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  • Category : assembly language
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  • Update : 2019-01-22
  • Size : 94kb
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  • Author :lhkf****
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Matlab-hfss scripts, file preparation, this is an interesting thing.
Packet file list
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3dmodeler 0 2019-01-18
3dmodeler\COPYING 15148 2006-10-13
3dmodeler\generate1.m 2802 2015-02-01
3dmodeler\hfssAssignMaterial.m 2367 2005-03-16
3dmodeler\hfssBox.m 4421 2005-01-15
3dmodeler\hfssChangeProperty.m 2051 2008-04-25
3dmodeler\hfssCircle.m 2817 2005-05-27
3dmodeler\hfssCoaxialCable.m 2793 2005-01-15
3dmodeler\hfssCone.m 2990 2007-12-27
3dmodeler\hfssConnect.m 1942 2008-03-10
3dmodeler\hfssCopy.m 1879 2008-07-22
3dmodeler\hfssCreateRegularPolygon.m 2902 2008-07-09
3dmodeler\hfssCylinder.m 2914 2005-01-15
3dmodeler\hfssDipole.m 5151 2005-01-21
3dmodeler\hfssDuplicateAlongLine.m 3637 2005-01-21
3dmodeler\hfssDuplicateAroundAxis.m 3488 2008-04-24
3dmodeler\hfssDuplicateMirror.m 3775 2008-03-10
3dmodeler\hfssEllipse.m 3039 2008-03-10
3dmodeler\hfssHollowCylinder.m 2540 2005-01-21
3dmodeler\hfssIntersect.m 2622 2008-04-28
3dmodeler\hfssMove.m 2485 2005-01-21
3dmodeler\hfssPLObject.m 5245 2005-01-21
3dmodeler\hfssPolygon.m 5348 2008-04-24
3dmodeler\hfssPolyline.m 3728 2005-05-28
3dmodeler\hfssRectangle.m 3510 2005-01-21
3dmodeler\hfssRename.m 2013 2004-11-21
3dmodeler\hfssRotate.m 2569 2008-05-05
3dmodeler\hfssSetColor.m 2170 2005-03-30
3dmodeler\hfssSetSolveInside.m 600 2005-05-28
3dmodeler\hfssSetTransparency.m 2466 2005-03-16
3dmodeler\hfssSphere.m 2544 2004-11-18
3dmodeler\hfssSplit.m 2840 2008-03-10
3dmodeler\hfssSubtract.m 2596 2005-01-21
3dmodeler\hfsssurf.m 1403 2015-02-02
3dmodeler\hfssSweepAlongPath.m 2005 2008-03-19
3dmodeler\hfssSweepAlongVector.m 3001 2008-03-10
3dmodeler\hfssSweepAroundAxis.m 2779 2005-03-15
3dmodeler\hfssUncoveredCylinder.m 576 2005-05-28
3dmodeler\hfssUnite.m 2525 2005-01-21
3dmodeler\hfssWireConnection.m 4792 2005-01-21
3dmodeler\matlab_hfsspm.m 3077 2015-02-02
3dmodeler\pm20.m 2277 2015-02-02
3dmodeler\README.txt 1435 2006-10-13
3dmodeler\samp.m 1403 2015-02-02
3dmodeler\Two_PM.m 149 2015-02-01
analysis 0 2019-01-21
analysis\hfssAnalyzeALL.m 91 2019-01-21
analysis\hfssCreateReport.m 4246 2019-01-21
analysis\hfssExportNetworkData.m 3516 2019-01-11
analysis\hfssExportRadiationParameters.m 2593 2007-12-30
analysis\hfssExportReport.m 1987 2007-12-30
analysis\hfssExportToFile.m 1934 2019-01-15
analysis\hfssFarFieldSphere.m 2511 2007-12-29
analysis\hfssInsertSetup.m 1510 2019-01-21
analysis\hfssInsertSolution.m 3222 2005-01-15
analysis\hfssInterpolatingSweep.m 3574 2005-01-15
analysis\hfssSolveSetup.m 1655 2005-01-15
boundary 0 2019-01-20
boundary\hfssAssignFloquePort.m 186 2019-01-20
boundary\hfssAssignFloquetPort.m 1650 2019-01-20
boundary\hfssAssignLumpedPort.m 3988 2005-01-15
boundary\hfssAssignMaster.m 636 2019-01-20
boundary\hfssAssignPE.m 2702 2007-12-27
boundary\hfssAssignPE_face.m 2676 2007-12-29
boundary\hfssAssignRadiation.m 2113 2005-01-15
boundary\hfssAssignRadiation_face.m 2473 2008-07-22
boundary\hfssAssignSlave.m 791 2019-01-20
boundary\hfssAssignWavePort.m 4367 2005-01-15
boundary\hfssAssignWaveport_face.m 4181 2007-12-29
boundary\hfssCircularPort.m 2447 2005-01-15
boundary\hfssEditSources.m 2815 2008-04-25
boundary\hly.txt 116 2019-01-19
general 0 2019-01-21
general\hfssAddMaterial.m 3054 2019-01-18
general\hfssCloseActiveProject.m 1806 2005-01-15
general\hfssExecuteScript.m 4068 2007-12-29
general\hfssImportModel.m 332 2019-01-21
general\hfssInsertDesign.m 2734 2005-01-15
general\hfssNewProject.m 2575 2019-01-18
general\hfssOpenProject.m 2661 2019-01-11
general\hfssSaveProject.m 2581 2005-02-01
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