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  • Update : 2019-05-11
  • Size : 53.36mb
  • Downloaded :1次
  • Author :泥瓦匠***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
According to the hospital department income, manpower cost, Department expenditure, calculate the Department balance, and deduct related deductions according to quality control, calculate the Department balance, and allocate it to the Department twice. Maintain relevant financial subjects, set up relevant quality control deduction coefficient, calculate revenue and expenditure system of each subject, and dynamically calculate the department's end-of-month balance. It is convenient for the management of departments.
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示例图\中国数字医疗网论坛 -粤信HRP产品功能列表(人力资源).doc 58880 2015-08-27
示例图\中国数字医疗网论坛 -粤信HRP产品功能列表(奖金绩效).doc 105472 2015-08-27
示例图\中国数字医疗网论坛 -粤信HRP产品功能列表(成本核算).doc 106496 2015-08-27
示例图\中国数字医疗网论坛 -粤信HRP产品功能列表(物资管理).doc 88576 2015-08-27
示例图\基础信息\基础信息\ModelDefinition\Package1_1059.uml 1075 2015-08-20
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导入内容模板\SQL_模板.txt 861 2015-10-21
示例图\基础信息\基础信息\bin\Debug 0 2015-08-20
示例图\基础信息\基础信息\obj\Debug 0 2015-08-20
示例图\基础信息\基础信息\bin 0 2016-02-15
示例图\基础信息\基础信息\ModelDefinition 0 2016-02-15
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