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  • Update : 2019-03-12
  • Size : 922kb
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Provides a rtsp-h265, successfully tested at hi3516.
Packet file list
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rtsp-h265 0 2019-02-19
rtsp-h265\Makefile 833 2018-04-28
rtsp-h265\include 0 2019-02-19
rtsp-h265\include\acodec.h 6571 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_ae_comm.h 5683 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_af_comm.h 900 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_awb_comm.h 4786 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_comm_3a.h 12027 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_comm_adec.h 5455 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_comm_aenc.h 4874 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_comm_ai.h 879 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_comm_aio.h 23105 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_comm_ao.h 881 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_comm_fisheye.h 5845 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_comm_isp.h 87087 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_comm_ive.h 14416 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_comm_rc.h 16326 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_comm_region.h 10265 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_comm_sns.h 10202 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_comm_sys.h 6281 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_comm_vb.h 4038 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_comm_venc.h 34146 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_comm_vgs.h 4469 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_comm_vi.h 30768 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_comm_video.h 21210 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_comm_vo.h 17465 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_comm_vpss.h 23239 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_common.h 8385 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_debug.h 4926 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_defines.h 11189 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_errno.h 4898 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_i2c.h 124 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_io.h 2523 2017-02-13
rtsp-h265\include\hi_isp_bin.h 2202 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_isp_debug.h 1067 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_ive.h 31800 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_math.h 15072 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_md.h 1512 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_mipi.h 7073 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_rtc.h 1125 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_sns_ctrl.h 1286 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_spi.h 292 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_type.h 3724 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_unf_cipher.h 32282 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hi_vreg.h 5400 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\hiir.h 2258 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\isp_dehaze.h 2397 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\ivs_md.h 6262 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\list.h 4347 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\mod_ext.h 2681 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\mpi_adec.h 1571 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\mpi_ae.h 2723 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\mpi_aenc.h 1823 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\mpi_af.h 2067 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\mpi_ai.h 3265 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\mpi_ao.h 2968 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\mpi_awb.h 2576 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\mpi_isp.h 8246 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\mpi_ive.h 69826 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\mpi_region.h 1983 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\mpi_sys.h 4507 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\mpi_vb.h 2163 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\mpi_venc.h 9037 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\mpi_vgs.h 8430 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\mpi_vi.h 7220 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\mpi_vo.h 5554 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\mpi_vpss.h 8238 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\pwm.h 584 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\ringfifo.h 260 2013-10-22
rtsp-h265\include\rtputils.h 683 2015-05-09
rtsp-h265\include\rtspservice.h 387 2016-11-18
rtsp-h265\include\rtsputils.h 6745 2016-06-04
rtsp-h265\include\strlib.h 4219 2016-03-28
rtsp-h265\include\viu_ext.h 2039 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\vou_exp.h 1035 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\include\watchdog.h 2388 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\lib 0 2019-02-19
rtsp-h265\lib\libVoiceEngine.a 46764 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\lib\lib_hiae.a 190032 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\lib\lib_hiaf.a 11576 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\lib\lib_hiawb.a 130750 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\lib\lib_hidefog.a 32708 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\lib\libdnvqe.a 25350 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\lib\libhi_cipher.a 59012 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\lib\libisp.a 491184 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\lib\libive.a 173570 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\lib\libmd.a 47866 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\lib\libmpi.a 686346 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\lib\libsns_imx290.a 68132 2016-10-22
rtsp-h265\lib\ 82238 2018-04-28
rtsp-h265\lib\libsns_ov2718.a 182958 2016-10-22
rtsp-h265\lib\libupvqe.a 33872 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\loadbmp.c 16362 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\loadbmp.h 2933 2017-11-26
rtsp-h265\main.c 1471 2016-03-03
rtsp-h265\ringfifo.c 5712 2016-11-18
rtsp-h265\rtputils.c 18495 2016-11-18
rtsp-h265\rtspservice.c 59662 2016-11-18
rtsp-h265\rtsputils.c 12234 2016-11-18
rtsp-h265\sample_comm.h 17084 2018-04-12
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