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  • Category : Graph Recognize
  • Tags :
  • Update : 2019-01-28
  • Size : 1.24mb
  • Downloaded :1次
  • Author :wae****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The code is C #, and the engine of face detection and comparison is Hongsoft version 1.2. Instructions: After you get the code, please change your key and DLL files. My key and DLL will expire at the end of 19 years. The images to be compared should be copied to the ArcFaceImgPath directory under bin Debug (which can also be set up in the configuration file) to support subdirectories. After adding new pictures, perform an "initialization" once to generate facial feature data. Later comparisons are based on this feature data, and the speed will be very fast.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
待比对图片样例 0 2019-01-28
待比对图片样例\延禧.jpg 143639 2019-01-25
app.config 569 2019-01-28
ArcFaceTest.csproj 6232 2019-01-24
ArcFaceTest.csproj.user 228 2017-08-11
ArcFaceTest.sln 988 2017-08-14
ArcFaceTest.v11.suo 55296 2019-01-28
favicon.ico 4286 2019-01-24
Form1.cs 24152 2019-01-28
Form1.Designer.cs 10858 2019-01-28
Form1.resx 5817 2019-01-28
Form2.cs 23660 2019-01-28
Form2.Designer.cs 11494 2019-01-28
Form2.resx 6196 2019-01-28
line.png 604 2019-01-23
Program.cs 503 2017-08-08
未标题-1.png 347 2019-01-22
AFD 0 2019-01-14
AFD\AFDFunction.cs 1401 2017-08-11
AFD\AFD_FSDK_FACERES.cs 320 2017-08-10
AFD\AFD_FSDK_OrientCode.cs 548 2017-08-08
AFD\AFD_FSDK_OrientPriority.cs 353 2017-08-08
AFD\AFD_FSDK_Version.cs 428 2017-08-10
AFD\ASVLOFFSCREEN.cs 668 2017-08-10
AFD\MRECT.cs 273 2017-08-08
AFR 0 2019-01-14
AFR\AFRFunction.cs 1844 2017-08-13
AFR\AFR_FSDK_FaceInput.cs 264 2017-08-10
AFR\AFR_FSDK_FaceModel.cs 241 2017-08-10
AFR\AFR_FSDK_Version.cs 506 2017-08-12
bin 0 2019-01-14
bin\Debug 0 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\AForge.Controls.dll 44544 2013-07-15
bin\Debug\AForge.Controls.xml 66108 2013-07-15
bin\Debug\AForge.dll 17920 2013-07-15
bin\Debug\AForge.Imaging.dll 262656 2013-07-15
bin\Debug\AForge.Imaging.xml 944046 2013-07-15
bin\Debug\AForge.Math.dll 68096 2013-07-15
bin\Debug\AForge.Math.xml 270650 2013-07-15
bin\Debug\AForge.Video.DirectShow.dll 61440 2013-07-15
bin\Debug\AForge.Video.DirectShow.xml 195287 2013-07-15
bin\Debug\AForge.Video.dll 20992 2013-07-15
bin\Debug\AForge.Video.xml 53275 2013-07-15
bin\Debug\AForge.xml 78375 2013-07-15
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath 0 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\temp.ffd 22020 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\temp_$1.ffd 22020 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\temp_$2.ffd 22020 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\temp_$3.ffd 22020 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\temp_$4.ffd 22020 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\temp_$5.ffd 22020 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\行政部 0 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\行政部\吴谨言.jpg 7720 2019-01-25
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\行政部\吴谨言.jpg.ffd 22020 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\财务部 0 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\财务部\谭卓.jpg 7784 2019-01-25
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\财务部\谭卓.jpg.ffd 22020 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\财务部\谭卓2.jpg 25700 2019-01-25
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\财务部\谭卓2.jpg.ffd 22020 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\销售中心 0 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\销售中心\销售一部 0 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\销售中心\销售一部\聂远.jpg 16988 2019-01-25
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\销售中心\销售一部\聂远.jpg.ffd 22020 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\销售中心\销售一部\聂远2.jpg 15630 2019-01-25
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\销售中心\销售一部\聂远2.jpg.ffd 22020 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\销售中心\销售一部\聂远2.jpg_$1.ffd 22020 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\销售中心\销售三部 0 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\销售中心\销售三部\佘诗曼.jpg 22090 2019-01-25
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\销售中心\销售三部\佘诗曼.jpg.ffd 22020 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\销售中心\销售三部\佘诗曼.jpg_$1.ffd 22020 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\销售中心\销售二部 0 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\销售中心\销售二部\秦岚.jpg 18106 2019-01-25
bin\Debug\ArcFaceImgPath\销售中心\销售二部\秦岚.jpg.ffd 22020 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceTest.exe 39424 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceTest.exe.config 569 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceTest.pdb 60928 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceTest.vshost.exe 22984 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceTest.vshost.exe.config 569 2019-01-28
bin\Debug\ArcFaceTest.vshost.exe.manifest 490 2016-07-16
dll 0 2019-01-14
obj 0 2019-01-14
obj\Debug 0 2019-01-28
obj\Debug\ArcFaceTest.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 2027 2019-01-28
obj\Debug\ArcFaceTest.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 1033 2019-01-28
obj\Debug\ArcFaceTest.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache 26535 2019-01-25
obj\Debug\ArcFaceTest.exe 39424 2019-01-28
obj\Debug\ArcFaceTest.Form1.resources 180 2019-01-28
obj\Debug\ArcFaceTest.Form2.resources 180 2019-01-28
obj\Debug\ArcFaceTest.pdb 60928 2019-01-28
obj\Debug\ArcFaceTest.Properties.Resources.resources 180 2019-01-25
obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache 21226 2019-01-22
obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7696 2019-01-24
obj\Debug\TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 2019-01-14
obj\Debug\TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 2019-01-14
obj\Debug\TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 2019-01-14
obj\Debug\TempPE 0 2019-01-14
obj\Debug\TempPE\Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll 4608 2019-01-14
Properties 0 2019-01-14
Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1434 2017-08-08
Properties\Resources.Designer.cs 2862 2019-01-14
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
  • Please use Winrar for decompression tools
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