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  • Update : 2019-05-11
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  • Author :Gjes****
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Serial manipulator occupied the advantage of simple structure, convient control strategy, and low cost of repairing and maintenance, and it turns to be one of the most wildly used structure in industry application. This paper studied the 7-DOF Serial Manipulator (7DSM) developed by our own effort. From the view of multibody dynamic, and the systematic research about this structure was carried on. All the result provided nessensery evidence for the property analysis of this serial manipulator, and gives an important instruction for the further reaserch of this kind of robot. The main content of this paper is shown as below.
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关节三维模型\6802内外圈.SLDPRT 187080 2017-07-25
关节三维模型\6804内外圈.SLDPRT 185923 2017-07-24
关节三维模型\6805内外圈.SLDPRT 186313 2017-07-24
关节三维模型\6811内外圈 - 2.SLDPRT 161810 2018-01-05
关节三维模型\6811内外圈.SLDPRT 169283 2017-07-25
关节三维模型\主电机轴套.SLDPRT 68239 2018-01-06
关节三维模型\保持架.SLDPRT 744727 2017-05-05
关节三维模型\关节对外接口.SLDPRT 205078 2017-12-20
关节三维模型\关节电机.SLDASM 669315 2018-03-08
关节三维模型\关节电机草图.SLDPRT 3958463 2017-07-23
关节三维模型\内外圈.SLDPRT 279788 2017-05-05
关节三维模型\凸轮.SLDPRT 151798 2017-07-17
关节三维模型\刚轮 - 14.SLDPRT 107360 2017-12-15
关节三维模型\刚轮.SLDPRT 149583 2017-05-09
关节三维模型\动块.SLDPRT 114477 2017-12-15
关节三维模型\双关节1装配图-A1.dwg 419600 2017-07-19
关节三维模型\双关节1装配图-A1.err 3262 2018-03-10
关节三维模型\双关节1装配图-A12007.dwg 396416 2017-07-19
关节三维模型\双关节1装配图-A12007.err 1594 2018-03-10
关节三维模型\变刚度关节.SLDASM 1705681 2018-03-08
关节三维模型\变刚度关节1-20.SLDASM 1698609 2018-01-21
关节三维模型\变刚度机构外壳.SLDPRT 222064 2017-12-15
关节三维模型\圆柱直齿轮0.8_19.SLDPRT 175247 2017-05-11
关节三维模型\圆柱齿轮.SLDPRT 230488 2017-05-08
关节三维模型\圆柱齿轮2.SLDPRT 230164 2017-05-08
关节三维模型\圆锥齿轮.SLDPRT 239383 2017-05-08
关节三维模型\定子.SLDPRT 100212 2017-05-10
关节三维模型\左轴承压肩.SLDPRT 107273 2017-12-15
关节三维模型\弹簧.SLDPRT 628399 2017-09-11
关节三维模型\弹簧滚子.SLDASM 528922 2017-09-11
关节三维模型\弹簧滚子装配体.SLDASM 360655 2017-09-12
关节三维模型\弹簧装配体.SLDASM 500236 2017-09-11
关节三维模型\挡板.SLDPRT 62404 2017-09-11
关节三维模型\斜齿圆柱齿轮.SLDPRT 1165209 2017-05-08
关节三维模型\旋变转接轴.SLDPRT 73678 2017-07-19
关节三维模型\枢轴.SLDPRT 84957 2017-07-17
关节三维模型\柔轮 - 14.SLDPRT 175626 2017-12-15
关节三维模型\柔轮.SLDPRT 174582 2017-12-15
关节三维模型\法兰盘.SLDPRT 146794 2017-12-16
关节三维模型\波发生器 14.SLDASM 245233 2017-05-09
关节三维模型\波发生器-14.SLDASM 168784 2017-12-15
关节三维模型\波发生器.SLDASM 245233 2017-05-09
关节三维模型\波发生器内外圈 - 14.SLDPRT 180965 2017-12-15
关节三维模型\波发生器内外圈.SLDPRT 261986 2017-05-09
关节三维模型\波发生器滚珠 - 14.SLDPRT 161417 2017-12-15
关节三维模型\波发生器滚珠.SLDPRT 160189 2017-05-09
关节三维模型\深沟球轴承6802.SLDASM 238383 2017-07-26
关节三维模型\深沟球轴承6804.SLDASM 237141 2017-07-26
关节三维模型\深沟球轴承6805.SLDASM 224489 2017-07-26
关节三维模型\深沟球轴承6811-2.SLDASM 195252 2018-01-05
关节三维模型\深沟球轴承6811.SLDASM 206240 2017-12-15
关节三维模型\滚动体.SLDASM 175359 2017-05-05
关节三维模型\滚动体1.SLDASM 763411 2017-05-05
关节三维模型\滚动体6802.SLDASM 162333 2017-07-26
关节三维模型\滚动体6804.SLDASM 146205 2017-07-26
关节三维模型\滚动体6805.SLDASM 142106 2017-07-26
关节三维模型\滚动体6811-2.SLDASM 102863 2018-01-05
关节三维模型\滚动体6811.SLDASM 130988 2017-12-15
关节三维模型\滚子.SLDPRT 72850 2017-09-11
关节三维模型\滚珠6802.SLDPRT 164357 2017-07-26
关节三维模型\滚珠6804.SLDPRT 164119 2017-07-26
关节三维模型\滚珠6805.SLDPRT 163763 2017-07-26
关节三维模型\滚珠6811 - 2.SLDPRT 163831 2018-01-05
关节三维模型\滚珠6811.SLDPRT 163741 2017-12-15
关节三维模型\电机外壳右.SLDPRT 167151 2017-12-16
关节三维模型\电机外壳左.SLDPRT 162083 2017-12-15
关节三维模型\电机盖.SLDPRT 147729 2017-07-26
关节三维模型\电机轴.SLDPRT 68688 2017-07-19
关节三维模型\直齿齿条0.8.SLDPRT 270208 2017-05-11
关节三维模型\编码器.SLDPRT 76549 2017-07-26
关节三维模型\装配体轴承.SLDASM 929008 2017-05-05
关节三维模型\谐波减速器-14.SLDASM 267522 2017-12-15
关节三维模型\谐波减速器.SLDASM 336397 2017-12-15
关节三维模型\转子.SLDPRT 101067 2017-05-10
关节三维模型\轴套.SLDPRT 68146 2017-07-26
关节三维模型\静块.SLDPRT 122068 2017-12-16
关节三维模型\齿条.SLDPRT 235892 2017-05-07
关节三维模型\齿轮齿条.SLDASM 113331 2017-05-11
关节三维模型 0 2018-03-21
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