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  • Category : Windows Develop
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  • Update : 2018-11-28
  • Size : 105kb
  • Downloaded :1次
  • Author :x****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Using Qt and QML language to realize NetEase cloud music interface under windows, highly restore effect, study QML very good project
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
MyPlayer\BottomBar.qml 10574 2017-03-13
MyPlayer\bottomwidget\btnlist.png 3559 2017-03-12
MyPlayer\bottomwidget\btnListcircle1.png 1109 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\bottomwidget\btnListrandom1.png 1130 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\bottomwidget\btnListscirclesingle1.png 1081 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\bottomwidget\btnLrc1.png 1212 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\bottomwidget\btnNext1.png 2280 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\bottomwidget\btnPause1.png 2406 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\bottomwidget\btnPlay1.png 2515 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\bottomwidget\btnPrevious1.png 2271 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\bottomwidget\listcircle.png 3477 2017-03-12
MyPlayer\bottomwidget\listrandom.png 3514 2017-03-12
MyPlayer\bottomwidget\listsequence.png 3156 2017-03-12
MyPlayer\bottomwidget\listsingle.png 3544 2017-03-12
MyPlayer\bottomwidget\menuLrc.png 1167 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\bottomwidget\menuVol.png 3440 2017-03-12
MyPlayer\cloudmusic.ico 9662 2017-03-25
MyPlayer\componets\BottomBar.qml 9887 2017-03-25
MyPlayer\componets\LeftWidget.qml 5645 2017-03-25
MyPlayer\componets\MusicInfo.qml 523 2017-03-25
MyPlayer\componets\MyButton.qml 1231 2017-03-19
MyPlayer\componets\MyMusicList.qml 5698 2017-03-25
MyPlayer\componets\MyTableView.qml 4383 2017-03-25
MyPlayer\componets\SliderBar.qml 3755 2017-03-24
MyPlayer\deployment.pri 266 2017-03-11
MyPlayer\images\btndownload.png 3358 2017-03-13
MyPlayer\images\btnfriends.png 3570 2017-03-13
MyPlayer\images\btnmusic.png 3664 2017-03-13
MyPlayer\images\btnmv.png 3423 2017-03-13
MyPlayer\images\title.png 4631 2017-03-11
MyPlayer\LeftWidget.qml 5247 2017-03-13
MyPlayer\main\kugou.ico 9662 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\main\kwgou.rc 60 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\main\trayIcon.png 3525 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\main.cpp 375 2017-03-19
MyPlayer\main.qml 989 2017-08-18
MyPlayer\MainWidget.qml 2953 2017-03-25
MyPlayer\middlewidget\btncross1.png 1053 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\middlewidget\btnfavorite.png 1469 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\middlewidget\btnlove2.png 1287 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\middlewidget\btnmusic2.png 1265 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\middlewidget\btnradio2.png 1391 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\middlewidget\checked.png 1086 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\middlewidget\indicator.png 1030 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\middlewidget\indicatordown2.png 1062 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\middlewidget\indicatormenu2.png 1045 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\middlewidget\indicatortop1.png 1071 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\middlewidget\megaphone.png 3418 2017-03-24
MyPlayer\musiclist.cpp 2375 2017-03-24
MyPlayer\musiclist.h 806 2017-03-24
MyPlayer\myapp.rc 64 2017-03-25
MyPlayer\MyButton.qml 1540 2017-03-13
MyPlayer\myJs.js 1438 2017-03-25
MyPlayer\ 394 2017-03-25
MyPlayer\ 23858 2017-11-23
MyPlayer\ 45310 2017-03-25
MyPlayer\qml.qrc 520 2017-03-25
MyPlayer\src.qrc 1982 2017-03-24
MyPlayer\test.qml 4167 2017-03-24
MyPlayer\TitleBar.qml 8914 2017-03-19
MyPlayer\topwidget\btnClose1.png 270 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\topwidget\btnMessage1.png 1217 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\topwidget\btnMini1.png 1026 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\topwidget\btnReturn1.png 870 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\topwidget\btnReturn3.png 870 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\topwidget\btnSearch1.png 1221 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\topwidget\btnSetting1.png 940 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\topwidget\btnSkin1.png 1223 2016-12-13
MyPlayer\bottomwidget 0 2017-03-13
MyPlayer\componets 0 2017-03-25
MyPlayer\images 0 2017-03-25
MyPlayer\main 0 2017-03-12
MyPlayer\middlewidget 0 2017-03-24
MyPlayer\topwidget 0 2017-03-25
MyPlayer 0 2017-11-23
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
  • Please use Winrar for decompression tools
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