-02-18
polar matlab\genSrc.m 103 2015-11-08
polar matlab\hs_err_pid6168.log 22320 2017-03-22
polar matlab\initPC.m 2801 2018-02-18
polar matlab\likelihood_rate.cpp 2181 2015-11-11
polar matlab\likelihood_rate.m 939 2015-10-31
polar matlab\likelihood_rate_c.cpp 2181 2015-11-12
polar matlab\likelihood_rate_c.m 939 2015-10-30
polar matlab\likelihood_rate_c.mexw64 9728 2015-11-12
polar matlab\logdomain_diff.m 102 2018-02-18
polar matlab\logdomain_sum.m 106 2018-02-18
polar matlab\lowerconv.m 304 2018-02-18
polar matlab\Modele_SCLsansCRC.asv 4702 2018-05-08
polar matlab\Modele_SCLsansCRC.m 4730 2018-05-08
polar matlab\Notre_modele.m 4702 2018-05-09
polar matlab\path_matrix.m 312 2015-11-08
polar matlab\path_metric.m 647 2015-10-08
polar matlab\pcc.m 926 2018-02-18
polar matlab\pdecode.m 3601 2018-02-18
polar matlab\pencode.m 1025 2018-02-18
polar matlab\pencode_BPSK_AWGN.m 381 2018-02-18
polar matlab\plotPC.m 3776 2018-02-18
polar matlab\plotPC_systematic.m 3776 2018-02-18
polar matlab\polarcode_main .m 4653 2018-05-08
polar matlab\polarcode_main.asv 6068 2018-04-26
polar matlab\polarcode_main.m 3618 2018-04-29
polar matlab\polarDec.m 4230 2017-05-18
polar matlab\polarDec_sans_CRC.m 3978 2018-05-09
polar matlab\polarEnc.m 584 2015-11-11
polar matlab\polarEnccf.m 584 2018-05-02
polar matlab\polarEncrelay.m 340 2018-04-26
polar matlab\polarEncsansCRC.m 288 2018-05-02
polar matlab\record.txt 582 2018-04-25
polar matlab\Sample session.txt 2086 2018-02-18
polar matlab\sans_cooperattion.m 3242 2018-05-08
polar matlab\scl _avec _CRC_24.m 3618 2018-04-26
polar matlab\SC_coder.m 1026 2018-05-09
polar matlab\SC_encoder.m 3668 2018-05-09
polar matlab\setdesignSNRdB.m 363 2018-02-18
polar matlab\spencode_BPSK_AWGN.m 393 2018-02-18
polar matlab\systematic_pdecode.m 2249 2018-02-18
polar matlab\systematic_pencode.m 1500 2018-02-18
polar matlab\test1.m 5231 2018-04-29
polar matlab\test_1.m 4661 2018-05-08
polar matlab\test_systematic.m 1281 2018-02-18
polar matlab\Untitled2.m 4256 2018-05-08
polar matlab\updateBITS.m 1198 2018-02-18
polar matlab\updateLLR.m 1298 2018-02-18
polar matlab\upperconv.m 177 2018-02-18
polar matlab\画图 0 2018-07-29
polar matlab\画图\信噪比13个点帧100L4.fig 6887 2016-12-23
polar matlab\画图\信噪比5点帧100L2.fig 6910 2016-12-21
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