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  • Category : Communication
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  • Update : 2019-04-21
  • Size : 769kb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :jian****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Written in c # serial debugging assistant, writing is very good, it is easy to understand.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
bin 0 2013-08-08
bin\Debug 0 2013-08-08
bin\Debug\串口调试工具.exe 195584 2013-02-25
obj 0 2013-04-28
obj\x86 0 2013-04-28
obj\x86\Debug 0 2013-07-10
obj\x86\Debug\ComTool.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 11884 2013-08-07
obj\x86\Debug\ComTool.Form1.resources 4852 2013-02-25
obj\x86\Debug\ComTool.HexTextBox.resources 180 2013-02-25
obj\x86\Debug\ComTool.Properties.Resources.resources 113493 2013-02-25
obj\x86\Debug\ComTool.SubWin.AboutMe.resources 180 2013-02-25
obj\x86\Debug\ComTool.SubWin.ByteCaculator.resources 17524 2013-02-25
obj\x86\Debug\ComTool.SubWin.CheckWin.resources 4852 2013-02-25
obj\x86\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache 35042 2013-07-10
obj\x86\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 5830 2013-08-03
obj\x86\Debug\ 10950 2013-02-25
obj\x86\Debug\ 2 2013-02-25
obj\x86\Debug\ 2 2013-02-25
obj\x86\Debug\GenerateResource-ResGen.write.1.tlog 11514 2013-02-25
obj\x86\Debug\TempPE 0 2013-04-28
obj\x86\Debug\TempPE\Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll 5632 2012-12-06
obj\x86\Debug\串口调试工具.exe 195584 2013-02-25
obj\x86\Debug\串口调试工具.pdb 173568 2013-02-25
obj\x86\Release 0 2013-04-28
obj\x86\Release\ComTool.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 4489 2012-11-28
obj\x86\Release\ComTool.Form1.resources 4852 2012-10-30
obj\x86\Release\ComTool.HexTextBox.resources 180 2012-10-30
obj\x86\Release\ComTool.Properties.Resources.resources 1606 2012-10-30
obj\x86\Release\ComTool.SubWin.ByteCaculator.resources 17524 2012-10-30
obj\x86\Release\ComTool.SubWin.CheckWin.resources 4852 2012-10-30
obj\x86\Release\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache 19743 2012-11-28
obj\x86\Release\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 5491 2012-11-26
obj\x86\Release\ 2110 2012-10-30
obj\x86\Release\ 2 2012-10-30
obj\x86\Release\GenerateResource-ResGen.write.1.tlog 3154 2012-10-30
obj\x86\Release\TempPE 0 2013-04-28
obj\x86\Release\TempPE\Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll 5120 2012-09-13
obj\x86\Release\串口调试工具.exe 73728 2012-11-25
obj\x86\Release\串口调试工具.pdb 103936 2012-11-25
Properties 0 2013-04-28
Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1797 2012-12-06
Properties\Resources.Designer.cs 4617 2012-12-06
Properties\Resources.resx 7799 2012-12-06
Properties\Settings.Designer.cs 1092 2012-09-13
Properties\Settings.settings 249 2012-09-13
Resources 0 2013-04-28
Resources\Calcu.png 2745 2012-12-06
Resources\calculator.png 4536 2012-12-06
Resources\Check.png 4856 2012-12-06
Resources\greenlight.png 5025 2012-12-06
Resources\info.png 2568 2012-12-06
Resources\logo.png 182471 2012-12-06
Resources\redlight.png 4919 2012-12-06
Resources\Thumbs.db 25088 2012-12-06
SubWin 0 2013-04-28
SubWin\AboutMe.cs 1305 2012-12-29
SubWin\AboutMe.Designer.cs 7903 2012-12-29
SubWin\AboutMe.resx 5817 2012-12-29
SubWin\ByteCaculator.cs 6560 2013-01-05
SubWin\ByteCaculator.Designer.cs 31599 2013-01-05
SubWin\ByteCaculator.resx 31555 2013-01-05
SubWin\CheckWin.cs 4041 2012-12-06
SubWin\CheckWin.Designer.cs 14463 2012-12-06
SubWin\CheckWin.resx 12549 2012-12-06
AssemblyLib.cs 2997 2012-09-25
BytesCheck.cs 9246 2012-11-28
ComTool.csproj 5663 2012-12-06
ComTool.csproj.user 227 2012-12-06
ComTool.sln 855 2012-09-28
console.ico 4286 2012-09-13
Form1.cs 10236 2013-02-25
Form1.Designer.cs 33288 2013-02-25
Form1.resx 13150 2013-02-25
HexTextBox.cs 1453 2012-09-14
HexTextBox.Designer.cs 1039 2012-09-14
HexTextBox.resx 5817 2012-09-14
NumberTextBox.cs 4714 2012-09-25
NumberTextBox.Designer.cs 1042 2012-09-13
Program.cs 872 2012-09-14
WindowsMsg.cs 1541 2012-09-14
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