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  • Update : 2019-05-11
  • Size : 161kb
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  • Author :rpm20*****
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Packet file list
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Armadillo\Arma-General.txt 1655 2005-02-08
Armadillo\arma37.txt 7194 2004-07-15
Armadillo\arma4.30a.txt 359 2006-12-18
Armadillo\Armadillo - IAT Eliminator script.txt 1468 2006-07-08
Armadillo\Armadillo 1.xx - 2.xx.txt 6481 2006-06-29
Armadillo\Armadillo 3%2e78 - 4%2exx %2B UPX OEP Finder.txt 1165 2007-04-04
Armadillo\Armadillo 3.6x - 4.xx OEP Finder %2B Fix Magic Jumps [hnhuqiong].txt 2283 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo 3.6x - 4.xx OEP Finder %2B Fix Magic Jumps.txt 2139 2006-12-18
Armadillo\Armadillo 3.7 OEP-FINDER [SHaG].txt 7684 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo 3.7 [SHaG].txt 6745 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo 3.70 Unpack.txt 7194 2005-09-26
Armadillo\Armadillo 3.78 - 4.xx %2B UPX OEP Finder.txt 1165 2007-05-19
Armadillo\Armadillo 3.78 Standard Code Splicing.txt 2239 2006-07-24
Armadillo\Armadillo 3.X DLL UNPACKING SCRIPT 0.1 [loveboom].txt 3159 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo 3.X UNPACKING SCRIPT 0.1 [loveboom].txt 1635 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo 3.xx - 4.00 Nanomites VA Finder v1.0 [Tk-Bf].txt 4010 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo 3.xx - 4.00 Nanomites VA Finder v1.0.txt 3875 2006-12-18
Armadillo\Armadillo 3.xx - 4.xx OEP Finer %2B Fix IAT (Debug Blocker %2B Code Splicing %2B Import Elimination).txt 7252 2007-06-19
Armadillo\Armadillo 3.xx - 5.xx Detach from Client.txt 4320 2008-04-04
Armadillo\Armadillo 3.xx - 5.xx Fingerprint Patcher v0.1.txt 11690 2008-04-04
Armadillo\Armadillo 3.xx - 5.xx Standard Protection %2B Debug Blocker OEP Finder %2B IAT Repair v0.2.txt 12050 2008-04-04
Armadillo\Armadillo 3.xx - 5.xx Standard Protection %2B Debug Blocker OEP Finder %2B IAT Repair.txt 11771 2008-04-04
Armadillo\Armadillo 3.xx - 6.xx HardwareID Patcher v1.0.txt 14671 2009-01-21
Armadillo\Armadillo 3.xx DLL Unpack v0.1.txt 3159 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo 3.xx Unpack (Standard Protection) v0.1.txt 1553 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo 4.0 - 4.4 DLL Unpack.txt 5796 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo 4.0 - 4.4 OEP Finder %2B Debug Blocker (Standard Protection).txt 5254 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo 4.0 - 4.4 Standard Unpack %2B Debug Blocker.txt 5254 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo 4.0 - 4.40 OEP Finder %2B Debug Blocker (Standard Protection).txt 5533 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo 4.0 - 4.44 OEP Finder %2B Debug Blocker (Standard Protection).txt 5750 2006-06-03
Armadillo\Armadillo 4.0 - 5.xx OEP Finder %2B Debug Blocker (Standard Protection).txt 9706 2007-11-04
Armadillo\Armadillo 4.20 Public Builds OEP Finder (only for CopyMem2 %2B Debug Blocker).txt 856 2005-09-26
Armadillo\Armadillo 4.30a - standard script.txt 1820 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo 4.30a Simple Unpacking Script.txt 1820 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo 4.30a.txt 359 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo 4.4 OEP Finder %2B Fix Magic Jump.txt 1046 2007-06-19
Armadillo\Armadillo 4.42 CopyMem2 Child Process Decode.txt 3783 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo 4.42 CopyMem2 Decrypt Code Sections.txt 3216 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo 4.42 CopyMem2 Detach from Client %2B Fix Import Table Elimination.txt 5295 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo 4.42b1CopyMem-II decrypting script.txt 3204 2006-05-01
Armadillo\Armadillo 4.xx CopyMem2 (DebugActiveProcess).txt 1427 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo 4.xx CopyMem2 (Fix IAT).txt 3937 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo 4.xx CopyMem2 OEP Finder v0.1.txt 9490 2007-06-19
Armadillo\Armadillo 4.xx Nanomites (WaitForDebugEvent).txt 1088 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo 4.xx OEP Finder.txt 815 2005-09-26
