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release wyd 7.62

  • Category : Other
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  • Update : 2019-05-11
  • Size : 16.15mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :gregbe*******
  • About : Nobody
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release WYD, programa para roda o jogo
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
release wyd 7.62\BISrv\run\BISrv.exe 180736 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\BISrv\run\BISRV.idb 2369697 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\BISrv\run\BISrv.ilk 444824 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\BISrv\run\BISrv.pdb 823296 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\BISrv\run\config.txt 18 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\BISrv\run\Log\BI_01_04_2017_18_45_56.txt 0 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\BISrv\run\Log\BI_01_04_2017_18_47_01.txt 0 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\BISrv\run\Log\BI_01_04_2017_18_48_46.txt 0 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\BISrv\run\Log\BI_15_01_2019_14_37_06.txt 0 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\BISrv\run\Log\BI_18_01_2019_12_09_29.txt 0 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\BISrv\run\Log\BI_18_01_2019_12_10_03.txt 0 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\BISrv\run\Log\BI_21_12_2018_15_03_29.txt 0 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\BISrv\run\Log\BI_21_12_2018_16_43_07.txt 0 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\BISrv\run\msvcp120.dll 455328 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\BISrv\run\msvcp120d.dll 815272 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\BISrv\run\msvcr120.dll 970912 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\BISrv\run\msvcr120d.dll 1824424 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\BISrv\run\serverlist-.bin 7040 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\BISrv\run\serverlist.bin 7040 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\BISrv\run\serverlist.txt 42 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\Common\Chall_00_00.txt 20 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\Common\ChampionCity_00_00.txt 146 2019-01-19
release wyd 7.62\Common\data00.csv 20274 2019-01-19
release wyd 7.62\Common\extraitem.bin 457240 2019-01-19
release wyd 7.62\Common\GuildInfo 524288 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\Common\Guilds.txt 326 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\Common\Guild_00_00.txt 59 2019-01-19
release wyd 7.62\Common\ImportUser_sample.txt 64 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\Common\ItemList.bin 910004 2019-01-19
release wyd 7.62\Common\ItemList.csv 357372 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\Common\Ranking.txt 148 2019-01-19
release wyd 7.62\Common\serverlist.bin 7042 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\Common\serverlist.txt 36 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\Common\Settings\CastleQuest.txt 308 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\Common\Settings\CompRate.txt 890 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\Common\Settings\MobMerc.txt 187 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\Common\Settings\QuestsRate.txt 275 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\Common\Settings\SancRate.txt 298 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\Configurar o IP.exe 12800 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\ItemCSum.h 32 2019-01-19
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\account\A\ADMIN 7896 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\account\G\gregory 7800 2019-01-19
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\account\GeradorDePastas.exe 10240 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\account\M\mocajuba 7800 2019-01-19
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\account\R\reidosaneis 7800 2019-01-19
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\account\T\TESTE 7896 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\account\T\teste7 7800 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\AccountCreator.exe 158720 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\admin.txt 16 2019-01-17
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\BaseMob\BM 816 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\BaseMob\BM_original 816 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\BaseMob\FM 816 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\BaseMob\HT 816 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\BaseMob\TK 816 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\capsule\2 1352 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\capsule\3 1352 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\char\B\BYCORONEL 16 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\char\D\DOPODER 16 2019-01-19
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\char\G\GM-DRACOM 16 2019-01-19
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\char\G\GM-KINGDOMS 16 2019-01-19
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\char\GeradorDePastas.exe 10240 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\char\I\IUYH 16 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\char\S\SKUNK 16 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\char\T\TESTE 16 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\char\T\TESTE3 16 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\char\T\TESTE4 16 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\char\T\TESTE7 16 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\char\T\TESTS01 16 2019-01-19
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\char\U\UAIIIII 16 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\config.txt 27 2019-01-19
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_01_01_2019_20_32_04.txt 0 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_02_01_2019_00_00_00.txt 137 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_02_01_2019_01_36_44.txt 67 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_02_01_2019_12_21_16.txt 67 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_03_01_2019_00_00_00.txt 138 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_03_01_2019_11_50_59.txt 67 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_03_01_2019_13_06_41.txt 67 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_03_01_2019_15_57_43.txt 0 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_03_01_2019_15_58_41.txt 0 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_03_01_2019_16_06_02.txt 0 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_04_01_2019_10_12_38.txt 72 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_04_01_2019_12_03_07.txt 0 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_04_01_2019_12_28_06.txt 0 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_04_01_2019_15_44_49.txt 0 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_04_01_2019_16_05_50.txt 0 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_04_01_2019_17_06_32.txt 0 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_05_01_2019_13_27_29.txt 140 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_05_01_2019_14_05_29.txt 68 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_05_01_2019_15_57_24.txt 68 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_05_01_2019_16_00_47.txt 68 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_05_01_2019_16_00_51.txt 68 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_06_01_2019_14_39_28.txt 70 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_07_01_2019_19_51_59.txt 69 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_07_01_2019_20_04_30.txt 69 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_07_01_2019_20_04_58.txt 69 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_07_01_2019_20_05_14.txt 69 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_07_12_2018_15_57_54.txt 0 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_08_01_2019_21_37_14.txt 66 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_09_01_2019_12_10_04.txt 0 2019-01-18
release wyd 7.62\DBSrv\run\DayLog\EXP_DB_09_01_2019_12_45_22.txt 0 2019-01-18
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