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  • Update : 2019-01-27
  • Size : 11.31mb
  • Downloaded :1次
  • Author :凯***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
This source code is the cold rain night lander source code transmitted by the network in 2011. It has a long time and its integrity is uncertain.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
dlqps\5137X主界面.bmp 840056 2011-11-26
dlqps\LaLa20101109չʾͼ.jpg 219525 2011-11-26
dlqps\news\index.htm 2125 2011-11-26
dlqps\news\news.jpg 32532 2011-11-26
dlqps\sj.ico 4286 2011-11-26
dlqps\woyaoshang.ico 4286 2011-11-26
dlqps\yongyuan.ico 4286 2011-11-26
dlqps\世纪主界面.bmp 840056 2010-11-25
dlqps\妩媚主界面.bmp 840056 2011-11-26
dlqps\按钮\充值1.bmp 9992 2011-11-26
dlqps\按钮\充值2.bmp 9992 2011-11-26
dlqps\按钮\关闭不亮.bmp 2360 2011-11-26
dlqps\按钮\关闭变亮.bmp 2360 2011-11-26
dlqps\按钮\官网1.bmp 9992 2011-11-26
dlqps\按钮\官网2.bmp 9992 2011-11-26
dlqps\按钮\工具1.bmp 9992 2011-11-26
dlqps\按钮\工具2.bmp 9992 2011-11-26
dlqps\按钮\开始游戏1.bmp 27992 2011-11-26
dlqps\按钮\开始游戏2.bmp 27992 2011-11-26
dlqps\按钮\最小化不亮.bmp 1496 2011-11-26
dlqps\按钮\最小化变亮.bmp 1496 2011-11-26
dlqps\按钮\注册1.bmp 9992 2011-11-26
dlqps\按钮\注册2.bmp 9992 2011-11-26
dlqps\永远主界面.bmp 840056 2011-11-26
dlqps\菜单条.bmp 138820 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\AccManMenu.dfm 42528 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\AccManMenu.pas 880 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\ 6723 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\Dbt3Proxy.pas 3908 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\DelHood.pas 4501 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\EDCode.pas 10057 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\FastIniFile.pas 68912 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\FastMM4.pas 338149 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\FastMM4Messages.pas 6919 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\ 17417 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\Func.pas 110084 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\GetPass.dfm 24155 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\GetPass.pas 10793 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\load.dfm 36831 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\load.pas 1198 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\LoginUP.dfm 43881 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\LoginUP.pas 6769 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\LyThread.pas 13884 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\LyyLogin.cfg 437 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\LyyLogin.dof 2801 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\LyyLogin.dpr 1962 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\Lyymir3.RES 1830132 2012-04-08
LyLong8.x\LyyMir3UP.dfm 21410 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\LyyMir3UP.pas 11984 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\MAIN.dfm 1830446 2012-04-08
LyLong8.x\MAIN.pas 36978 2012-04-08
LyLong8.x\Mir3.pas 9002 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\mir3dat.RES 134476 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\mir3ex.RES 1112352 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\OBRARCompress.pas 4835 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\Pass.dfm 21350 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\Pass.pas 7263 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\PlaysToolsMenu.dfm 273273 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\PlaysToolsMenu.pas 5907 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\Reg.dfm 24377 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\Reg.pas 12940 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\UAC.RES 424 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\Unit2.dfm 314 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\Unit2.pas 443 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\Ver.Inc 803 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\Ver.txt 28 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\x_MakeLyLong.exe 1652224 2013-11-01
LyLong8.x\y_删除临时文件.bat 111 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\_b资源文件\5137X主界面.bmp 840056 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\_b资源文件\icon.ico 4286 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\_b资源文件\LyyIcon.RES 4396 2012-04-08
LyLong8.x\_b资源文件\lyyloginssk.ssk 14679 2012-04-08
LyLong8.x\_b资源文件\LyySui3.RES 14772 2012-04-08
LyLong8.x\_b资源文件\Mir3str.txt 53 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\_b资源文件\Mir3str1.txt 161 2012-04-08
LyLong8.x\_b资源文件\sj.ico 4286 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\_b资源文件\yongyuan.ico 4286 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\_b资源文件\ 126 2012-04-08
LyLong8.x\_b资源文件\ 45 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\_b资源文件\世纪主界面.bmp 840056 2010-11-25
LyLong8.x\_b资源文件\永远主界面.bmp 840056 2011-11-26
LyLong8.x\_b资源文件\重要说明.txt 40 2011-11-26
已封外挂和限制5开.txt 0 2012-04-08
_生成文件\AsPack212\ASPACK.EXE 201728 2013-11-01
_生成文件\AsPack212\Chinese.ini 4682 2011-11-26
_生成文件\AsPack212\English.ini 5520 2011-11-26
_生成文件\AsPack212\SAC.reg 234 2011-11-26
_生成文件\WYSCQ_081031.inf 352 2012-04-08
_生成文件\_test\zLib.dll 331776 2011-11-26
_生成文件\_test\空-授权文件.LLDB 8668 2011-11-26
_生成文件\冷雨夜服务器管理工具\jineng.ini 1610 2011-11-26
_生成文件\冷雨夜服务器管理工具\LyyMir3Tools.exe 763904 2013-11-01
_生成文件\冷雨夜服务器管理工具\peizhi.ini 305 2011-11-26
_生成文件\冷雨夜服务器管理工具\使用说明.txt 1628 2011-11-26
_生成文件\冷雨夜登录选人网关\冷雨夜登录网关\BlockIPList.txt 0 2011-11-26
_生成文件\冷雨夜登录选人网关\冷雨夜登录网关\LyyLogin.exe 226816 2013-11-01
_生成文件\冷雨夜登录选人网关\冷雨夜登录网关\LyyLogin.ini 32 2011-11-26
_生成文件\冷雨夜登录选人网关\冷雨夜选人网关\LyyGate30.exe 211968 2013-11-01
_生成文件\我要上传奇.lyyc 727 2012-04-08
_生成文件\正_________删除临时文件.bat 607 2011-11-26
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
  • Please use Winrar for decompression tools
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