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  • Update : 2018-12-03
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
This section describes how to begin using the Higher Order Spectral Analysis Toolbox for your signal processing applications. It assumes familiarity with basic matlab ,as well as a basic understanding of signals and systems.
Packet file list
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hosademo\AR1.MAT 8214 1997-11-01
hosademo\ARMA1.MAT 8214 1997-11-01
hosademo\CONTENTS.M 1655 2000-12-28
hosademo\DEMADAPT.M 2355 2000-12-28
hosademo\DEMARMA.M 3865 2000-12-28
hosademo\DEMBISP.M 2606 2000-12-28
hosademo\DEMDOA.M 7586 2000-12-28
hosademo\DEMDOAT.M 2278 2000-12-28
hosademo\DEMGLTST.M 6693 2000-12-28
hosademo\DEMHARM.M 5125 2000-12-28
hosademo\DEMNPSI.M 4868 2000-12-28
hosademo\DEMOS.M 2361 2000-12-28
hosademo\DEMQPC.M 4740 2000-12-28
hosademo\DEMTDE.M 3722 2000-12-28
hosademo\DEMTFD.M 2749 2000-12-28
hosademo\DEMTUT.M 13239 2000-12-28
hosademo\DEMVOLT.M 3116 2000-12-28
hosademo\DOA1.MAT 524313 1997-11-01
hosademo\D_AR.M 2099 2000-12-28
hosademo\D_ARMA.M 2118 2000-12-28
hosademo\D_ARORD.M 1486 2000-12-28
hosademo\D_BIC.M 2405 2000-12-28
hosademo\D_BICX.M 2192 2000-12-28
hosademo\D_BISPD.M 2814 2000-12-28
hosademo\D_BISPDX.M 2022 2000-12-28
hosademo\D_BISPI.M 2518 2000-12-28
hosademo\D_MA.M 1552 2000-12-28
hosademo\D_MAORD.M 1659 2000-12-28
hosademo\D_NLPOW.M 1283 2000-12-28
hosademo\D_NLTICK.M 1448 2000-12-28
hosademo\D_ORDER.M 1374 2000-12-28
hosademo\D_RIVDL.M 2970 2000-12-28
hosademo\D_RIVTR.M 2579 2000-12-28
hosademo\D_TDE.M 2955 2000-12-28
hosademo\D_TDEB.M 2250 2000-12-28
hosademo\D_TDER.M 2494 2000-12-28
hosademo\D_TRUE.M 1589 2000-12-28
hosademo\D_TRUEB.M 1265 2000-12-28
hosademo\D_TRUEC.M 1401 2000-12-28
hosademo\D_TRUET.M 1327 2000-12-28
hosademo\D_WIG2.M 2317 2000-12-28
hosademo\D_WIG3.M 2319 2000-12-28
hosademo\D_WIG4.M 2306 2000-12-28
hosademo\EX_CASE.M 1108 2000-12-28
hosademo\EX_EDA.M 2809 2000-12-28
hosademo\EX_LAFF.M 6182 2000-12-28
hosademo\EX_LYNX.M 1499 2000-12-28
hosademo\EX_SUNS.M 1402 2000-12-28
hosademo\GLDAT.MAT 24708 1997-11-01
hosademo\HARM.MAT 65561 1997-11-01
hosademo\HOSADEM.M 1564 2000-12-28
hosademo\HOSADEMO.M 2661 2000-12-28
hosademo\LAFF.DAT 8921 1996-10-19
hosademo\LAFF_B.MAT 263213 1997-11-01
hosademo\LYNX.DAT 1412 1996-10-19
hosademo\MA1.MAT 8214 1997-11-01
hosademo\NL1.MAT 65580 1997-11-01
hosademo\NL2.MAT 65580 1997-11-01
hosademo\QPC.MAT 32793 1997-11-01
hosademo\RIV.MAT 24644 1997-11-01
hosademo\SUNSPOT.DAT 3456 1996-10-19
hosademo\TDE1.MAT 66414 1997-11-01
hosademo\TPRONY.MAT 4118 1997-11-01
hosademo\WIGDAT.MAT 1884 1997-11-01
hosa\ARMAQS.M 4452 2000-12-28
hosa\ARMARTS.M 2862 2000-12-28
hosa\ARMASYN.M 4044 2000-12-28
hosa\ARORDER.M 4165 2000-12-28
hosa\ARRCEST.M 4034 2000-12-28
hosa\BICEPS.M 5449 2000-12-28
hosa\BICEPSF.M 5139 2000-12-28
hosa\BICOHER.M 4206 2000-12-28
hosa\BICOHERX.M 4717 2000-12-28
hosa\BISPECD.M 5854 2000-12-28
hosa\BISPECDX.M 6508 2000-12-28
hosa\BISPECI.M 5243 2000-12-28
hosa\BISPECT.M 1974 2000-12-28
hosa\CONTENTS.M 4939 2000-12-28
hosa\CUM2EST.M 2069 2000-12-28
hosa\CUM2X.M 3133 2000-12-28
hosa\CUM3EST.M 2902 2000-12-28
hosa\CUM3X.M 3611 2000-12-28
hosa\CUM4EST.M 4463 2000-12-28
hosa\CUM4X.M 5704 2000-12-28
hosa\CUMEST.M 2764 2000-12-28
hosa\CUMTRUE.M 4516 2000-12-28
hosa\DOA.M 5955 2000-12-28
hosa\DOAGEN.M 5605 2000-12-28
hosa\GLSTAT.M 8677 2000-12-28
hosa\HARMEST.M 6512 2000-12-28
hosa\HARMGEN.M 3757 2000-12-28
hosa\HOSAHELP.M 4260 2000-12-28
hosa\HOSAVER.M 706 2001-01-15
hosa\HPRONY.M 3194 2000-12-28
hosa\INFO.XML 402 2001-01-17
hosa\IVCAL.M 2118 2000-12-28
hosa\MAEST.M 3374 2000-12-28
hosa\MAORDER.M 2915 2000-12-28
hosa\MATUL.M 2840 2000-12-28
hosa\NLGEN.M 2269 2000-12-28
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