Armadillo\Armadillo 4.xx OEP Finer %2B Fix IAT (Standard Protection %2B Debug Blocker %2B Spliced Code).txt 7190 2007-06-19
Armadillo\Armadillo 5.xx OEP Finder (Standard Protection %2B Debug Blocker).txt 8153 2007-11-04
Armadillo\Armadillo ArmVar.txt 346 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo CheckFlags v2.txt 6815 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo copy2-1.txt 921 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo Copymemii Script.txt 4744 2006-10-11
Armadillo\Armadillo Detach from Client %2B Unpack (Hipu 1000 Bytes Method).txt 3250 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo Detach from Client %2B Unpack (Ricardo 1000 Bytes Method) v0.1.txt 7272 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo Detach from Client %2B Unpack (Tenketsu 1000 Bytes Method) v0.1.txt 8127 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo Detach from Client.txt 1323 2005-09-26
Armadillo\Armadillo Detach.txt 868 2005-09-26
Armadillo\Armadillo Detective (Debug Blocker or CopyMem2).txt 975 2005-09-26
Armadillo\Armadillo Detective v1.00.txt 6625 2005-09-26
Armadillo\Armadillo Find Nag.txt 1635 2005-09-26
Armadillo\Armadillo IAT Destruction.txt 7207 2005-09-26
Armadillo\Armadillo IAT Elimination.txt 3301 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo IAT Eliminator.txt 3301 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo IAT Script v2.txt 508 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo Magic Jump Finder.txt 293 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo NanoTables v2.txt 4137 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo OEP Finder (CopyMem2).txt 921 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo OEP Finder %2B Fix Magic Jumps %2B Fix Anti-Dump.txt 3083 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo OpenMutexA.txt 606 2005-09-26
Armadillo\Armadillo Repair IAT Elimination.txt 1468 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo Standard (Pause).txt 1430 2005-09-26
Armadillo\Armadillo STANDARD SCRIPT.txt 1585 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo Standard Unpack (Specific).txt 1655 2005-09-26
Armadillo\Armadillo Standard Unpack %2B Strategic Code Splicing.txt 1994 2005-09-26
Armadillo\Armadillo Standard Unpack.txt 1637 2005-09-26
Armadillo\Armadillo STD. %2B CODE SPLICING.txt 1991 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo V4.0-V4.4.Standard.Protection OEP Finder.txt 5325 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo V4.x Debugblocker %2B Spliced Code %2B Iat Redirection.txt 7435 2006-08-05
Armadillo\Armadillo_3x_dll.txt 3159 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo_3x_unpack.txt 1635 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo_3_xx_4_xx_5_xx_Standard_Protection_Debug_Blocker.txt 12381 2008-03-15
Armadillo\Armadillo_4x_debug_blocker_copymem_oep_finder.txt 856 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo_4x_oep_finder.txt 815 2006-10-25
Armadillo\armadillo_4_standard_debug_blocker_simple_iat_redirection_code_splicing_n0p_6o_n0p.txt 8177 2007-01-19
Armadillo\Armadillo_6.xx_CRC_Finder_Script_-_Debug_Blocker_Protection.txt 1324 2008-10-21
Armadillo\Armadillo_6.xx_CRC_Patcher_-_DebugBlocker_Protection.txt 4582 2008-10-21
Armadillo\Armadillo_6.xx_CRC_Patcher_-_Standard_Protection.txt 4340 2008-10-21
Armadillo\Armadillo_anti_dump.txt 3083 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo_code_splicing_unpack.txt 1994 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo_copymem.txt 921 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo_detach by hipu.txt 1323 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo_detach.txt 1388 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo_detach_1000_bytes_method.txt 3250 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo_Detach_CopyMemII.txt 4526 2008-03-15
Armadillo\Armadillo_detective.txt 6636 2006-10-25
Armadillo\ARMADiLLO_Detective_ollyscript.txt 6625 2006-10-25
Armadillo\ARMADiLLO_Detective_v1.00_ollyscript.txt 6625 2006-10-25
Armadillo\ARMADiLLO_Detective_v1_ollyscript.txt 6625 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo_getmodule.txt 784 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo_magic_jump.txt 2285 2006-10-25
Armadillo\Armadillo_oep_finder.txt 7684 2006-10-25
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